Proxy Statement Pursuant to Section 14(a) of the

Securities Exchange Act of 1934

(Amendment No.     )



Filed by the Registrant  x                              Filed by a Party other than the Registrant  ¨


Check the appropriate box:


¨ Preliminary Proxy Statement
x Definitive Proxy Statement
¨ Definitive Additional Materials
¨ Soliciting Material Pursuant to Section 240.14a-11(c) or Section 240.14a-12



(Name of Registrant as Specified In Its Charter)

(Name of Person(s) Filing Proxy Statement, if other than the Registrant)

Payment of Filing Fee (Check the appropriate box):

xNo fee required.
¨Fee computed on table below per Exchange Act Rules 14a-6(i)(4) and 0-11.

Title of each class of securities to which transaction applies:


Aggregate number of securities to which transaction applies:


Per unit price or other underlying value of transaction computed pursuant to Exchange Act Rule 0-11 (Set forth the amount on which the filing fee is calculated and state how it was determined):


Proposed maximum aggregate value of transaction:


Total fee paid:

¨Fee paid previously with preliminary materials.
¨Check box if any part of the fee is offset as provided by Exchange Act Rule 0-11(a)(2) and identify the filing for which the offsetting fee was paid previously. Identify the previous filing by registration statement number, or the Form or Schedule and the date of its filing.

Amount Previously Paid:


Form, Schedule or Registration Statement No.:


Filing Party:


Date Filed:


Reg. Section 240.14a-101.

SEC 1913 (3-99)



March 11, 2014

Dear Olin Shareholder:

We cordially invite you to attend our 2014 annual meeting of shareholders on April 24, 2014.

This booklet includes the notice and proxy statement, which describes the business we will conduct at the meeting and provides information about Olin that you should consider when you vote your shares. We have not planned a communications segment or any presentations for the 2014 annual meeting.

Whether or not you plan to attend, it is important that your shares are represented and voted at the annual meeting. If you do not plan to attend the annual meeting, you may vote your shares on the Internet, by telephone or by completing and returning the proxy card in the enclosed envelope. If you plan to attend the annual meeting, you will need to bring the upper half of your proxy card to use as your admission ticket for the meeting.

At last year’s annual meeting more than 90% of our shares were represented in person or by proxy. We hope for the same high level of representation at this year’s meeting and we urge you to vote as soon as possible.



Joseph D. Rupp
Chairman, President and
Chief Executive Officer


We urge you to promptly vote the shares on the Internet, by

telephone or by completing, signing, dating and returning

your proxy card in the enclosed envelope.


(Name of Registrant as Specified In Its Charter)

(Name of Person(s) Filing Proxy Statement, if other than the Registrant)

Payment of Filing Fee (Check the appropriate box):

xNo fee required.
¨Fee computed on table below per Exchange Act Rules 14a-6(i)(4) and 0-11.

Title of each class of securities to which transaction applies:


Aggregate number of securities to which transaction applies:


Per unit price or other underlying value of transaction computed pursuant to Exchange Act Rule 0-11 (Set forth the amount on which the filing fee is calculated and state how it was determined):


Proposed maximum aggregate value of transaction:


Total fee paid:

¨Fee paid previously with preliminary materials.
¨Check box if any part of the fee is offset as provided by Exchange Act Rule 0-11(a)(2) and identify the filing for which the offsetting fee was paid previously. Identify the previous filing by registration statement number, or the Form or Schedule and the date of its filing.

Amount Previously Paid:


Form, Schedule or Registration Statement No.:


Filing Party:


Date Filed:


Reg. Section 240.14a-101.

SEC 1913 (3-99)



March 11, 2015

Dear Olin Shareholder:

We cordially invite you to attend our 2015 annual meeting of shareholders on April 23, 2015.

This booklet includes the notice and proxy statement, which describes the business we will conduct at the meeting and provides information about Olin that you should consider when you vote your shares. We have not planned a communications segment or any presentations for the 2015 annual meeting.

Whether or not you plan to attend, it is important that your shares are represented and voted at the annual meeting. If you do not plan to attend the annual meeting, you may vote your shares on the Internet, by telephone or by completing and returning the proxy card in the enclosed envelope. If you plan to attend the annual meeting, you will need to bring the upper half of your proxy card to use as your admission ticket for the meeting.

At last year’s annual meeting more than 90% of our shares were represented in person or by proxy. We hope for the same high level of representation at this year’s meeting and we urge you to vote as soon as possible.



Joseph D. Rupp
Chairman and Chief Executive Officer


We urge you to promptly vote the shares on the Internet, by

telephone or by completing, signing, dating and returning

your proxy card in the enclosed envelope.



Notice of Annual Meeting of Shareholders



8:30 a.m. (Central Daylight Time)


Thursday, April 24, 201423, 2015


Plaza in Clayton Office Tower


190 Carondelet Plaza


Ninth Floor, Room 9-H


Clayton, MO 63105


To consider and act upon the following:


(1)         Election of the three directors identified in the proxy statement to serve for three-year terms expiring in 2017.2018.


(2)         Approval of the 2014 Long TermAmended and Restated Olin Senior Management Incentive Compensation Plan, including approval of the performance measures under Section 162(m) of the Internal Revenue Code.


(3)         Conduct an advisory vote to approve the compensation for named executive officers.


(4)        Ratification of the appointment of the independent registered public accounting firm for 2014.2015.


(5)    Shareholder proposal, if presented at the meeting.

(6)         Such other business that is properly presented at the meeting.

Who May



You may vote if you were the record owner of Olin common stock at the close of business on February 25, 2014.27, 2015.


By Order of the Board of Directors:


George H. Pain


Clayton, Missouri

March 11, 20142015

















BUSINESS EXPERIENCE OF NOMINEES AND CONTINUING DIRECTORSBusiness Experience of Nominees and Continuing Directors




How many meetings did board members attend?Many Meetings Did Board Members Attend?


Which board members are independent?Board Members Are Independent?


Does Olin have corporate governance guidelines and a code of conduct?Have Corporate Governance Guidelines And A Code Of Conduct?


Do Olin’s board and committees conduct evaluations?Board And Committees Conduct Evaluations?


What are the committees of the board?Are The Committees Of The Board?


Compensation Committee Interlocks and Insider Participation


What isIs Olin’s director nomination process?Director Nomination Process?


What is your board leadership structure?Is Your Board Leadership Structure?


How does your board overseeDoes Your Board Oversee Olin’s risk management process?Risk Management Process?








Review, Approval or Ratification of Transactions with Related Persons


Related Person Transactions Since the Beginning of 20132014






Executive SummaryCompensation Best Practices


Pay for Performance


The Compensation Committee




What We Pay and Why: Elements of Compensation


Tax and Accounting Considerations


Stock Ownership Guidelines


Summary Compensation Table


Grants of Plan-Based Awards


Stock Options


Performance Shares


Outstanding Equity Awards at Fiscal Year-End


Option Exercises and Stock Vested


Pension Benefits


Freeze of Qualified Plan, Supplemental Plan and Senior Plan


Qualified Plan




Supplemental Plan


Senior Plan


Health Insurance and Death Benefits


Nonqualified Deferred Compensation


Potential Payments Upon Termination or Change in Control


Payments Upon Death or Disability


Executive Severance and Executive Change in Control Agreements


Treatment of Equity Awards Under Plans


Pension Plans


Director CompensationAgreements with Robert Steel and Kenneth Steel









SMICP Provisions




Federal Income Tax Information


Vote Required


Vote Required




Vote Required













To be Held April 24, 201423, 2015




Why did I receive this proxy statement?


You received this proxy statement because you owned shares of Olin common stock, par value $1 per share, which we sometimes refer to as common stock, at the close of business on February 25, 2014.27, 2015. Olin’s board of directors is asking you to vote at the 20142015 annual meeting FOR each of the director nominees identified in Item 1 and FOR Items 2, 3 and 4 and AGAINST Item 5 listed in the notice of the annual meeting of shareholders. This proxy statement describes the matters on which we would like you to vote and provides information so that you can make an informed decision.


When was this proxy material mailed to shareholders?


We began to mail the proxy statement and form of proxy to shareholders on or about March 11, 2014.2015.


What if I have questions?


If you have questions, please write them down and send them to the Secretary at Olin’s principal executive office at 190 Carondelet Plaza, Suite 1530, Clayton, MO 63105.


What will I be voting on?


You will be voting on:



the election of the three directors identified in the proxy statement,



the approval of the 2014 Long TermAmended and Restated Olin Senior Management Incentive Compensation Plan, including the approval of the performance measures pursuant tounder Section 162(m) of the Internal Revenue Code,



an advisory vote to approve the compensation for named executive officers,



the ratification of KPMG LLP (KPMG) as Olin’s independent registered public accounting firm for 2014,2015, and


 (5)5.the shareholder proposal, if presented at the annual meeting, and


any other business properly presented at the annual meeting.


The proposal to ratify the appointment of KPMG as Olin’s independent registered public accounting firm for 20142015 is considered a discretionary item for which a broker will have discretionary voting power if you do not give instructions with respect to this proposal. The proposals to elect directors, to approve the 2014 Long TermAmended and Restated Olin Senior Management Incentive Compensation Plan, including approval of the performance measures under Section 162(m) of the Internal Revenue Code and to conduct an advisory vote to approve the compensation for named executive officers and the shareholder proposal are non-routine matters for which a broker will not have discretionary voting power and for which specific instructions from beneficial owners are required. As a result, a broker will not be allowed to vote on these fourthree matters

on behalf of its beneficial owner customers if the customers do not return specific voting instructions. If you are a shareholder that holds shares through a broker, please provide specific voting instructions to your broker.

Could other matters be voted on at the annual meeting?


As of March 11, 2014,2015, the items listed in the preceding question are the only matters being considered. If any other matters are properly presented for action, the persons named in the accompanying form of proxy will vote the proxy in accordance with their good faith business judgment and opinion as to what is in the best interests of Olin.


How does the board recommend I vote on the proposals?


Our board recommends a vote FOR each of the director nominees identified in Item 1 and FOR Items 2, 3 and 44.

What do I need to do to attend the 2015 annual meeting in person?

Each attendee must bring a valid, government-issued photo ID, such as a driver’s license or passport, as well as other verification of Olin common stock ownership. For a shareholder of record or participant in the Olin Corporation Contributing Employee Ownership Plan (the CEOP), please bring your proxy card. If you are a beneficial owner of Olin common stock, but do not hold your shares in your own name (i.e., your shares are held in street name), please bring the notice or voting instruction form you received from your bank, broker or other nominee. You may also bring your bank or brokerage account statement reflecting your ownership of Olin common stock as of February 27, 2015, the record date.

Please note that cameras, sound or video recording equipment, cellular telephones, smartphones and AGAINST Item 5.other similar devices, as well as purses, briefcases, backpacks and packages, will not be allowed in the meeting room. No one will be admitted to the meeting once it begins.


How can I obtain directions to be able to attend the annual meeting and vote in person?


You may obtain directions to the Plaza in Clayton Office Tower in Clayton, MO by contacting the Plaza in Clayton Office Tower at 314-290-5039 or by accessing theirits website athttp://www.theplazainclaytonoffice.com/Directions.axis.




Who can vote?


All shareholders of record at the close of business on February 25, 201427, 2015 are entitled to vote at the annual meeting.


How many votes can be cast by all shareholders?


At the close of business on February 25, 2014,27, 2015, the record date for voting, we had outstanding 79,169,85877,410,969 shares of common stock. Each shareholder on the record date may cast one vote for each full share owned. The presence in person or by proxy of the holders of a majority of such outstanding shares constitutes a quorum. If a share is present for any purpose at the meeting, it is deemed to be present for the transaction of all business. Abstentions and shares held in street name that are voted on any matter will be included in determining the number of votes present. Shares held in street name that are not voted on any matter at the meeting will not be included in determining whether a quorum is present.


How do I vote?


You may vote either in person at the annual meeting or by proxy. To vote by proxy, you must select one of the following options:



Vote by telephone (telephoneon the Internet (Internet voting instructions are printed on the proxy card):


Call the toll-free voting telephone number: 1-866-883-3382.





Have the proxy card in hand.



Follow and comply with the recorded instructions byprovided on the applicablesite.


Submit the electronic proxy before the required deadline (11:59 p.m. Central Daylight Time on April 23, 201422, 2015 for shareholders and 11:59 p.m. Central Daylight Time on April 22, 201420, 2015 for participants in the Olin Corporation Contributing Employee Ownership Plan (CEOP))CEOP participants).




If you are not the shareholder of record but hold shares through a custodian, broker or other agent, such agent may have special voting instructions that you should follow.

·Vote on the Internet (Internet voting instructions are printed on the proxy card):



Accesshttp://www.proxypush.com/olnVote by telephone (telephone voting instructions are printed on the proxy card):


Call the toll-free voting telephone number: 1-866-883-3382.


Have the proxy card in hand.


Follow and comply with the recorded instructions by the applicable deadline (11:59 p.m. Central Daylight Time on April 22, 2015 for shareholders and 11:59 p.m. Central Daylight Time on April 20, 2015 for CEOP participants).



Have the proxy card in hand.


Follow the instructions provided on the site.


Submit the electronic proxy before the required deadline (11:59 p.m. Central Daylight Time on April 23, 2014 for shareholders and 11:59 p.m. Central Daylight Time on April 22, 2014 for CEOP participants).


If you are not the shareholder of record but hold shares through a custodian, broker or other agent, such agent may have special voting instructions that you should follow.

·Complete the enclosed proxy card:


Complete all of the required information on the proxy card.



Complete the enclosed proxy card:


Complete all of the required information on the proxy card.


Sign and date the proxy card.



Return the proxy card in the enclosed postage-paid envelope. We mustreceive the proxy card by 11:59 p.m. Central Daylight Time on April 23, 201422, 2015 for shareholders or by 11:59 p.m. Central Daylight Time on April 22, 201420, 2015 for CEOP participants for your proxy to be valid and for your vote to count.



If you are not the shareholder of record but hold shares through a custodian, broker or other agent, such agent may have special voting instructions that you should follow.


If you vote in a timely manner by the Internet or telephone, you donot have to return the proxy card for your vote to count. The Internet and telephone voting procedures appear in the upper right of the enclosed proxy card. You may also log on to change your vote or to confirm that your vote has been properly recorded.


If you want to vote in person at the annual meeting, and you own your common stock through a custodian, broker or other agent, you must obtain a proxy from that party in their capacity as owner of record for your shares and bring the proxy to the annual meeting.


Where can I access an electronic copy of the Proxy Statement and Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2013?2014?


Important Notice Regarding Availability of Proxy Materials for the Shareholder Meeting to Be Held on April 24, 201423, 2015


You may access an electronic, searchable copy of the Proxy Statement and the Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 20132014 athttp://olin.mobular.net/olin/oln.

How are votes counted?


If you specifically mark the proxy card (or vote by telephoneInternet or Internet)telephone) and indicate how you want your vote to be cast regarding any matter, your directions will be followed. If you sign and submit the proxy card but do not specifically mark it with your instructions as to how you want to vote, the proxy will be voted FOR the election of the directors named in this proxy statement in Item 1 and FOR Items 2, 3 and 4 and AGAINST Item 5 in the proxy statement.


Wells Fargo Shareowner Services tabulates the shareholder votes and provides an independent inspector of election as part of its services as our registrar and transfer agent. If you submit a proxy


card marked “abstain” on any item, your shares will not (other than Item 22—Approval of the 2014 Long TermAmended and Restated Olin Senior Management Incentive Compensation Plan) be voted on the item so marked and your vote will not be included in determining the number of votes cast on that matter. Shares held in street name that are not voted in the election of directors or on Items 2, 3 or 4 and 5 will not be included in determining the number of votes cast on those matters.


Can I change my vote?


Yes. Whether you vote by Internet or telephone or submit a proxy card with your voting instructions, you may revoke or change your vote by:



casting a new vote on theby Internet or by telephone,



submitting another written proxy with a later date,



sending a written notice of the change in your voting instructions to the Secretary ifreceived by 11:59 p.m. Central Daylight Time on April 23, 201422, 2015 for shareholders or by 11:59 p.m. Central Daylight Time on April 22, 201420, 2015 for CEOP participants, or



revoking the grant of a previously submitted proxy and voting in person at the annual meeting. Please note that your attendance at the annual meeting itself will not revoke a proxy.


When are the votes due?


Proxies submitted by shareholders by Internet or by telephone will be counted in the vote only if they arereceived by 11:59 p.m. Central Daylight Time on April 23, 2014.22, 2015. Shares represented by proxies on the enclosed proxy card will be counted in the vote only if wereceive your proxy card by 11:59 p.m. Central Daylight Time on April 23, 2014.22, 2015. Proxies submitted by CEOP participants will be counted in the vote only if they arereceived by 11:59 p.m. Central Daylight Time on April 22, 2014.20, 2015.


How do I vote my shares held in the Olin Contributing Employee Ownership Plan?


On February 25, 2014,27, 2015, the CEOP held 2,957,9092,709,379 shares of our common stock. INGVoya National Trust serves as the Trustee of the CEOP. If you are a participant in the CEOP, you may instruct the CEOP Trustee on how to vote shares of common stock credited to you on the items of business listed on the proxy card by voting on the Internet or telephone or by indicating your instructions on your proxy card and returning it to us. The Trustee will vote shares of common stock held in the CEOP for which they donot receive voting instructions in the same manner proportionately as they vote the shares of common stock for which theydo receive instructions.


How do I vote my shares held in the Automatic Dividend Reinvestment Plan?


Wells Fargo Shareowner Services is our registrar and transfer agent and administers the Automatic Dividend Reinvestment Plan. If you participate in our Automatic Dividend Reinvestment Plan, Wells Fargo Shareowner Services will vote any shares of common stock that it holds for you in accordance with your instructions indicated on the proxy card you return or the vote you make by Internet or telephone. If you do not submit a proxy card for your shares of record or vote by Internet or telephone, Wells Fargo Shareowner Services will not vote your dividend reinvestment shares.




Can I contact board members directly?


Our audit committee has established the following methods for shareholders or other interested parties to communicate directly with the board and/or its members.



Mail—Letters may be addressed to the board or to an individual board member as follows:

The Olin Board or (Name of the director)

c/o Office of the Secretary

Olin Corporation

190 Carondelet Plaza, Suite 1530

Clayton, MO 63105



E-mail—You may send an e-mail message to Olin’s board at the following address:directors@olin.com. In addition, you may send an e-mail message to an individual board member by addressing the e-mail using the first initial of the director’s first name combined with his last name in front of @olin.com.



Telephone—Olin has established a safe and confidential process for reporting, investigating and resolving employee and other third party concerns. Shareholders or other interested parties may also use thisHelp-Line to communicate with one or more directors on any Olin matter. The Help-Line is operated by an independent, third party service 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. In the United States and Canada, theHelp-Line can be reached by dialing toll-free 800-362-8348. Callers outside the United States or Canada should call the United States collect at 203-750-3100. You may also access the Help-Line on the Internet atwww.olinhelp.com.


Who pays for this proxy solicitation?


Olin will pay the entire expense of this proxy solicitation.


Who solicits the proxies and what is the cost of this proxy solicitation?


Our board is soliciting the proxies. We have hired The Proxy Advisory Group, LLC (Proxy Advisory Group), a proxy solicitation firm, to assist us with the distribution of proxy materials and vote solicitation. We will pay Proxy Advisory Group approximately $10,000$12,500 for its services and will reimburse Proxy Advisory Group for payments made to brokers and other nominees for their expenses in forwarding proxy solicitation materials.


How will the proxies be solicited?


Proxy Advisory Group will solicit proxies by personal interview, mail and telephone, and will request brokerage houses and other custodians, brokers and other agents to forward proxy solicitation materials to the beneficial owners of Olin common stock for whom they hold shares. Our directors, officers and employees may also solicit proxies by personal interview and telephone.


How can I submit a shareholder proposal at the 20152016 annual meeting?


If you want to present a proposal to be considered for inclusion in the proxy statement for the 20152016 annual meeting, you must deliver the proposal in writing (and include the information required by Olin’s Bylaws) to the Secretary at Olin Corporation, 190 Carondelet Plaza, Suite 1530, Clayton, MO 63105 no later than November 12, 2014.2015. You must then present your proposal in person at the 20152016 annual meeting.


If you want to present a proposal for consideration at the 20152016 annual meeting without including your proposal in the proxy statement, you must deliver a written notice (containing the information required by Olin’s Bylaws) to the Secretary at Olin Corporation, 190 Carondelet Plaza, Suite 1530, Clayton, MO 63105 no later than January 23, 2015.29, 2016. You must also present your proposal in person at the 20152016 annual meeting.


How can I directly nominate a director for election to the board at the 20152016 annual meeting?


According to Olin’s Bylaws, if you are a shareholder you may directly nominate an individual for election to the board if you deliver a written notice of the nomination to Olin’s Secretary no later than January 23, 2015.29, 2016. Your notice must include:



your name and address;



the name and address of the person you are nominating;



a statement that you are entitled to vote at the annual meeting (stating the number of shares you hold of record) and intend to appear at the annual meeting in person, or by proxy, to make the nomination;



a description of arrangements or understandings between you and others (and naming any such other persons), if any, pursuant to which you are making the nomination;



such other information about the nominee as would be required in a proxy statement filed under the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) proxy rules; and



the written consent of the nominee to actually serve as a director, if elected.


Although a shareholder may directly nominate an individual for election as a director, the board is not required to include such nominee in the proxy statement.


How can I recommend a director for the slate of candidates to be nominated by Olin’s board for election at the 20152016 annual meeting?


In addition to directly nominating an individual for election to the board as discussed above, you can suggest that our directors and corporate governance committee consider a person for inclusion in the slate of candidates to be proposed by the board for election at the 20152016 annual meeting. You can recommend a person by delivering written notice to Olin’s board no later than October 13, 2014.2015. The notice must include the information described under the heading “What isIs Olin’s director nomination process?Director Nomination Process?” on page 17, and must be sent to the address indicated under that heading. As noted above, the board is not required to include such nominee in the proxy statement.


How can I obtain shareholder information?


Shareholders may contact Wells Fargo Shareowner Services, our registrar and transfer agent, who also manages our Automatic Dividend Reinvestment Plan at:


Wells Fargo Shareowner Services

PO Box 64874

St. Paul, MN 55164-0854

Telephone: (800) 468-9716

Internet:www.shareowneronline.com, click on “contact us”


Shareholders can sign up for online account access through Wells Fargo Shareowner Services for fast, easy and secure access 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for future proxy materials, investment plan statements, tax documents and more. To sign up log on towww.shareowneronline.com where step-by-step instructions will prompt you through enrollment or you may call (800) 468-9716 for customer service.




Except as listed below, to our knowledge, no person beneficially owned more than five percent of our common stock as of February 25, 2014.27, 2015.


Name and Address of Beneficial Owner

  Amount and
Nature of

 Percent of

       Amount and    
Nature of

  of Class  


BlackRock, Inc.

   13,070,169(a)   16.4   9,105,792(a)   11.6

40 East 52ndStreet


New York, NY 10022


The London Company

   5,687,647(b)   7.15

1801 Bayberry Court, Suite 301


Richmond, VA 23226


Dimensional Fund Advisors LP

   4,004,760(b)   5.12

Building One, 6300 Bee Cave Road


Austin, TX 78746


The Vanguard Group, Inc.

   5,201,591(c)   6.65

100 Vanguard Boulevard


Malvern, PA 19355


State Street Corporation

   5,467,199(c)   6.9   5,321,374(d)   6.8

State Street Financial Center


One Lincoln Street


Boston, MA 02111


The Vanguard Group, Inc.

   5,330,405(d)   6.69

100 Vanguard Blvd.


Malvern, PA 19355


The London Company

   5,026,951(e)   6.43

1801 Bayberry Court, Suite 301


Richmond, VA 23226


Allianz Global Investors U.S. Holdings LLC

   4,806,913(e)   6.0   4,178,256(f)   5.3

680 Newport Center Drive, Suite 250


Newport Beach, CA 92660




Based on Amendment No. 46 to a Schedule 13G filing dated January 8, 2014,9, 2015, as of December 31, 2013,2014, BlackRock, Inc. had sole dispositive power for all such shares and sole voting power with respect to 12,851,8518,969,809 of such shares.


(b)Based on a Schedule 13G filing dated January 8, 2014, as of December 31, 2013, The London Company had sole voting and dispositive power for all such shares.

(c)Based on a Schedule 13G filing dated February 3, 2014,5, 2015, as of December 31, 2013, State Street Corporation2014, in its capacity as an investment adviser or manager, Dimensional Fund Advisors LP had sharedsole voting and dispositive power with respect to allover 3,900,010 such shares and State Street Bank and Trust Company (acting in various capacities) had shared voting andsole dispositive power with respect to 5,028,298 offor all such shares. All such shares are beneficially owned by State Street Corporation and its direct and indirect subsidiaries in their various fiduciary and other capacities, including approximately 3.8% of the shares of our outstanding stock held in the Olin Corporation Contributing Employee Ownership Plan (CEOP) as of December 31, 2013.



Based on Amendment No. 12 to a Schedule 13G filing dated February 6, 2014,9, 2015, as of December 31, 2013,2014, The Vanguard Group had sole voting power over 116,547111,132 shares, sole dispositive power over 5,220,2585,096,859 shares, and shared dispositive power over 110,147104,732 shares. The Vanguard Fiduciary Trust Company, a wholly-owned subsidiary of The Vanguard Group, was the beneficial owner of 110,147104,732 shares as a result of serving as investment manager of collective trust accounts, and Vanguard Investments Australia, Ltd., a wholly-owned subsidiary of The Vanguard Group, was the beneficial owner of 6,400 shares as a result of serving as an investment manager of Australian investment offerings.


Based on a Schedule 13G filing dated February 11, 2014,2015, as of December 31, 2013,2014, State Street Corporation had shared voting and dispositive power with respect to all such shares, and State Street Bank and Trust Company (acting in various capacities) had shared voting and dispositive power with respect to 4,837,935 of such shares. All such shares are beneficially owned by State Street Corporation and its direct and indirect subsidiaries in their various fiduciary and other capacities, including approximately four percent of the shares of our outstanding stock held in the CEOP as of December 31, 2014.


Based on Amendment No. 1 to a Schedule 13G filing dated February 13, 2015, as of December 31, 2014, The London Company had sole voting and dispositive power over 4,696,779 shares and shared dispositive power over 330,172 shares.


Based on Amendment No. 1 to a Schedule 13G filing dated February 12, 2015, as of December 31, 2014, all such shares were held by subsidiaries or affiliates of Allianz Global Investors U.S. Holdings LLC. Allianz Global Investors Europe GmbH had sole voting power over 136,996254,100 shares and sole dispositive power over 219,570329,911 shares. NFJ Investment Group LLC 2100 Ross Avenue, Suite 700, Dallas, TX 75201, had sole voting power over 4,431,7683,725,795 shares and sole dispositive power over 4,473,4703,769,397 shares. Allianz Global Investors U.S. LLC had sole voting and sole dispositive power over 113,87378,948 shares.





Who are the individuals nominated by the board to serve as directors?


The board of directors is divided into three classes. Each class has a term of office for three years, and the term of each class ends in a different year. The board has nominated Messrs. Benoist, RompalaBogus, Schulz and RuppSmith as Class IIIII directors with terms expiring in 2017.2018. The board expects that all of the nominees will be able to serve as directors. If any nominee is unable to accept election, a proxy voting in favor of such nominee will be voted for the election of a substitute nominee selected by the board, unless the board reduces the number of directors.


Virginia law and Olin’s Bylaws require that any director elected by the board of directors (rather than the shareholders) shall serve only until the earlier of the next election of directors by the shareholders and until his or her successor is elected or until his or her earlier death, resignation or removal.


The board of directors recommends a vote FOR the election of Messrs. Benoist, RompalaBogus, Schulz and RuppSmith as Class IIIII directors.


How many votes are required to elect a director?


A nominee will be elected as a director if a majority of the votes cast in the election is in favor of the nominee. Abstentions and shares held in street name that are not voted in the election of directors will not be included in determining the number of votes cast and will not affect the outcome of the vote in the election of directors. Signed proxies will be voted FOR each nominee unless otherwise specified.directors


Business Experience of Nominees and Continuing Directors


Set forth on the next page is a descriptionfollowing pages are descriptions of the business experience of each director nominee and each continuing director, including a discussion of the specific experience, qualifications, attributes and skills that led our board to conclude that those individuals should serve as our directors.




DONALD W. BOGUS, 68, retired in January 2009 from his position as Senior Vice President of The Lubrizol Corporation and President of Lubrizol Advanced Materials, Inc., a wholly-owned subsidiary of The Lubrizol Corporation (a global supplier of high performance specialty products for personal care, coatings, plastics, and various industrial products), a position he had held since June 2004. Mr. Bogus joined Lubrizol in April 2000 as Vice President and his duties included responsibility for the Fluid Technologies for Industry business section and he served as the head of mergers and acquisitions. Prior to joining Lubrizol, he was an Executive Officer at PPG Industries, Inc. (a manufacturer of coatings and glass products) where he served as Vice President of Specialty Chemicals and Vice President of Industrial Coatings. Mr. Bogus earned a bachelor’s degree in biology and chemistry from Baldwin Wallace University. He serves on the board of trustees for Baldwin Wallace University and on their Business Division’s advisory board. Olin director since July 2005; member of the Compensation Committee and the Directors and Corporate Governance Committee. Mr. Bogus’ executive management positions have provided him with expertise in the chemicals industry, as well as merger and acquisition experience.


PHILIP J. SCHULZ, 70, was Managing Partner of PricewaterhouseCoopers (a registered public accounting firm) Hartford, Connecticut office until his retirement in July 2003. Mr. Schulz also served as the Hartford office leader of PwC’s Consumer & Industrial Products & Services industry group. He joined Coopers & Lybrand in 1967 and was Managing Partner of the Hartford office at the time of the merger of Coopers & Lybrand and Price Waterhouse in 1998. He was a member of the Firm Council and was a trustee of the PwC Foundation. He also served as a regional technical consultant and SEC reviewer and was assigned to the firm’s national office for two years. Olin’s board of directors has determined that Mr. Schulz qualifies as an “audit committee financial expert” for Olin under applicable SEC rules. Mr. Schulz earned a bachelor’s degree in accounting from Niagara University and also completed the Tuck Executive Program at Dartmouth College. He is on the board of directors of Interim HealthCare of Hartford, Inc. Mr. Schulz is also trustee emeritus of the University of St. Joseph; a director of St. Francis Hospital; a director of the Lake Sunapee Protective Association and is on the board of trustees of The McLean Fund. Olin director since July 2003; Chair of the Audit Committee and a member of the Directors and Corporate Governance Committee and the Executive Committee. Mr. Schulz’s public accounting background provides him with invaluable financial and accounting expertise.


VINCENT J. SMITH, 65, served as President and Chief Executive Officer of Dow Chemical Canada, a subsidiary of The Dow Chemical Co. (a diversified chemical manufacturing company) from 2001 until his retirement in 2004. From 1972 to 2000, he held positions of increasing responsibility in engineering, manufacturing and management, including the position of Business Director for Dow’s global chlor alkali assets. Mr. Smith earned a bachelor’s degree in chemical engineering from McMaster University. Olin director since August 2008; member of the Compensation Committee and the Directors and Corporate Governance Committee. Mr. Smith’s executive service has provided him with valuable international and manufacturing experience, together with extensive knowledge of the Chlor Alkali industry.

The terms of the following directors will continue after the 2015 annual meeting, as indicated below.




C. ROBERT BUNCH, 60, served as Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer of Global Tubing, LLC (a privately held company formed in April 2007 to manufacture and sell coiled tubing and related products and services to the energy industry which was acquired by Forum Energy Technologies, Inc. (NYSE: FET) and Quantum Energy Partners in July 2013) from May 2007 until June 2013. Mr. Bunch served as Chairman of Maverick Tube Corporation (a producer of welded tubular steel products used in energy and industrial applications which was acquired by Tenaris, S.A. in October 2006) from January 2005 until October 2006 and as President and Chief Executive Officer from October 2004 until October 2006. Prior to joining Maverick, he was an independent oil service consultant from 2003 until 2004, and from 2002 to 2003 he served as President and Chief Operating Officer at Input/Output, Inc. (an independent provider of seismic imaging technologies and digital, full-wave imaging solutions for the oil and gas industry). From 1999 to 2002, he served as Vice President and Chief Administrative Officer of Input/Output, Inc. Mr. Bunch earned a bachelor’s degree in economics and a master’s degree in accounting from Rice University and a juris doctorate degree from the University of Houston. From May 2004 until August 2008, Mr. Bunch served on the board of directors (and as Chairman from January 2007 to August 2008) of Pioneer Drilling Company (a provider of land contract drilling services to independent and major oil and gas exploration and production companies). Olin director since December 2005; member of the Compensation Committee and the Directors and Corporate Governance Committee. Mr. Bunch’s broad management responsibilities provide relevant experience in a number of strategic and operational areas.


RANDALL W. LARRIMORE, 67, served as the Chairman of Olin from April 2003 through June 2005. From 1997 until his retirement in December 2002, he served as President and Chief Executive Officer of United Stationers Inc. (a $4 billion wholesaler/distributor of office products). From 1988 until 1997, he was President and Chief Executive Officer of MasterBrand Industries, Inc., now called Fortune Brands Home & Security LLC (FBHS) (a consumer products company). He holds a bachelor’s degree from Swarthmore College with a major in economics and a minor in chemistry and a master’s in business administration degree from Harvard Business School. He is co-chair of the governance committee and a member of the board of directors and compensation committee of Campbell Soup Company (a manufacturer and marketer of soup and other food products) and a member of the board of directors of Nixon Uniform Service and Medical Wear (a privately held company that provides, launders, and delivers medical apparel, linens, and other reusable products, primarily to healthcare providers). Olin director since January 1998; Chair of the Directors and Corporate Governance Committee and a member of the Audit Committee, Compensation Committee and the Executive Committee. Mr. Larrimore brings expertise in marketing, sales, strategic planning, mergers and acquisitions and general management.


JOHN M. B. O’CONNOR, 60, is Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of J.H. Whitney Investment Management, LLC (a company which specializes in financing sustainable and resilient energy technologies and projects), a position he has held since 2011. From January 2009 through March 2011, he served as Chief Executive Officer of Tactronics Holdings, LLC (a Whitney Capital Partners portfolio holding company that provided tactical integrated electronic systems to U.S. and foreign military customers as well as the composite armor solutions for military vehicles through its Armostruxx division). Previously, Mr. O’Connor was Chairman of JP Morgan Alternative Asset Management, Inc. (part of the investment manager arm of JP Morgan) and an Executive Partner of JP Morgan Partners (a private equity firm). He was also a member of the Risk Management Committee of JP Morgan Chase, which was responsible for policy formulation and oversight of all market and credit risk taking activities globally. Mr. O’Connor earned a bachelor’s degree in economics from Tulane University and a master’s in business administration degree from Columbia University Graduate School of Business. Mr. O’Connor is a member of the board of directors at Integrico, Inc. (a privately held specialized composite products manufacturer). He also serves on the advisory board of Cornell University College of Veterinary Medicine, Game Conservancy USA and Grayson-Jockey Club Research Foundation. He is also on the advisory committees of Global Guardian and New York Green Bank. He is also chairman of the American Friends of the Clock Tower Fund and treasurer of the UK Game Conservancy and Wildlife Trust. Mr. O’Connor serves as a special consultant in a pro-bono capacity for the U.S. Department of Defense and is an appointed special consultant to the Department of Defense Business Board. Mr. O’Connor has been appointed to be the Civic Aide to the Secretary of the Army (CASA) for New York (South). He is a member of the Air Force Chief of Staff Civic Leaders Board. Olin director since January 2006; member of the Audit Committee and the Directors and Corporate Governance Committee. Mr. O’Connor’s hedge fund and investment banking experience allow him to contribute broad financial and global expertise.





DONALD W. BOGUS, 68, retired in January 2009 from his position as Senior Vice President of The Lubrizol Corporation and President of Lubrizol Advanced Materials, Inc., a wholly-owned subsidiary of The Lubrizol Corporation (a global supplier of high performance specialty products for personal care, coatings, plastics, and various industrial products), a position he had held since June 2004. Mr. Bogus joined Lubrizol in April 2000 as Vice President and his duties included responsibility for the Fluid Technologies for Industry business section and he served as the head of mergers and acquisitions. Prior to joining Lubrizol, he was an Executive Officer at PPG Industries, Inc. (a manufacturer of coatings and glass products) where he served as Vice President of Specialty Chemicals and Vice President of Industrial Coatings. Mr. Bogus earned a bachelor’s degree in biology and chemistry from Baldwin Wallace University. He serves on the board of trustees for Baldwin Wallace University and on their Business Division’s advisory board. Olin director since July 2005; member of the Compensation Committee and the Directors and Corporate Governance Committee. Mr. Bogus’ executive management positions have provided him with expertise in the chemicals industry, as well as merger and acquisition experience.


PHILIP J. SCHULZ, 70, was Managing Partner of PricewaterhouseCoopers (a registered public accounting firm) Hartford, Connecticut office until his retirement in July 2003. Mr. Schulz also served as the Hartford office leader of PwC’s Consumer & Industrial Products & Services industry group. He joined Coopers & Lybrand in 1967 and was Managing Partner of the Hartford office at the time of the merger of Coopers & Lybrand and Price Waterhouse in 1998. He was a member of the Firm Council and was a trustee of the PwC Foundation. He also served as a regional technical consultant and SEC reviewer and was assigned to the firm’s national office for two years. Olin’s board of directors has determined that Mr. Schulz qualifies as an “audit committee financial expert” for Olin under applicable SEC rules. Mr. Schulz earned a bachelor’s degree in accounting from Niagara University and also completed the Tuck Executive Program at Dartmouth College. He is on the board of directors of Interim HealthCare of Hartford, Inc. Mr. Schulz is also trustee emeritus of the University of St. Joseph; a director of St. Francis Hospital; a director of the Lake Sunapee Protective Association and is on the board of trustees of The McLean Fund. Olin director since July 2003; Chair of the Audit Committee and a member of the Directors and Corporate Governance Committee and the Executive Committee. Mr. Schulz’s public accounting background provides him with invaluable financial and accounting expertise.


VINCENT J. SMITH, 65, served as President and Chief Executive Officer of Dow Chemical Canada, a subsidiary of The Dow Chemical Co. (a diversified chemical manufacturing company) from 2001 until his retirement in 2004. From 1972 to 2000, he held positions of increasing responsibility in engineering, manufacturing and management, including the position of Business Director for Dow’s global chlor alkali assets. Mr. Smith earned a bachelor’s degree in chemical engineering from McMaster University. Olin director since August 2008; member of the Compensation Committee and the Directors and Corporate Governance Committee. Mr. Smith’s executive service has provided him with valuable international and manufacturing experience, together with extensive knowledge of the Chlor Alkali industry.

The terms of the following directors will continue after the 20142015 annual meeting, as indicated below.

LOGOGRAY G. BENOIST, 61, served as Senior Vice President, Finance, Chief Financial Officer and Chief Accounting Officer of Belden, Inc. (a designer, manufacturer and marketer of signal transmission solutions, including cable, connectivity and active components for mission-critical applications in markets ranging from industrial automation to data centers, broadcast studios, and aerospace) until January 1, 2012 and as an Officer on Special Assignment until his retirement on March 15, 2012. From August 2006 until January 1, 2012 he served as Senior Vice President, Finance and Chief Financial Officer of Belden and from November 2009 until January 2012 he also served as Chief Accounting Officer. Prior to that, Mr. Benoist was Senior Vice President, Director of Finance of the Networks Segment of Motorola Inc. (a business unit responsible for the global design, manufacturing, and distribution of wireless and wired telecom system solutions). During more than 25 years with Motorola, Mr. Benoist served in senior financial and general management roles across Motorola’s portfolio of businesses, including the Personal Communications Sector, Integrated and Electronic Systems Sector, Multimedia Group, Wireless Data Group, and Cellular Infrastructure Group. He has a bachelor’s degree in Finance & Accounting from Southern Illinois University and a master’s in business administration degree from the University of Chicago. Mr. Benoist serves on the board of directors of Exceptional Minds (a not-for-profit organization established to educate and prepare young adults on the autistic spectrum for employment in the graphic arts industry). He is also a principal of MindSpark, Inc. (a registered benefit corporation in California delivering software testing services through the employment of young adults with autism spectrum disorder). Olin director since February 2009; member of the Audit Committee and the Directors and Corporate Governance Committee. Mr. Benoist’s chief financial officer experience provides him with valuable financial and accounting expertise.
LOGORICHARD M. ROMPALA, 67, retired in July 2005 from his position as Chairman of The Valspar Corporation (a manufacturer and distributor of paints and coatings). Mr. Rompala served as Chairman of Valspar from 1998 until July 2005, Chief Executive Officer from 1995 through February 2005 and President from 1994 through 2001. Prior to 1994, Mr. Rompala served as Group Vice President-Coatings and Resins for two years and Group Vice President-Chemicals for five years at PPG Industries, Inc. (a manufacturer of coatings and glass products). Mr. Rompala holds a bachelor’s degree in chemistry and a bachelor’s degree in chemical engineering from Columbia University and a master’s in business administration degree from Harvard Business School. Mr. Rompala serves on the board of directors of Friends in Service Here of Sanibel (a not-for-profit human services organization). Olin director since January 1998; Lead Director, Chair of the Compensation Committee and member of the Audit Committee, Directors and Corporate Governance Committee and the Executive Committee. Mr. Rompala’s broad executive management experience provides him with in-depth knowledge of manufacturing and chemicals companies.


LOGOJOSEPH D. RUPP, 63, is Chairman, President and Chief Executive Officer of Olin. He has served as Chairman of Olin since July 2005 and held the positions of President and Chief Executive Officer since January 2002. Prior to that and since March 2001, he was Executive Vice President, Operations, and was responsible for all Olin business operations including the former Brass Division (which became part of the former Metals Group in 2002), Winchester and Chlor Alkali Products. He joined Olin’s Brass Division in 1972 and held a number of positions of increasing responsibility in the Brass Division manufacturing and engineering organization. In 1985, he was appointed Vice President, Manufacturing and Engineering. He was appointed President of Olin Brass and a Corporate Vice President in 1996. He holds a bachelor’s degree in metallurgical engineering from the University of Missouri, Rolla. Mr. Rupp serves on the board of directors of Quanex Building Products Corporation (a manufacturer of value-added engineered materials and components serving building products markets). Olin director since January 2002; Chair of the Executive Committee. Mr. Rupp’s extensive history at Olin, together with his board service at other companies, provides him with in-depth knowledge of Olin’s business and the industry.







C. ROBERT BUNCH, 59,60, served as Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer of Global Tubing, LLC (a privately held company formed in April 2007 to manufacture and sell coiled tubing and related products and services to the energy industry which was acquired by Forum Energy Technologies, Inc. (NYSE: FET) and Quantum Energy Partners in July 2013) from May 2007 until June 2013. Mr. Bunch served as Chairman of Maverick Tube Corporation (a producer of welded tubular steel products used in energy and industrial applications which was acquired by Tenaris, S.A. in October 2006) from January 2005 until October 2006 and as President and Chief Executive Officer from October 2004 until October 2006. Prior to joining Maverick, he was an independent oil service consultant from 2003 until 2004, and from 2002 to 2003 he served as President and Chief Operating Officer at Input/Output, Inc. (an independent provider of seismic imaging technologies and digital, full-wave imaging solutions for the oil and gas industry). From 1999 to 2002, he served as Vice President and Chief Administrative Officer of Input/Output, Inc. Mr. Bunch earned a bachelor’s degree in economics and a master’s degree in accounting from Rice University and a juris doctorate degree from the University of Houston. From May 2004 until August 2008, Mr. Bunch served on the board of directors (and as Chairman from January 2007 to August 2008) of Pioneer Drilling Company (a provider of land contract drilling services to independent and major oil and gas exploration and production companies). Olin director since December 2005; member of the Compensation Committee and the Directors and Corporate Governance Committee. Mr. Bunch’s broad management responsibilities provide relevant experience in a number of strategic and operational areas.




RANDALL W. LARRIMORE, 66,67, served as the Chairman of Olin from April 2003 through June 2005. From 1997 until his retirement in December 2002, he served as President and Chief Executive Officer of United Stationers Inc. (a $4 billion wholesaler/distributor of office products). From 1988 until 1997, he was President and Chief Executive Officer of MasterBrand Industries, Inc., now called Fortune Brands Home & Security LLC (FBHS) (a consumer products company). He holds a bachelor’s degree from Swarthmore College with a major in economics and a minor in chemistry and a master’s in business administration degree from Harvard Business School. He is co-chair of the governance committee and a member of the board of directors and compensation committee of Campbell Soup Company (a manufacturer and marketer of soup and other food products) and a member of the board of directors of Nixon Uniform Service and Medical Wear (a privately held company that provides, launders, and delivers medical apparel, linens, and other reusable products, primarily to healthcare providers). Olin director since January 1998; Chair of the Directors and Corporate Governance Committee and a member of the Audit Committee, Compensation Committee and the Executive Committee. Mr. Larrimore brings expertise in marketing, sales, strategic planning, mergers and acquisitions and general management.



JOHN M. B. O’CONNOR, 59,60, is Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of J.H. Whitney Investment Management, LLC (a firmcompany which specializes in Asian Markets investment strategies)financing sustainable and resilient energy technologies and projects), a position he has held since January 2005.2011. From January 2009 through March 2011, he served as Chief Executive Officer of Tactronics Holdings, LLC (a Whitney Capital Partners portfolio holding of a privately held company that provided tactical integrated electronic systems to the U.S. and foreign military customers as well as the composite armor solutions for military vehicles through its Armostruxx division). Previously, Mr. O’Connor was Chairman of JP Morgan Alternative Asset Management, Inc. (part of the investment manager arm of JP Morgan) and an Executive Partner of JP Morgan Partners (a private equity firm). He was also a member of the Risk Management Committee of JP Morgan Chase, which iswas responsible for policy formulation and oversight of all market and credit risk taking activities globally. Mr. O’Connor earned a bachelor’s degree in economics from Tulane University and a master’s in business administration degree from Columbia University Graduate School of Business. HeMr. O’Connor is a member of the board of directors and audit committee of Las Vegas Railway Express, Inc. (a publicly held emerging state company that provides first class rail service on Amtrak and regional rail lines) andat Integrico, Inc. (a privately held specialized composite products manufacturer). He also serves on the advisory boardsboard of Cornell University College of Veterinary Medicine, Game Conservancy USA and Grayson-Jockey Club Research Foundation. He is also on the advisory committees of Global Guardian and New York Green Bank. He is also chairman of the American Friends of the Clock Tower Fund (a not-for-profit organization that supports active duty UK 22-SAS regiment members and their families) and treasurer of the UK Game Conservancy and Wildlife Trust. Mr. O’Connor serves as a special consultant in a pro-bono capacity for the U.S. Department of Defense and is an appointed special consultant to the Department of Defense Business Board. Mr. O’Connor has been appointed to be the Civic Aide to the Secretary of the Army (CASA) for New York (South). He is a member of the Air Force Chief of Staff CivilianCivic Leaders Board. He was also a member of the Senior Advisors Panel of both the United States European Command and the United States Southern Command. Olin director since January 2006; member of the Audit Committee and the Directors and Corporate Governance Committee. Mr. O’Connor’s hedge fund and investment banking experience allow him to contribute broad financial and global expertise.







DONALD W. BOGUS, 67,68, retired in January 2009 from his position as Senior Vice President of The Lubrizol Corporation and President of Lubrizol Advanced Materials, Inc., a wholly-owned subsidiary of The Lubrizol Corporation (a global supplier of high performance specialty products for personal care, coatings, plastics, and various industrial products), a position he had held since June 2004. Mr. Bogus joined Lubrizol in April 2000 as Vice President and his duties included responsibility for the Fluid Technologies for Industry business section and he served as the head of mergers and acquisitions. Prior to joining Lubrizol, he was an Executive Officer at PPG Industries, Inc. (a manufacturer of coatings and glass products) where he served as Vice President of Specialty Chemicals and Vice President of Industrial Coatings. Mr. Bogus earned a bachelor’s degree in biology and chemistry from Baldwin Wallace University. He serves on the board of trustees for Baldwin Wallace University and on their Business Division’s advisory board. Olin director since July 2005; member of the Compensation Committee and the Directors and Corporate Governance Committee. Mr. Bogus’ executive management positions have provided him with expertise in the chemicals industry, as well as merger and acquisition experience.



PHILIP J. SCHULZ, 69,70, was Managing Partner of PricewaterhouseCoopers (a registered public accounting firm) Hartford, Connecticut office until his retirement in July 2003. Mr. Schulz also served as the Hartford office leader of PwC’s Consumer & Industrial Products & Services industry group. He joined Coopers & Lybrand in 1967 and was Managing Partner of the Hartford office at the time of the merger of Coopers & Lybrand and Price Waterhouse in 1998. He was a member of the Firm Council and was a trustee of the PwC Foundation. He also served as a regional technical consultant and SEC reviewer and was assigned to the firm’s national office for two years. Olin’s board of directors has determined that Mr. Schulz qualifies as an “audit committee financial expert” for Olin under applicable SEC rules. Mr. Schulz earned a bachelor’s degree in accounting from Niagara University and also completed the Tuck Executive Program at Dartmouth College. He is on the board of directors of Interim HealthCare of Hartford, Inc. and the advisory board of The Connecticut Bank & Trust Company (a state banking institution owned by Berkshire Hills Bancorp). Mr. Schulz is also trustee emeritus of the University of St. Joseph College;Joseph; a director of St. Francis Hospital; a director of the Lake Sunapee Protective Association and is on the board of trustees of The McLean Fund. Olin director since July 2003; Chair of the Audit Committee and a member of the Directors and Corporate Governance Committee and the Executive Committee. Mr. Schulz’s public accounting background provides him with invaluable financial and accounting expertise.




VINCENT J. SMITH, 64,65, served as President and Chief Executive Officer of Dow Chemical Canada, a subsidiary of The Dow Chemical Co. (a diversified chemical manufacturing company) from 2001 until his retirement in 2004. From 1972 to 2000, he held positions of increasing responsibility in engineering, manufacturing and management, including the position of Business Director for Dow’s global chlor alkali assets. Mr. Smith earned a bachelor’s degree in chemical engineering from McMaster University. Olin director since August 2008; member of the Compensation Committee and the Directors and Corporate Governance Committee. Mr. Smith’s executive service has provided him with valuable international and manufacturing experience, together with extensive knowledge of the Chlor Alkali industry.

The terms of the following directors will continue after the 2015 annual meeting, as indicated below.





C. ROBERT BUNCH, 60, served as Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer of Global Tubing, LLC (a privately held company formed in April 2007 to manufacture and sell coiled tubing and related products and services to the energy industry which was acquired by Forum Energy Technologies, Inc. (NYSE: FET) and Quantum Energy Partners in July 2013) from May 2007 until June 2013. Mr. Bunch served as Chairman of Maverick Tube Corporation (a producer of welded tubular steel products used in energy and industrial applications which was acquired by Tenaris, S.A. in October 2006) from January 2005 until October 2006 and as President and Chief Executive Officer from October 2004 until October 2006. Prior to joining Maverick, he was an independent oil service consultant from 2003 until 2004, and from 2002 to 2003 he served as President and Chief Operating Officer at Input/Output, Inc. (an independent provider of seismic imaging technologies and digital, full-wave imaging solutions for the oil and gas industry). From 1999 to 2002, he served as Vice President and Chief Administrative Officer of Input/Output, Inc. Mr. Bunch earned a bachelor’s degree in economics and a master’s degree in accounting from Rice University and a juris doctorate degree from the University of Houston. From May 2004 until August 2008, Mr. Bunch served on the board of directors (and as Chairman from January 2007 to August 2008) of Pioneer Drilling Company (a provider of land contract drilling services to independent and major oil and gas exploration and production companies). Olin director since December 2005; member of the Compensation Committee and the Directors and Corporate Governance Committee. Mr. Bunch’s broad management responsibilities provide relevant experience in a number of strategic and operational areas.


RANDALL W. LARRIMORE, 67, served as the Chairman of Olin from April 2003 through June 2005. From 1997 until his retirement in December 2002, he served as President and Chief Executive Officer of United Stationers Inc. (a $4 billion wholesaler/distributor of office products). From 1988 until 1997, he was President and Chief Executive Officer of MasterBrand Industries, Inc., now called Fortune Brands Home & Security LLC (FBHS) (a consumer products company). He holds a bachelor’s degree from Swarthmore College with a major in economics and a minor in chemistry and a master’s in business administration degree from Harvard Business School. He is co-chair of the governance committee and a member of the board of directors and compensation committee of Campbell Soup Company (a manufacturer and marketer of soup and other food products) and a member of the board of directors of Nixon Uniform Service and Medical Wear (a privately held company that provides, launders, and delivers medical apparel, linens, and other reusable products, primarily to healthcare providers). Olin director since January 1998; Chair of the Directors and Corporate Governance Committee and a member of the Audit Committee, Compensation Committee and the Executive Committee. Mr. Larrimore brings expertise in marketing, sales, strategic planning, mergers and acquisitions and general management.


JOHN M. B. O’CONNOR, 60, is Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of J.H. Whitney Investment Management, LLC (a company which specializes in financing sustainable and resilient energy technologies and projects), a position he has held since 2011. From January 2009 through March 2011, he served as Chief Executive Officer of Tactronics Holdings, LLC (a Whitney Capital Partners portfolio holding company that provided tactical integrated electronic systems to U.S. and foreign military customers as well as the composite armor solutions for military vehicles through its Armostruxx division). Previously, Mr. O’Connor was Chairman of JP Morgan Alternative Asset Management, Inc. (part of the investment manager arm of JP Morgan) and an Executive Partner of JP Morgan Partners (a private equity firm). He was also a member of the Risk Management Committee of JP Morgan Chase, which was responsible for policy formulation and oversight of all market and credit risk taking activities globally. Mr. O’Connor earned a bachelor’s degree in economics from Tulane University and a master’s in business administration degree from Columbia University Graduate School of Business. Mr. O’Connor is a member of the board of directors at Integrico, Inc. (a privately held specialized composite products manufacturer). He also serves on the advisory board of Cornell University College of Veterinary Medicine, Game Conservancy USA and Grayson-Jockey Club Research Foundation. He is also on the advisory committees of Global Guardian and New York Green Bank. He is also chairman of the American Friends of the Clock Tower Fund and treasurer of the UK Game Conservancy and Wildlife Trust. Mr. O’Connor serves as a special consultant in a pro-bono capacity for the U.S. Department of Defense and is an appointed special consultant to the Department of Defense Business Board. Mr. O’Connor has been appointed to be the Civic Aide to the Secretary of the Army (CASA) for New York (South). He is a member of the Air Force Chief of Staff Civic Leaders Board. Olin director since January 2006; member of the Audit Committee and the Directors and Corporate Governance Committee. Mr. O’Connor’s hedge fund and investment banking experience allow him to contribute broad financial and global expertise.




GRAY G. BENOIST, 62, served as Senior Vice President, Finance, Chief Financial Officer and Chief Accounting Officer of Belden, Inc. (a designer, manufacturer and marketer of signal transmission solutions, including cable, connectivity and active components for mission-critical applications in markets ranging from industrial automation to data centers, broadcast studios, and aerospace) until January 1, 2012 and as an Officer on Special Assignment until his retirement on March 15, 2012. From August 2006 until January 1, 2012 he served as Senior Vice President, Finance and Chief Financial Officer of Belden and from November 2009 until January 2012 he also served as Chief Accounting Officer. Prior to that, Mr. Benoist was Senior Vice President, Director of Finance of the Networks Segment of Motorola Inc. (a business unit responsible for the global design, manufacturing, and distribution of wireless and wired telecom system solutions). During more than 25 years with Motorola, Mr. Benoist served in senior financial and general management roles across Motorola’s portfolio of businesses, including the Personal Communications Sector, Integrated and Electronic Systems Sector, Multimedia Group, Wireless Data Group, and Cellular Infrastructure Group. He has a bachelor’s degree in Finance & Accounting from Southern Illinois University and a master’s in business administration degree from the University of Chicago. Mr. Benoist serves on the board of directors of Exceptional Minds (a not-for-profit organization established to educate and prepare young adults on the autistic spectrum for employment in the graphic arts industry). He is also a principal of MindSpark, Inc. (a registered benefit corporation in California delivering software testing services through the employment of young adults with autism spectrum disorder). Olin director since February 2009; member of the Audit Committee and the Directors and Corporate Governance Committee. Mr. Benoist’s chief financial officer experience provides him with valuable financial and accounting expertise.


RICHARD M. ROMPALA, 68, retired in July 2005 from his position as Chairman of The Valspar Corporation (a manufacturer and distributor of paints and coatings). Mr. Rompala served as Chairman of Valspar from 1998 until July 2005, Chief Executive Officer from 1995 through February 2005 and President from 1994 through 2001. Prior to 1994, Mr. Rompala served as Group Vice President-Coatings and Resins for two years and Group Vice President-Chemicals for five years at PPG Industries, Inc. (a manufacturer of coatings and glass products). Mr. Rompala holds a bachelor’s degree in chemistry and a bachelor’s degree in chemical engineering from Columbia University and a master’s in business administration degree from Harvard Business School. Olin director since January 1998; Lead Director, Chair of the Compensation Committee and member of the Audit Committee, Directors and Corporate Governance Committee and the Executive Committee. Mr. Rompala’s broad executive management experience provides him with in-depth knowledge of manufacturing and chemicals companies.


JOSEPH D. RUPP, 64, is Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Olin. He has served as Chairman of Olin since July 2005 and held the positions of President from January 2002 until May 2014 and Chief Executive Officer since January 2002. Prior to that and since March 2001, he was Executive Vice President, Operations, and was responsible for all Olin business operations including the former Brass Division (which became part of the former Metals Group in 2002), Winchester and Chlor Alkali Products. He joined Olin’s Brass Division in 1972 and held a number of positions of increasing responsibility in the Brass Division manufacturing and engineering organization. In 1985, he was appointed Vice President, Manufacturing and Engineering. He was appointed President of Olin Brass and a Corporate Vice President in 1996. He holds a bachelor’s degree in metallurgical engineering from the University of Missouri, Rolla. Mr. Rupp serves on the board of directors of Quanex Building Products Corporation (a manufacturer of value-added engineered materials and components serving building products markets). Olin director since January 2002; Chair of the Executive Committee. Mr. Rupp’s extensive history at Olin, together with his board service at other companies, provides him with in-depth knowledge of Olin’s business and the industry.



How many meetings did board members attend?Many Meetings Did Board Members Attend?


During 2013,2014, the board held nineten meetings. As part of each regularly scheduled board meeting, the non-executive directors met in executive session. In 2013,2014, all directors attended allover 90% of the meetings of the board and committees of the board on which they served. In addition, all directors have attended over 89%87% of the meetings of the board and committees of the board on which they served during their period of service. All of our directors attended the 20132014 annual shareholders meeting. Our policy regarding directors’ attendance at the annual shareholders meeting is that they are required to attend, absent serious extenuating circumstances.


Which board members are independent?Board Members Are Independent?


Our board has determined that all of its members, except Mr. Rupp, are independent in accordance with applicable New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) listing standards and applicable provisions of our Principles of Corporate Governance. In determining independence, the board confirms that a director has no relationship with Olin that violates the “bright line” independence standards under the NYSE listing standards. The board also reviews whether a director has any other material relationship with Olin, after consideration of all relevant facts and circumstances. In assessing the materiality of a director’s relationship to Olin, the board considers the issues from the director’s standpoint and from the perspective of the persons or organizations with which the director has an affiliation. The board reviews commercial, industrial, banking, consulting, legal, accounting, charitable and familial relationships.


Our board of directors has adopted a bright line test for the types of de minimis transactions that do not warrant board consideration when making director independence determinations. This policy provides that the following transactions do not impair a director’s independence, and are not considered by our board in its determination of director independence:



our match of up to $5,000 in charitable contributions made by directors under our 50% matching contribution program, which is available to all employees; and



any transaction or series of transactions between Olin (or its subsidiaries) and a director (or an organization in which he/she serves as a director, partner, shareholder or officer) for the purchase or sale of products or services that (i) involve less than $50,000 in the aggregate in any 12-month period and (ii) have the same pricing and other terms and conditions as transactions with unrelated and similarly situated customers or suppliers.


During 2013,2014, none of our non-employee directors had any relationship or transaction other than those which fell within the bright line standards described above.


Does Olin have corporate governance guidelines and a code of conduct?Have Corporate Governance Guidelines And A Code Of Conduct?


The board has adopted Principles of Corporate Governance and a Code of Conduct. The Code of Conduct applies to our directors and all of our employees, including our chief executive officer, chief financial officer, and principal accounting officer/controller. We discuss certain provisions of these documents in more detail under the heading “Review, Approval or Ratification of Transactions with Related Persons.”


Each of our three major standing board committees (Audit, Compensation and Directors and Corporate Governance) acts under a written charter adopted by the board. The committee charters can be viewed on our website atwww.olin.com in the Governance section under Committees, available at:

http://www.b2i.us/profiles/investor/Committees.asp?BzID=1548. The Principles of Corporate Governance


and Code of Conduct can be viewed on our website atwww.olin.com in the Governance section under Governance Documents, available at:http://www.b2i.us/profiles/investor/Governance.asp?BzID=1548& ID=797#797. In addition, we will disclose on that website any amendment to, or waiver from, a provision of our Code of Conduct for our directors and executive officers, including our chief executive officer, chief financial officer, principal accounting officer/controller or other employees performing similar functions.


Do Olin’s board and committees conduct evaluations?Board And Committees Conduct Evaluations?


As required by NYSE rules, Olin’s board of directors as well as its Audit, Compensation and Directors and Corporate Governance Committees each conduct an annual performance evaluation.


What are the committees of the board?Are The Committees Of The Board?


Our committees of the board are:


TheAudit Committee, which held six meetings during 2013,2014, advises the board on internal and external audit matters affecting us. In accordance with NYSE listing standards and applicable provisions of our Principles of Corporate Governance, the audit committee is comprised solely of directors who meet the enhanced independence standards for audit committee members under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (Exchange Act) and the related rules as incorporated into the NYSE standard for independence. Its members are: Philip J. Schulz, Chair, Gray G. Benoist, Randall W. Larrimore, John M. B. O’Connor and Richard M. Rompala. The board has determined that Philip J. Schulz meets the SEC definition of an “audit committee financial expert” and that each of the members of the audit committee is financially literate, as such term is interpreted by the board in its business judgment. The audit committee:



has sole authority to directly appoint, retain, compensate, evaluate and terminate our independent registered public accounting firm;



reviews with our independent registered public accounting firm the scope and results of their examination of our financial statements and any investigations and surveys by such independent registered public accounting firm;



pre-approves and monitors audit and non-audit services performed by our independent registered public accounting firm;



reviews its charter annually and ensures it is publicly available in accordance with SEC regulations;



reviews our annual audited and quarterly unaudited financial statements and management’s discussion and analysis of financial condition and operations in our Form 10-K andForm 10-Qs before filing or distribution;



reviews with management and our independent registered public accounting firm the interim financial results and related press releases before issuance to the public;



reviews audit plans, activities and reports of our internal and regulatory audit departments;



reviews the presentations by management and our independent registered public accounting firm regarding our financial results;



monitors our litigation process including major litigation and other legal matters that impact our financial statements or compliance with the law;


monitors compliance with legal and regulatory requirements including environmental, health, safety and transportation compliance;



monitors our enterprise risk management process;



overseesmonitors our ethics and business conduct programs and procedures;enterprise risk management process;



oversees our ethics and business conduct programs and procedures;


reviews our compliance with Section 404 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002; and



has the authority to hire its own independent advisors.


TheCompensation Committee, which held seven meetings during 2013,2014, sets policy, develops and monitors strategies for, and administers, the programs that are used to compensate the chief executive officer and other senior executives. In accordance with NYSE listing standards and applicable provisions of our Principles of Corporate Governance, the compensation committee is comprised solely of directors who meet the NYSE standard for independence. Its members are: Richard M. Rompala, Chair, Donald W. Bogus, C. Robert Bunch, Randall W. Larrimore and Vincent J. Smith. The compensation committee:



approves the salary plans for all executive officers including their total direct compensation opportunity, comprised of base salary, annual incentive standard and long-term incentive guideline award;



approves the measures, goals, objectives, weighting, payout matrices, performance certification and actual payouts for the incentive compensation plans;



administers the incentive compensation plans, stock option plans, and long-term incentive plans;



annually evaluates the performance of the chief executive officer;



performs settlor functions for our retirement plans, such as establishing, amending and terminating such plans (which authority has also been delegated to a management committee);



approves executive and change-in-control agreements;



reviews and establishes the compensation of non-employee directors;



reviews and discusses our Compensation Discussion and Analysis with management and, based on that review, makes a recommendation to the board of directors regarding inclusion of the Compensation Discussion and Analysis in our annual proxy statement or annual report on Form 10-K filed with the SEC; and



has the authority to hire its own independent advisors.


The compensation committee is authorized to delegate certain responsibilities to internal and independent accountants, internal and outside lawyers and other internal staff to the extent permitted by applicable law.


TheDirectors and Corporate Governance Committee, which held fourthree meetings during 2013,2014, assists the board in fulfilling its responsibility to our shareholders relating to the selection and nomination of officers and directors. In accordance with NYSE listing standards and applicable provisions of our Principles of Corporate Governance, the directors and corporate governance committee is comprised solely of directors who meet the NYSE standard for independence. Its members are: Randall W. Larrimore, Chair, Gray G. Benoist, Donald W. Bogus, C. Robert Bunch, John M. B. O’Connor, Richard M. Rompala, Philip J. Schulz and Vincent J. Smith. The directors and corporate governance committee:



makes recommendations to the board regarding the election of the chief executive officer;


reviews the nominees for our other officers;



reviews the nominees for our other officers;


makes recommendations to the board regarding the size and composition of the board and the qualifications and experience that might be sought in board nominees;




seeks out and recommends possible candidates for nomination and considers recommendations by shareholders, management, employees and others for candidates for nomination and renomination as directors;



assesses whether the qualifications and experience of board nominees meet the current needs of the board;



reviews plans for management development and succession;



periodically reviews corporate governance trends, issues and best practices and makes recommendations to the board regarding the adoption of best practices most appropriate for the governance of the affairs of the board;



reviews and makes recommendations to the board regarding the composition, duties and responsibilities of various board committees;



reviews and advises the board on such matters as protection against liability and indemnification;



reports periodically to the board on the performance of the board itself as a whole; and



has the authority to hire its own independent advisors.


TheExecutive Committee meets as needed in accordance with our Bylaws. Between meetings of the board, the executive committee may exercise all the power and authority of the board (including authority and power over our financial affairs) except for matters reserved to the full board by Virginia law and matters for which the board gives specific directions. During 2013,2014, this committee held no meetings. The executive committee members are: Joseph D. Rupp, Chair, Randall W. Larrimore, Richard M. Rompala and Philip J. Schulz.


Compensation Committee Interlocks and Insider Participation


No member of our compensation committee during 20132014 (Messrs. Bogus, Bunch, Larrimore, Rompala and Smith):



served as an employee for Olin during that year,



is currently or has ever been an officer of Olin, or



had any relationship with us requiring disclosure under Item 404 of Regulation S-K under the Exchange Act.


None of our executive officers:



serve on the compensation committee of any other company for which one of our directors serves as an executive officer, or



serve on the board of directors of any other company where a member of our compensation committee serves as an executive officer.


What isIs Olin’s director nomination process?Director Nomination Process?


Our directors and corporate governance committee acts as our nominating committee. As a policy, the committee considers any director candidates suggested by shareholders if we receive the

appropriate information in a timely manner. Our Principles of Corporate Governance provide that the board chair and CEO, lead director, other directors, employees and shareholders may recommend director nominees to the committee. The committee uses the same process to review and evaluate all potential director nominees, regardless of who recommends the candidate. The committee reviews and


evaluates each nominee and the committee chair, the board chair and CEO and lead director interview the potential new board candidates selected by the committee. The interview results, along with the committee’s recommended nominees, are submitted to the full board.


Our Principles of Corporate Governance describe criteria for new board members to include recognized achievement plus skills such as a special understanding or ability to contribute to some aspect of Olin’s business. The committee is tasked with seeking board members with the personal qualities and experience that taken together will ensure a strong board of directors. Although we have no formal policy on diversity for board members, our Principles of Corporate Governance provide that racial and gender diversity are important factors in assessing potential board members, but not at the expense of particular qualifications and experience required to meet the needs of the board. Furthermore, as part of the committee’s review of board composition, the board considers diversity of experience and background in an effort to ensure that the composition of our directors ensures a strong and effective board. Our Principles of Corporate Governance cite strength of character, an inquiring and independent mind, practical wisdom, and mature judgment as among the principal qualities of an effective director.


This year, we have three nominees standing for re-election.


A shareholder can suggest a person for nomination as a director by providing the name and address of the candidate, and a detailed description of his or her experience and other qualifications for the position, in writing addressed to the board of directors in care of the Secretary, Olin Corporation, 190 Carondelet Plaza, Suite 1530, Clayton, MO 63105. The notice may be sent at any time, but for a candidate to be considered by the committee as a nominee for an annual shareholder meeting, we must receive the written information at least 150 days before the anniversary of the date of the prior year’s proxy statement. For example, for candidates to be considered for nomination by the committee at the 20152016 annual meeting, we must receive the information from shareholders on or before October 13, 2014.2015.


In addition to shareholders proposing candidates for consideration by the committee, Olin’s Bylaws allow shareholders to directly nominate individuals at the annual shareholder meeting for election to the board by delivering a written notice as described under the heading “How“MISCELLANEOUS—How can I directly nominate a director for election to the board at the 20152016 annual meeting?” on page 6 under the heading “Miscellaneous.”6. Although a shareholder may directly nominate an individual for election as a director, the board is not required to include such nominee in the proxy statement.


What is your board leadership structure?Is Your Board Leadership Structure?


Our Principles of Corporate Governance state that our board may select either a combined CEO board chair coupled with a lead director or appoint a board chair who does not also serve as CEO. Currently, our CEO also serves as chairman of the board, and the board selects a separate independent lead director.


The board believes that this leadership structure is best for Olin at the current time, as it appropriately balances the need for the CEO to run the company on a day-to-day basis with significant involvement and authority vested in an outside independent board member—the lead director. The role of our lead director is fundamental to our decision to combine the CEO and board chair positions. Our

lead director assumes many functions traditionally within the purview of a chairman of the board. Under our Principles of Corporate Governance, our lead director must be independent, and is responsible for:



advising on the board meeting schedule to ensure that the independent directors can perform their duties responsibly without interfering with company operations,



approving agendas for board and committee meetings and information sent to the board,




advising on quality, quantity, and timeliness of the flow of information from management to independent directors,



interviewing all potential new board candidates, and making recommendations on candidates,



chairing all executive sessions of the board’s independent directors,



acting as principal liaison between the independent directors and the chair on sensitive issues,



recommending membership and chairs of board committees,



recommending to the board chair the retention of consultants who report directly to the board,



calling meetings of the independent directors, and



being available for direct communication if requested by major shareholders, as appropriate.


How does your board overseeDoes Your Board Oversee Olin’s risk management process?Risk Management Process?


Our board is responsible for oversight of Olin’s risk assessment and management process. The board delegated to the compensation committee basic responsibility for oversight of management’s compensation risk assessment, and that committee reports to the board on its review. Our board also delegated tasks related to risk process oversight to our audit committee, which reports the results of its review process to the board. The audit committee’s process includes:



a review, at least annually, of our internal audit process, including the organizational structure and staff qualifications, as well as the scope and methodology of the internal audit process, and



a review, at least annually, of our enterprise risk management (ERM) program to ensure that an appropriate ERM process is in place, including discussion of the major risk exposures identified by Olin, the key strategic plan assumptions considered during the assessment and steps implemented to monitor and mitigate such exposures on an ongoing basis.


In addition to the reports from the audit and compensation committees, our board periodically discusses risk oversight, including as part of its annual detailed corporate strategy review.


Frank M. O’Brien, our Vice President, Internal Audit, Business Ethics and Integrity, reports directly to our audit committee and has direct and unrestricted access to that committee. Todd A. Slater, our Vice President Finance and Controller,CFO, oversees our ERM process and fulfills the responsibilities of a chief risk officer. Mr. Slater reports to our Senior Vice PresidentChairman and Chief Financial Officer,CEO, but has direct access to our audit committee chair. Messrs. Slater and O’Brien, individually or with other members of our management team, periodically meet in executive session with the audit committee.


Report of the Audit CommitteeREPORT OF THE AUDIT COMMITTEE


The audit committee’s primary responsibility is to assist the board in its oversight of the integrity of the Corporation’s financial reporting process and systems of internal control, to evaluate the independence and performance of the Corporation’s independent registered public accounting firm, KPMG LLP, and internal audit functions and to encourage private communication between the audit committee and KPMG and the internal auditors.


The committee held six meetings during the year. During the second half of 2013,2014, the audit committee also completed a self-assessment.


In discharging its responsibility, the audit committee reviewed and discussed the audited financial statements for fiscal year 20132014 with management and KPMG, including the matters required to be discussed by Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (PCAOB) Auditing Standard No. 16,No.16,Communications with Audit CommitteesCommittees..


In addition, the audit committee has received the written disclosures and the letter from KPMG required by applicable requirements of the PCAOB regarding KPMG’s communications with the audit committee concerning independence. The audit committee discussed with KPMG the issue of its independence from Olin and reviewed KPMG’s reports on the firm’s quality review procedures and findings, results of peer reviews and investigations and inquiries, including corrective actions taken. The audit committee also negotiated the hiring of KPMG for the 20132014 audit and pre-approved all fees which SEC rules require the committee to approve to ensure that the work performed was permissible under applicable standards and would not impair KPMG’s independence.


Based on the audit committee’s discussions with management and KPMG and the audit committee’s review of KPMG’s written report and the other materials discussed above, the audit committee recommended that the board of directors include the audited consolidated financial statements in Olin’s Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2013,2014, to be filed with the SEC.


February 19, 20142015


Philip J. Schulz, Chair

Gray G. Benoist

Randall W. Larrimore

John M. B. O’Connor

Richard M. Rompala




How much stock is beneficially owned by each director, director nominee and by the named executive officers in the Summary Compensation Table?


This table shows how many shares of our common stock certain persons beneficially owned on January 15, 2014.2015. Those persons include each director, director nominee, each named executive officer (NEO) in the Summary Compensation Table on page 36,42, and all directors and executive officers as a group. A person has “beneficial ownership” of shares if the person has voting or investment power over the shares or the right to acquire such power within 60 days. “Investment power” means the power to direct the sale or other disposition of the shares. Each person has sole voting and investment power over the number of shares listed, except as noted in the following table.


Name of Beneficial Owner

  No. of Shares
Owned (a)

Stock (b)

       No. of Shares    
Owned (a)

   Percent of

    Stock (b)    


Gray G. Benoist

   38,411     —       48,113     —    

Donald W. Bogus

   67,874     —       74,600     —    

C. Robert Bunch

   76,753     —       83,479     —    

Randall W. Larrimore

   70,376     —       74,142     —    

John M. B. O’Connor

   51,895     —       55,661     —    

Richard M. Rompala

   116,250     —       123,603     —    

Philip J. Schulz

   57,681     —       63,801     —    

Vincent J. Smith

   30,695     —       34,461     —    

Joseph D. Rupp

   1,987,726     2.5    2,049,121     2.6    

John E. Fischer

   377,148     —       407,589     —    

John L. McIntosh

   264,957     —       293,284     —    

George H. Pain

   194,896     —       233,661     —    

Frank W. Chirumbole

   121,209     —       138,811     —    

Directors and executive officers as a group, including those named above
(20 persons)

   4,074,996     5.0    4,269,065     5.3    


Includes shares credited under the CEOP on January 15, 2014,2015, phantom stock units credited to deferred accounts under the Directors Plan and shares that may be acquired within 60 days (by March 15, 2014)2015) through the exercise of stock options as follows:



  Number of Phantom
Stock Units
Held in Director
Deferred Accounts*

   Number of Shares
Subject to Options
Exercisable in 60  days

   Number of
Phantom Stock
Units Held in
    Director Deferred    

   Number of
    Shares Subject    
to Options
Exercisable in
60  days


Mr. Benoist

   28,111     —       32,813     —    

Mr. Bogus

   37,610     —       44,336     —    

Mr. Bunch

   64,253     —       70,979     —    

Mr. Larrimore

   63,249     —       65,949     —    

Mr. O’Connor

   39,731     —       42,431     —    

Mr. Rompala

   115,750     —       123,103     —    

Mr. Schulz

   40,536     —       44,524     —    

Mr. Smith

   20,134     —       22,834     —    

Mr. Rupp

   —       1,549,784     —          1,541,667    

Mr. Fischer

   —       264,659     —          283,917    

Mr. McIntosh

   —       212,917     —          233,500    

Mr. Pain

   —       116,501     —          147,751    

Mr. Chirumbole

   —       95,225     —          115,642    

Directors and executive officers as a group, including those named above
(20 persons)

   409,372     2,738,788     446,967     2,785,603  



Such securities have no voting rights.


Unless otherwise indicated, beneficial ownership does not exceed 1% of the outstanding shares of common stock.




Review, Approval or Ratification of Transactions with Related Persons


Our Principles of Corporate Governance and our Code of Conduct include policies and procedures requiring pre-approval of certain transactions involving our directors and employees and their family members and affiliated organizations if Olin is a direct or indirect participant. The policies define “family member” to mean a spouse, child, sibling, stepchild, parent, stepparent, mother-, father-, son-, daughter-, brother- or sister- in-law, or any other person living with the individual (except tenants and household employees). Affiliated organizations include those entities where the individual or family member serves as a director, executive officer or holder of five percent or more of the equity interests.


Our Principles of Corporate Governance require the directors and corporate governance committee (or, if that committee determines it is appropriate, the board) to pre-approve the following transactions with directors, family members and affiliated organizations:



charitable contributions of more than $10,000 in a fiscal year,



transactions involving more than $120,000 (individually or in the aggregate) in a fiscal year (other than purchases or sales of goods and services contracted for by Olin business units in the normal course of business),



transactions in excess of $120,000 in a fiscal year for consulting or personal services,



transactions in excess of $120,000 in a fiscal year directly with (or involving direct compensation to) a director or family member, and



transactions (even in the ordinary course of business) involving the greater of $1 million or 2% of consolidated gross revenues of either Olin or the other party.


Our Principles of Corporate Governance require our directors and corporate governance committee to pre-approve service by any senior executive (our CEO and other Section 16 officers) on the board of another public company or on the board of any private company that would represent a material commitment of time. In addition, our Code of Conduct and related Corporate Policy Statement require the approval of the board of directors before an officer may serve as a director or provide services to another organization (as an officer, employee, consultant, etc.). Any such service by other employees must be pre-approved by our President and CEO, if the potential for a conflict of interest exists. These provisions also prohibit any employee or family member from having any direct or indirect interest in, or any involvement with or obligation to, any business organization (including any non-profit entity to which Olin makes contributions) which does or seeks to do business with Olin, or any Olin competitor, without pre-approval from the employee’s department head.


In granting pre-approval, the directors and corporate governance committee, board members and management focus on the best interests of Olin.


In addition to the pre-approval process described above, our Code of Conduct and related Corporate Policy Statements prohibit any director or employee from engaging in a transaction that might conflict with the best interests of Olin.


Related Person Transactions Since the Beginning of 20132014


On August 22, 2012, Olin acquired privately-held K. A. Steel Chemicals Inc. (KA Steel), on a cash free, debt free basis, for $336.6 million in cash, after receiving the final working capital adjustment of $1.9 million and still subject to certain post-closing adjustments related to a contingent liability (the KA Steel Acquisition). In connection with the KA Steel Acquisition, Olin hired Robert F. Steel and Kenneth


A. Steel, Jr., the former owners and Chairman and CEO and President of

KA Steel, respectively, as executive officers with titlesunder executive agreements. Those agreements expired in August of Vice President2014, and President KA Steel and Vice President and Executive Vice President KA Steel, respectively. At that time, we entered into a two-year executive agreement with eachthe employment of Messrs. R. Steel and K. Steel governing the terms of their employment.

The Escrow Agreement related to the KA Steel Acquisition between Olin and Messrs. K. Steel and R. Steel terminated on November 25, 2013, and the proceeds of the escrowed portion of the purchase price for the KA Steel Acquisition ($30 million) were distributed to Olin in the amount of $1.9 million and to Mr. R. Steel, as agent for himself and Mr. K. Steel, in the amount of $28.1 million.

terminated. KA Steel continues to lease its office space from Steel Family Real Estate, LLC under a lease ending on April 30, 2022. The annual base rent is $344,251.50 through the end of 2014 and thereafter the lease provides for specified annual base rent increases, but the base rent may be adjusted if there is a reduction of the rentable square footage under the lease. The lease also requires KA Steel to pay its pro rata share of maintenance, insurance and property tax expenses, which totaled $242,683.44 in 2013. Messrs. R. Steel and K. Steel are both managers of Steel Family Real Estate, LLC, and the Kenneth A. Steel, Jr. Irrevocable Trust and the Robert F. Steel Irrevocable Trust each hold a 50% membership interest in Steel Family Real Estate, LLC.


In 2014, we paid $373,970 in rent payments and $248,580 for our pro rata share of maintenance, insurance and property tax expenses, under the lease. The board of directors pre-approved the KA Steel Acquisition and the other transactions described above, and our compensation committee approved the executive agreements with Messrs. K. Steel and R. Steel.




Section 16(a) of the Exchange Act requires our officers and directors, and persons who beneficially own more than ten percent10% of our common stock, to file reports of ownership and changes in ownership with the SEC, and these persons must furnish us with copies of the forms they file. Officers, directors and ten-percent10% beneficial owners complied with all Section 16(a) filing requirements in 2013.






This Compensation Discussion and Analysis (CD&A) describes, in detail, our executive compensation philosophy and the compensation programs in which our senior executive team participates. The CD&A explains the decisions the compensation committee of our board of directors (committee) made under those programs in 2014 and the factors it considered in making those decisions. The CD&A focuses on the compensation paid to our Named Executive Officers (NEOs) as they are determined under Securities Exchange Commission (SEC) rules. Our NEOs for 2014 were:



Joseph D. Rupp

Chairman and CEO

Todd A. Slater

Vice President and CFO

John E. Fischer

President and COO

John L. McIntosh

Senior Vice President, Chemicals

George H. Pain

Senior Vice President, General Counsel and Secretary

Frank W. Chirumbole                                     

Vice President and President, Chlor Alkali Products

Robert F. Steel

Former Vice President and President, KA Steel

Kenneth A. Steel, Jr.

Former Vice President and Executive Vice President, KA Steel

Executive SummaryCompensation Best Practices

To enhance investor understanding of our compensation decision making, we summarize below certain executive compensation practices we have implemented to reinforce our objectives and drive Olin performance. We also identify practices we have not implemented because we do not believe they would serve our shareholders’ long-term interests.

We align executive compensation with the interests of our shareholdersLOGO

•      Pay for Performance by Ensuring that Executive Compensation is Largely Contingent on Results (pages 25-26)

•      Target Compensation Expenditures to the Midpoint of Market Practices (page 30)

•      Correlate Equity Incentive Compensation Awards with Relative Total Shareholder Return and Return on Capital (pages 35-37)

•      Require Double-Triggers for Payments to Executives and Early Vesting of Stock Option and Stock Awards on Change in Control (pages 40 and 59)

We design our executive compensation programs to foster sustainable growth without excessive risk takingLOGO

•      Impose Robust Share Ownership Guidelines (page 41)

•      Maintain a Clawback policy (page 38)

•      Suspend 401(k) Plan Matching Periodically, Based on Olin Performance (page 39)

•      Regularly Assess the Risk Inherent in Our Compensation Policies and Programs (page 40)

•      Extend no Perquisites for Current NEOs, except $800 excess liability insurance premium

We adhere to the best practices in executive compensation


•      Mitigate Potential Dilutive Effect of Equity Awards through Share Repurchase Programs (page 26)

•      Utilize an Independent Compensation Consulting Firm which Provides No Other Services to Olin (pages 26-27)

•      Offer Change in Control Protection that Complies with Prevailing Good Governance Standards, Including No Excise Tax Gross-Up (page 40)

•      Maintain No Employment Contracts

•      Permit No Repricing of Underwater Stock Options

•      Exclude the Value of Equity Awards in Pension or Severance Calculations

At the 2014 annual meeting of our shareholders, we held an advisory vote on executive compensation. Approximately 97% of the shares voted were cast in support of our 2014 executive compensation and related disclosures. The committee viewed the results of this vote as general broad shareholder support for our executive compensation program.

Accordingly, we made no changes to our executive compensation program as a result of that vote, although as noted above our committee continuously evaluates our executive compensation program and makes changes to respond to market trends.

Pay for Performance

We understand that there are different ways to view “pay for performance.” In the following sections, we highlight how the committee thinks about executive pay and Olin performance, and why we believe our executive compensation programs are appropriately aligned with results that benefit our investors.

Compensation Program Construction


Our compensation committee reviews and oversees our executive compensation policiesprogram is designed to align with the long-term interests of our shareholders, to reward employees for producing sustainable growth, and programs to ensure they enhance our ability to attract motivate and retain the highest quality executives, and maximize attention to shareholder return. Our annual and long-termworld-class talent that will ensure we succeed. The committee strongly believes that these objectives will be fulfilled if executive compensation programs are designed so that payment of awards– pay opportunities and pay actually realized – is contingent ontied to Olin’s results. The committee measures Olin performance results and they are constructed to reflect market practices. Inin three primary ways:


our financial results, particularly our net income and earnings per share (see pages 26 and 32),


our return to shareholders over time, on an absolute basis and relative to other companies (see pages 36-37), and


our return on capital, on an absolute basis and relative to other companies (see page 35).

By tying most of our executives’ pay to companyOlin’s actual results, our compensation programs (i) align our executives’ interests with those of our shareholders and (ii) induce our management team to achieve our most important goals.


The following chart identifies the extent to which our executives’Our total pay opportunities are linked with performance and vary with results. It illustrates the strong emphasis we place on performance-baseddirect compensation for our named executive officers (NEOs)—both short-term incentives (bonus) and long-term incentives (equity awards):


The committee regularly reviews our executive compensation programs to ensure that we remain appropriately responsive to emerging market place practices. For example, in January 2014:package comprises three elements:



we terminated existing change in control agreements with the NEOs and five other executives and replaced them with agreements that add a double trigger for benefits (except performance share vesting) and eliminate income tax gross-ups;base salary;



we provided notice of termination of remaining change in control agreements with 11 other non-NEO executives upon expiration in January of 2016;annual incentive (SMICP/MICP); and



we amended our equity plans to eliminate the single trigger for early vesting of equity awards (except performance shares) and to eliminate income tax gross-ups.long-term incentive (equity) compensation.


Each NEO has a target total compensation opportunity that is reviewed annually by the committee to ensure its alignment with Olin’s compensation pay-for-performance objectives. As the following charts show, almost 80% of CEO target annual direct compensation and 67% of the target annual direct compensation for the other NEOs1 varies with our financial results and our stock price performance:


As further evidence of our commitment to pay for performance, we have withheld base salary increases and suspended saving plan matching contributions in years of particularly harsh economic results.

Operating Results

In addition, overa year marked by ongoing economic challenges in many markets around the past few years:world, we delivered sound financial results:



we increased theOur Winchester division generated its second highest level of stock ownership required of our NEOs;segment income ($127 million) in the last two decades;



we eliminated company car and financial planning perquisites;



we periodically suspend the company match to the 401(k) planWe produced record operating income in our Chlor Alkali Products division for salaried and non-bargaining employees, including during the period January 1, 2010 through January 31, 2011;our co-products;



we adopted a clawback policy;


the committee oversaw management’s implementationWe returned approximately $128 million of a formal risk assessment process for compensation policiescash to shareholders in dividends and programs;share repurchases; and



we assured that the membersWe improved our safety performance year over year.


Excluding Messrs. Robert and Kenneth Steel whose employment terminated in August of the committee and the committee’s independent compensation consultant and other advisors remain independent as defined by NYSE rules.2014.


These committee actions and other decisionsThe following charts illustrate some of the ways we have increased the linkthree year directional relationship between executive pay and companyOlin performance and otherwise compliedthe compensation (as defined below) of our Chairman and CEO. For these charts, we used two of our key metrics – net income and return on capital – to define performance, because we believe that these metrics best correlate with emerging governance standards, while maintaining consistency in our executive compensation programs, which are described in detail in the following pages.long-term shareholder value.




Total compensation for Mr. Rupp in each of 2012, 2013 and 2014, as reported in the 2014 Summary Compensation Table on page 42, excluding “change in pension value and nonqualified deferred compensation earnings.” We believe it is appropriate to exclude this component when analyzing the relationship between pay and performance because change in pension value is subject to many variables, such as external interest rates, that are not related to Olin’s performance.

General ExecutiveThe Compensation ProcessCommittee


Our compensation committee consists of directors determined to bewho are independent under the NYSE listing criteria. The committee establishes total compensation opportunities (and each of the individual elements) for Joseph D. Rupp, Chairman President and CEO. The committee also approves compensation for the other NEOs based on recommendations by the CEO, once an individual is identified as an NEO.CEO.


To assist it in performing its duties, the committee engages Exequity LLP (Exequity), an independent board and management advisory firm. In engaging Exequity, the committee considered a number of factors in assessing Exequity’s independence, including the fact that Exequity performs no other work for Olin, that none of Exequity’s consultants owns stock in Olin, that Exequity’s consultants have no other business interests with any Olin officer or director, and the fees that Exequity receives

for services rendered to Olin rest below a maximum permissible level. In the past several years, the committee discussed its compensation philosophy with Exequity, but otherwise did not impose any specific limitations or constraints on, or otherwise direct, the manner in which Exequity performed its advisory services.


As advisor to the compensation committee, Exequity reviewed the total compensation strategy and pay levels for our NEOs, examined all aspects of our executive compensation programs to ensure their ongoing support of our business strategy, informed the committee of developing legal and regulatory considerations affecting executive compensation and benefit programs, and provided general advice to the committee on all compensation decisions pertaining to the CEO and to all senior executive compensation recommendations submitted by management. The committee routinely meets in executive session (without the CEO or other officers present). As appropriate, Exequity attends some of those executive sessions. In addition to the committee’s retention of Exequity, Olin periodically retains one or more other compensation consulting firms to provide general services, such as actuarial services for pension plans.


At the 2013 annual meeting of our shareholders, we held an advisory vote on executive compensation. Approximately 97.7% of the shares voted were cast in support of our 2013 executive compensation and related disclosures. The committee viewed the results of this vote as general broad shareholder support for our executive compensation program. Accordingly, we made no changes to our executive compensation program as a result of that vote.




In designing and implementing our executive compensation programs, it has been the committee reviews competitivecommittee’s practice to review compensation data from the more than 350 manufacturing and services companies that participate in the Aon Hewitt Total Compensation DataBaseTM (the DataBase). These, excluding data represent pay practices among a group of over 420 manufacturing and servicesfrom companies that we have used for benchmarking for several years. This group comprises the entire community of companies that participate in the DataBase, excluding companies that operate in energy services, retail, health services and financial sectors. We refer to these companiesthis subset of the Database as the “comparator group.” The committee’s review of pay practices across a community as large and varied as the comparator group reflects the committee’s belief that our labor market for executive talent extends beyond the limited group of chemical and ammunition companies and spans the relevant manufacturing and services community. The committee believes that the comparator group is a good representation of that labor pool, as the DataBase is a widely respected source of executive compensation information. Our decision to rely on it for competitive pay information ensures that a reputable and unrelated organization actively secures and analyzes the compensation data on which our committee bases its judgment about appropriate levels of pay for our executive officers.


The data reviewed by the committee are adjusted for size (revenues) to reflect compensation being paid at companies of comparable scope to Olin. The data benchmark the committee used to base its annual pay decisions was a statistical summary of the pay practices for the companies in the comparator group, and was not representative of any individual company. In fact, the committee does not know the identity of the companies whose pay practices are reflected in the DataBase, nor does it receive information with respect to pay practices at any individual company included in the DataBase. Instead, the committee considered the median pay levels in the comparator group after adjusting the pay practices for an observable relationship between executive pay levels and company size and relied on those statistical representations as typifying revenue-adjusted general industry norms. It was against these norms that the committee drew its conclusions about the appropriateness of the overall executive officer pay levels. Throughout this Compensation Discussion and Analysis, references to “competitive data” or “market” mean this statistical summarized data for the comparator group.

What We Pay and Why: Elements of Compensation

We extend to our executives three elements of total direct compensation: base salary; annual incentive (SMICP/MICP); and long-term equity awards, plus a limited number of benefits that commonly are available to senior management at other companies of similar stature. The chart below illustrates that 73% of the 2014 total direct compensation of our NEOs (other than Messrs. K. Steel and R. Steel whose employment terminated in August of 2014) was tied to Olin performance.


Overview.    The committee determines the total target compensation level for the CEO, as well as the appropriate mix of the compensation elements, based on prevailing practices in the comparator group. The CEO relies on comparator group standards to recommend, for the committee’s review and approval, the levels and mix of elements for the balance of our executive officers. Although the committee is not bound to mirror the comparator group standards when it makes decisions on compensation levels and the mix of elements, the committee generally relies heavily on the identified competitive norms to ensure that we can compete for executive talent. The committee also reviewed the relationship between the CEO’s compensation and the compensation for the other NEOs. In 2013, the committee determined that internal pay relationships are appropriate in light of the committee’s understanding of the typical pay relationships at other companies.Total Direct Compensation



We listElements of Total Compensation

Below are the primary elements of our executive compensation, below, together with relevant information about each element:







Factors Used to

Determine Amount

Annual Base



·        Rewards day-to-day value of executives consistent with the market


·        Median salaries of the comparator group

·       Scope of responsibilities

��·       Time in position

·        Value of the employee in the market

·       Individual performance

Target Annual

Cash Incentive



·       Ties compensation to investor returns

·       Motivates executives to achieve short term financial targets and non-financial strategic objectives

·        Communicates key goals of the company to executives


·        Criteria for corporate NEOs:

1.      EarningsAdjusted earnings per share

2.      Performance on key annual operational factors and non-financial goalsobjectives that we believe are important to our long-term success

·       Criteria for heads of operating units:

1.      Cash flow

2.      Return on capital

3.      Operating income

4.      Non-financial goalsDivisionnon-financial objectives




Factors Used to

Determine Amount

Long TermLong-Term

Incentive Award


·       Ties compensation to investor returns

·       Motivates executives to achieve long-range goals that benefit shareholders

·        Aligns financial interests of executives and shareholders


·        Number of stock options granted based on total return to shareholders

·       Performance share payouts for executive officers based on our return on capital compared to the 64 materials companies included in the S&P 1000 plus selected direct competitors1Performance Share Comparison Group

·        Level of target awards for each NEO based on practices of comparator group

Retirement and Severance



·        Retention of key executives

·        Rewards long-term service and provides financial security

·       Ensures that managers are personally indifferent to the outcome of a transaction in a change in control situation


·        Programs offered by competitors

·        Employee’s length of service (for defined benefits in Olin plans, which were frozen on 12/31/07)

·       Salary and cash incentive


We refer to this group of companies as the Performance Share Comparison Group. The selected direct competitors included in the Performance Share Comparison Group are Occidental Petroleum Corporation, Alliant Techsystems, PPG Industries, Inc., The Dow Chemical Company and Westlake Chemical Corporation.


27The committee determines the total target direct compensation level for the CEO, as well as the appropriate mix of the compensation elements, based on prevailing practices in the comparator group. The CEO relies on comparator group standards to recommend, for the committee’s review and approval, the target levels and mix of elements for the balance of our executive officers. Although the committee is not bound to mirror the comparator group standards when it makes decisions on compensation levels and the mix of elements, the committee generally relies heavily on the identified competitive norms to ensure that we can compete for executive talent. The committee also reviews the relationship between the CEO’s compensation and the compensation for the other NEOs. In connection with establishing 2014 compensation, the committee determined that internal pay relationships were appropriate in light of the committee’s understanding of the typical pay relationships at other companies.

As a guideline, the committee intends that the base salaries, total cash compensation (salary and annual cash incentive), and total compensation opportunities (total cash compensation plus the grant date value of long-term incentive awards) extended to our NEOs as a group approximate the market median of the comparator group.group practices. The committee believes that managing total target pay to the market median for the comparator group allows us to attract, motivate, and retain the quality executive talent Olin needs. Pay levels for any individual NEO, however, may be below or above the market median of the comparator group for that executive’s particular role. The following graph illustrates our 2013 target compensation positioning for the NEOs as a group, relative to our pay:




Our general practice for an executive who is new in his/her position is to establish compensation opportunities below the market, and to increase them to market level over several years, assuming that performance warrants such increases. Other material increases in compensation generally relate to promotions or added responsibilities.



The committee generallynormally adjusts NEO salaries on an annual basis, but whenannually in respect of merit, promotion or change in role and changes in market rates for the job. No increase in base salary is automatic or guaranteed. When warranted by cash flow or other considerations, this periodthe frequency of adjustment has been extended to 18 months or more, and we have frozen executive base salaries for periods of time. For example, Mr. Rupp last received a salary increase effective January 1, 2013.2015. Prior to that, his last increase was two years earlier, on January 1, 2013. Before that date, his last salary increase was April 1, 2011, which extendedextending the time between his salarysuch increases to 21 months. Before April 1, 2011, his salary had not been increased for 24 months. In the past 10 years, we have not decreased base salary for any NEO.


Annual Cash Incentive (Non-equity Incentive Plan Compensation).

The five highest paid NEOs participate in the Senior Management Incentive Compensation Plan, or SMICP, an incentive plan approved by our shareholders. The SMICP provides these NEOs with annual cash incentive opportunities comparable to the terms and conditions for awards of cash bonuses to our other NEOs and other executives (who participate in our Management Incentive

Compensation Plan, or MICP). Using the SMICP for our five highest paid NEOs is intended to allow us to deduct payments to those individuals subject to the deduction limits of Section 162(m) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (the Code).



The mechanics of the SMICP operation in 2013for 2014 awards were as follows:


·Step 1:  

AtDetermine Comparator Group Metrics.    The first step in the startSMICP process is a determination of the year,maximum pool available to pay annual incentives to participating NEOs under the SMICP and to other executives under the overall management incentive plan (MICP). The committee based this determination on the information provided by Exequity informed the committee ofregarding the median percentage of net income allocated by the comparator groupcompanies in the Aon Hewitt Total Compensation DataBaseTM (as described above) to fund the NEOs’ annual incentives.incentives for their executives.

·Step 2:  

Determine Maximum SMICP Funding.    The committee then considered and approved 6% of 20132014 income to be set aside as a pool to fund annual cash incentives for both the SMICP and the MICP.


For this purpose, income was calculated as 20132014 adjusted earnings per share (EPS)(Adjusted EPS) multiplied by the weighted average number of shares outstanding in 2013,2014, where Adjusted EPS representedrepresent consolidated net income from continuing operations before the after-tax effect of special charges, gains or gainslosses, or the cumulative effect of a change in accounting, divided by the weighted average number of shares outstanding on a fully diluted basis.

·Step 3:  

Determine Individual Amount for each NEO.    The committee established a target award for each NEO (set forth in the “Grants of Plan-Based Awards” table). They allocated 30% of the formulated incentive pool to fund a maximum award for the CEO, 20% to fund maximum awards for the second and third highest paid NEOs and 15% to fund maximum awards for the fourth and fifth highest paid NEOs.

·Step 4:  

Establish Final Awards.    The committee exercised its discretion after the end of 20132014 to determine the award for each of the paid NEOs (not to each NEO such portion of hisexceed the maximum award asfor that NEO set forth in the committee deemed appropriate,“Grants of Plan-Based Awards” table), based on our EPS performanceachievement of 2014 financial goals and the individual officer’s contribution to those results, as discussednon-financial strategic objectives described below. For purposes of this analysis, financial objectives are weighted at 75% andnon-financial items are weighted at 25%.


AlthoughAs discussed above, the committee exercises discretion to reduce annual incentivesestablished 6% of adjusted net income as the maximum pool for all awards under the SMICP it may not increase the payments above the maximum awards established as described above, and the payoutMICP for 2014 performance. Our adjusted 2014 net income was $114.9 million, creating an aggregate pool for awards under the SMICP may not exceed 200%and MICP of $6.9 million. Total actual payouts under both the SMICP and MICP plans were $4.0 million, or 58% of the executive’s base salary. When using its discretionavailable pool. For 2014, in calculating Adjusted EPS used to appropriately size annual incentives for 2013,determine adjusted 2014 net income, we excluded the committee examined achievement with respecteffect of the following special charges, gains and losses (which were reflected in our 2014 net income): (i) $4.6 million of income related to financial goals and non-financial strategic accomplishments. In determining SMICP payments for NEOs, the committee considered Olin’s financial performance, especially the generationresolution of $157.4indemnity obligations, (ii) $3.1 million of pretax income related to insurance recoveries, (iii) $5.5 million of net incomecosts associated with the early redemption of our 8.875% senior notes, and (v) $11.2 million of restructuring charges.

The committee determines actual awards under the MICP for any NEO not participating in the SMICP using the same process as for the SMICP. Final cash incentive awards for both Mr. K. Steel and Mr. R. Steel were pro rated to reflect the number of months of employment during 2014.

The following table illustrates the portion of each NEO’s cash incentive based on corporate and division financial targets and corporate and division non-financial objectives:


Corporate / Division  
Financial Targets  

Corporate / Division  
Non-Financial Objectives   


Joseph D. Rupp

75% / 025% / 0100%    

Todd A. Slater

75% / 025% / 0100%    

John E. Fischer

75% / 025% / 0100%    

John L. McIntosh

75% / 025% / 0100%    

George H. Pain

75% / 025% / 0100%    

Frank W. Chirumbole

18.75% / 56.25%6.25% / 18.75%100%    

Robert F. Steel

18.75% / 56.25%6.25% / 18.75%100%    

Kenneth A. Steel, Jr.

0 / 75%0 / 25%100%    

Actual payouts of cash incentive awards are determined based on our EPSachievement against our financial performance targets as well as other accomplishmentsagainst our non-financial goals, discussed below.

NEOs with Corporate-Wide Responsibilities.

Financial Targets.    In 2014, our financial performance target for NEOs with corporate-wide responsibilities (Messrs. Rupp, Slater, Fischer, McIntosh and Pain) was based on Adjusted EPS. For these NEOs, the portion of the cash incentive related to financial targets (75%) would be paid at the target award level (set forth in the “Grants of Plan-Based Awards” table) if our Adjusted EPS equal the financial performance target. If our Adjusted EPS fall above or below the target level, the committee adjusts the cash incentive, typically by a proportionate adjustment – that is, by dividing actual Adjusted EPS by the target Adjusted EPS, and multiplying that percentage by 75% (subject to the maximum award level for each NEO).

  Financial Performance Objective

     2014 Target    

   2014 Actual    


  Adjusted EPS

     $1.94        $1.44      

The portion of the actual awards for these NEOs related to Adjusted EPS of $1.44 compared to the financial target in 2014 represented achievement of 55.7% of the financial objective (out of a possible 75%).

Non-Financial Objectives.    In 2014, for NEOs with corporate-wide responsibilities, safety and environmental compliance goals comprised 5% of the award opportunity. Operational goals relating to cost reductions, price improvements and increasing operating income from co-products accounted for 10% of the award opportunity. Strategic goals relating to the achievementdevelopment of an improved five-year strategic sales goals, substantial operational improvementsplan, implementation of a new product strategy in our Winchester division, an updated ethics program and restructuring initiatives, which will have longer term impact.information technology security objectives accounted for 10% of the award opportunity.


The table below illustrates the 2014 level of achievement for these non-financial objectives:



Safety and environmental compliance


Operational goals


Strategic goals


In 2014, the committee determined that these NEOs achieved a total of 20% of the non-financial objectives (out of a possible 25%).

NEOs with Divisional Responsibilities.    For each of Messrs. Chirumbole and R. Steel, 25% of the cash incentive was based on corporate results and 75% on division results. Of the 75% component related to division objectives, 25% (or 18.75% of the total cash incentive) related to division non-financial objectives and the remaining 75% (or 56.25% of the total cash incentive) was based on division pretax income, EBITDA cash flow and return on capital. The cash incentive for Mr. K. Steel was based entirely on division results, 75% based on division financial targets and 25% on division non-financial objectives.

Financial Targets.    For Mr. Chirumbole, who had divisionalChlor Alkali Products division responsibility, his division financial targets and achievement against those targets are set forth in the following chart:

Financial Performance Targets

     2014 Target

  2014 Actual


Chlor Alkali Products Segment Pretax Income

  $217.5 million  $131.3 million  50%

Chlor Alkali Products Segment EBITDA Cash Flow (segment pre-tax income plus segment depreciation, amortization, capital spending, plus or minus the change in working capital)

  $167.0 million  $185.0 million  15%

Chlor Alkali Products Segment Return on Capital (after tax)

  9.4%  5.4%  10%

For Messrs. R. Steel and K. Steel, who had Chemical Distribution division responsibility for 2013,part of 2014, divisional financial targets and achievement against those targets are set forth in the committee adopted a blended considerationfollowing chart:

Division Financial Objectives

     2014 Target

  2014 Actual


Chemical Distribution Segment Pretax Income

  $11.0 million  $0  50%

Chemical Distribution Segment EBITDA Cash Flow (where EBITDA is segment pre-tax income plus segment depreciation, amortization, capital spending, plus or minus the change in working capital)

  $29.3 million  $14.5 million  15%

Chemical Distribution Segment Return on Capital (after tax)

  $2.4%  0%  10%

Non-Financial Objectives.    For Messrs. Chirumbole, R. Steel and K. Steel, divisional goals related to safety and environmental compliance comprised 6% of Olinthe 25% allocated to division non-financial objectives. Operational goals for the division relating to cost reductions and divisional accomplishments and applied a formulaic approach to SMICP award determination. The committee decided that 25% of his overall award should be a function of company-wide financial and non-financial accomplishments and 75% of his overall incentive award should reflect divisional performance (where division financial objectives were assigned a 75% weightsegment growth accounted for 14%, and division non-financial strategic objectives were assigned a 25% weight). The committee’s discretionary decisionsgoals related to the distribution of product, compliance with respect to Mr. Chirumbole’s 2013 SMICP award reflected the Chlor Alkali division’s pre-tax income, operating cash flowinternal controls and return on capital as well as operational improvements to impact the longer term cost structurecompletion of the business.ethics training courses accounted for 5%.


The table below illustrates the 2014 level of achievement for these non-financial objectives:


  Chlor Alkali Division  
2014 Level of Achievement  

   Chemical Distribution Division  
2014 Level of Achievement  


Safety and environmental compliance

   0%     4%  

Operational goals

   10%     3%  

Strategic goals

   2%     2%  

Long TermLong-Term Incentive Compensation.(Equity) Compensation

In 2013,2014, we allocated the value of long-term incentive (equity) compensation awards equally between performance shares and stock options. This combination of awards was deemed by the committee to optimize our emphasis on achieving specified performance goals that drive investor value and generating long-term appreciation in Olin’s stock price. The committee makes all equity awards to executive officers (both performance shares and stock options). The committee believes that its determination of stock option and performance share awards is highly representative of external market practices, based on information pertaining to compensation standards across the comparator group.

Why Stock Options?

Why Performance Shares?

·      Performance-based because their value is solely tied to Olin’s stock price, which directly correlates to our shareholders’ interests.

·      Fosters an environment focused on long-term growth and shareholder value creation.

·      Declines in stock price following the grant of stock options detrimentally impact executive pay (i.e., when a stock option is “underwater” it has no value).

·      Highly valued by employees; an important retention tool.

·      Performance-based both because number of shares earned depends on performance against pre-defined financial goals and the value of the shares fluctuates based on the stock price.

·      Motivates decision making that maximizes performance over a multi-year timeframe.

·      Tied to return on capital, a key financial metric.

·      Coordinates the activities of all award recipients (including our NEOs) in support of long-term organizational value enhancement.


All long-term incentive (equity) compensation plan participants, including the NEOs, are assigned target award levels at dollar values deemed byconsistent with the committee to be competitive with external market practices, based on comparator group information. data analysis described above under the heading “Benchmarking.”

The sum of all individualtarget equity award levels for 2014 were:


Target Award

Joseph D. Rupp


Todd A. Slater

$  137,000

John E. Fischer

$  688,000

John L. McIntosh

$  676,000

George H. Pain

$  467,000

Frank W. Chirumbole

$  330,000

Robert F. Steel

$  192,000

These target awards represents our overall long-term incentive award value. When determining actualare allocated equally between stock option grant sizesoptions and performance share award levels, the committee compares our return on capital and total shareholder return to that of the


Performance Share Comparison Group. Our relative performance against this group influences the pool of shares the committee makes available for grants to long-term incentive program participants.

shares. The process the committee follows to determine the level of the actual stock option awards and the formula for actual performance share awards ispayouts are described below. Mr. K. Steel did not receive any stock options or performance shares in 2014, and Mr. R. Steel’s unvested options, including his 2014 option award, were canceled in accordance with the terms of our equity plans at the time his employment terminated in August of 2014.


Performance Shares..    Half the value of each participant’s 20132014 long-term incentive target award value was delivered in performance shares. The number of performance shares awarded to each participantNEO was formulated by dividing half the participant’s target award value by the economicBlack-Scholes value of a performance share. Early in 2013, each executive was extended the opportunity to earn a target number of performance shares contingent on performance through the end of 2015. The total number of performance shares that vest and will be paid to each executive may varyNEO varies between 25% and 150% of his or her target number, depending on our average annual return on capital for the three years ending December 31, 2015,2016, in relation to the average

annual return on capital generated for that period by the community of companies in the S&P Material Index, plus five selected direct competitors,2 (which we refer to as the Performance Share Comparison Group for that period.Group). The following chart identifies the percentage of target shares that vest with our performance:


Olin average annual return on capital

for three-year period compared to

Performance Share Comparison


  Percentage of target number of
performance shares that vest:

Quintile 5


Quintile 4


Quintile 3


Quintile 2


Quintile 1



The table and graph below illustratesillustrate the percentage of the target number of performance shares earned by plan participants for each of the last ninethree-year periods, based on our average return on capital performance compared to the Performance Share Comparison Group:




Olin Average Annual Return on Capital for the Three-Year Period
Compared to the Performance Share Comparison Group

Period Ended
December 31

  Olin Return on



    8.30% Quintile 3/100%


    7.50% Quintile 3/100%


    8.10% Quintile 3/100%


    9.50% Quintile 4/125%


  10.50% Quintile 5/150%


  11.10% Quintile 4/125%


  10.30% Quintile 4/125%


    9.20% Quintile 3/100%


    6.20% Quintile 2/50%


Occidental Petroleum Corporation, Alliant Techsystems, Inc., PPG Industries, Inc., The Dow Chemical Company and Westlake Chemical Corporation.


Stock Options.Options.    The remaining half of each participant’s long-term incentive (equity) target award value is delivered in stock options. Stock options are granted annually from a committee-approved pool of option shares. TheSpecifically, the pool of stock options available for issuance each year equals half the value of the overall long-term incentive award value, divided by the Black-Scholes value of options for our common stock (not to be lower than 20% of the then-current market price of our common stock). This formulated pool of shares available for stock option awards increases or decreases based on our trailing three-year total shareholder return (TSR) compared to the TSRs generated by the Performance Share Comparison Group, as follows:


Olin three-year TSR compared to

Performance Share Comparison


Effect on number of shares
available for option grants

Top third


Middle third

  No change

Bottom third



We believe the Performance Share Comparison Group represents our primary competition for investment capital, and therefore comprises an appropriate comparison group for performance purposes.group. We use TSR, which represents the increase in the fair market value of our common stock over thethree-year period, including reinvestment of dividends, to tie executive rewards to our shareholders’ interests. The calculation of TSR includes all dividends paid by the companies, consistent with the calculations for our Performance Graph included in our Form10-K. As with our performance share program described above, the committee believes that formulating the stock option pool this way further ties executive compensation to shareholder value.

Olin Trailing Three-Year Total Shareholder Return

Three-Year Period Ended
December 31

  Olin Total Shareholder Return

 Ranking Compared to Performance
Share Comparison Group


    8.67% Bottom third


  16.27% Middle third


  11.45% Bottom third


    7.46% Middle third


    6.64% Top third


    6.59% Top third


    1.34% Bottom third


  -0.14% Bottom third


  -2.21% Middle third

The table below shows the effect of our TSR and effecttrailing three-year TSRs on the size of our stock option pool for the past tennine years:






The number ofactual stock options grantedoption award to an individual long-term incentive plan participants reflectsNEO represents his or her target award, increased or decreased by the portion ofsame percentage that the available stock option pool represented bywas increased or decreased, based on the individual’s target award. Thetrailing three-year TSR as described above. In addition, the committee (orhas the CEO, in the case of non-officers) maydiscretion to increase or decrease the actual option grant for an individual NEO by up to 25% from the target level,, although that discretion has not been exercised.exercised in any of the years covered by the table above.


We approve option awards at the first committee meeting each year. In 2013,2014, the first committee meeting was January 25, 2013.24, 2014. At that meeting, the committee approved the granting of options effective on February 11, 2013,10, 2014, with an exercise price of $23.28$25.57 per share, the average of the

high and low per share sales price of our common stock on the NYSE on February 11, 2013.10, 2014. When the first scheduled meeting occurs before or near the time we release our year endyear-end earnings report, the committee has granted stock options:



with a grant effective date approximately 10 days after the release of year endyear-end earnings, and



with an exercise price equal to fair market value on the grant effective date.


TheThis practice ensures that the exercise price for stock options reflects all current information. Although we have no formal policy on granting options at a time when inside information may exist, the committee follows the procedure we describe above when necessary to ensure that option exercise prices reflect full disclosure of earnings information. We have not engaged in “back dating” of options, as our policies do not allow back dating. In addition, our equity plans do not permit option grants with an exercise price below the fair market value of our stock on the effective date of the option grant.


Our CEO also has authority to grant a very limited number of options at other times during the year (no more than 50,000 total shares or 5,000 shares per employee), but may not grant options to anyone who is an officer within the definition of the rules under Section 16 of the Exchange Act, or “back date” any options. Consistent with the terms of our equity plans, options granted by our CEO may not have an exercise price below the fair market value of our stock on the effective date of the option grant.


Clawback Policy.Policy    Each executive who participates

As a participant in the SMICP, or the MICPeach of our NEOs is subject to thea clawback policy.policy that applies to all of our executive officers. Amounts that we recover are not included in calculating that executive’s benefits under our Supplemental CEOP, and our recovery of amounts under the policy does not constitute an event that triggers benefits under our severance agreements. In addition to the clawback policy, our equity plans provide that if a participant in that plan renders service to one of our competitors, or discloses confidential information without our consent, or violates other terms of the plan, the committee may terminate any unvested, unpaid or deferred awards held by the participant, or may require the participant to forfeit benefits received under the plan within the six months before the participant’s action.


Other Compensation.Compensation

We also offer a small number of other personal benefits to groups of employees. We provide someemployees, including our NEOs. Some benefits, such as a portion of health insurance premiums and certain retirement benefits, we extend to all eligible employees. We tie the size and construction of these benefits to competitive practices in the market, a practicedecision the committee believes enables us to attract and retain executives with the talents and skill sets we require. Other compensatory items, such as certain life insurance benefits and the retirement and change in control benefits described below, are provided to our NEOs and other senior managers. In the past, we also provided automobile expenses and financial counseling services to some of our NEOs, but terminated those perquisites at the end of 2010. The committee occasionally approves special restricted stock awards to an individual or group of employees to reflect special circumstances, although no such awards were made to NEOs in 2013.


Retirement Benefits.    We offer retirement benefits as part of the package to recruit and retain employees, as well as to contribute to their financial security in post-employment years.employees. Our retirement benefits also reflect an individual’s contributions over his or her career with Olin, as those benefits are based in part on the employee’s service and compensation. In general, we establish retirement


benefits based on comparable programs offered by competitors. The committee believes that retirement plans like ours are commonly provided to executives at other companies, and offering these benefits helps us remain competitive for qualified senior-level executive talent. We periodically re-evaluate and update those plans to respond to changes in the market.

The following chart summarizes the benefits under our active retirement plans for salaried employees:


Plan Title





Olin Corporation Contributing Employee Ownership Plan (the CEOP)—Employee Savings Account  Salaried employees (other than KA Steel employees)—employees—to provide employees with a tax effective savings vehicle to save primarily for retirement  Eligible employees may make pre-tax contributions (401k), Roth 401k contributions and after tax contributions. They may contribute up to 80% of eligible compensation (subject to various Code limits, including the 20132014 pre-tax and Roth 401k contribution limit of $17,500). For most employees, Olin matches the first 6% of base pay that they contribute to the plan, at the rate of 50%. For KA Steel employees, Olin matches 75% of the employee contribution up to 13% of base pay.
CEOP—Defined Contribution Retirement Account  Salaried employees (other than KA Steel employees)—to provide retirement benefits in lieu of benefits formerly provided under the Qualified Plan (prior to benefit accrual freeze)  For eligible employees, Olin makes contributions to the Defined Contribution Retirement Account of 5% or 7.5% of eligible compensation (depending on employee age).
Olin Corporation Supplemental Contributing Employee Ownership Plan (Supplemental CEOP)—Employee Savings Account  Senior management (other than KA Steel employees)—to compensate for Code limits on CEOP contributions  Eligible employees may make pre-tax contributions on eligible compensation in excess of Code limits and receive Olin matching contributions at the same percentages as the CEOP, as set forth above.
Supplemental CEOP—Defined Contribution Retirement Account  Senior management (other than KA Steel employees)—to compensate for Code limits on CEOP contributions  Olin also makes contributions on eligible compensation in excess of Code limits at the same percentages as the CEOP Defined Contribution Retirement Account (set forth above).
K. A. Steel Chemicals Inc. Employees 401(k) Plan (KA Steel 401(k) plan)KA Steel non-union employees—to provide employees with a tax effective savings vehicle to save primarily for retirementEligible employees may make pre-tax contributions (401k). They may contribute up to 50% of eligible compensation (subject to various Code limits, including the 2013 pre-tax contribution limit of $17,500). Olin matches 75% of the employee contribution up to 13% of base pay.



As part of our ongoing evaluation of benefit plans, in 2005, we amended the Olin Corporation EmployeesEmployees’ Pension Plan (Qualified Plan) to close participation, so that salaried employees hired on or after January 1, 2005 are not eligible for the Qualified Plan. As of December 31, 2007, we froze defined benefit pension accruals for salaried participants under that Plan, as well as the Olin Supplementary and Deferral Benefit Pension Plan (Supplemental Plan) and the Olin Senior Executive Pension Plan (Senior Plan). Although benefit accruals were frozen at the end of 2007, employment after that time counts toward years of service for vesting and early retirement eligibility.


In addition, we periodically suspend the company match to the CEOP for salaried and non-bargaining employees, including during the period January 1, 2010 through January 31, 2011.

The Supplemental CEOP, the Supplemental Plan and the Senior Plan are unfunded, nonqualified deferred compensation plans for the NEOs and a select group of other senior management employees. Because these three plans are unfunded, participants receive benefits only if we have the financial resources to make the payments when due. The committee believes that

historically it was common for companies to offer these kinds of nonqualified retirement supplements to executives and offering these benefits has allowed us to remain competitive in the market for qualified senior-level executive talent. We describe the terms of our retirement plans in more detail in the narrative discussion following the table entitled “Pension Benefits” below..


Risk Assessment.    Management and the committee regularly evaluate the risks involved with our compensation programs. In January 2014,2015, we conducted a comprehensive risk assessment. The risk assessment included compiling an inventory of incentive plans and programs, and conducting an analysis of the risk involved with each. The assessment considered factors such as the plan metrics, number of participants, maximum payments, and risk mitigation factors. The committee reviewed the risk assessment and concluded it did not believe any of our compensation programs or policies create risks that are reasonably likely to have a material adverse impact on Olin. Based on this conclusion, we implemented no material changes to our compensation policies or practices after our risk assessment.


Change in Control Agreements.    We provide change in control agreements to our senior management to ensure that our executives work to secure the best outcome for shareholders in the event of a possible change in control, even if it means that they lose their jobs as a result. As a retention incentive, each of our senior executives also has an agreement that provides certain benefits if the executive’s employment is terminated without cause. As noted above, inIn January 2014, we provided replacementreplaced change in control agreements to our NEOswith Messrs. Rupp, Slater, Fischer, McIntosh, Pain and fiveChirumbole and four other executives thatto (i) eliminate income tax gross-ups for “golden parachute” excise taxes in favor of a “best net after-tax” approach, (ii) require both a change in control and actual or constructive termination of employment to trigger benefitsaccelerated vesting of equity awards (other than early vesting of performance shares), that the acquirer fails to assume or replace, (iii) require a release of claims from the executive as a condition to receiving payments and other termination benefits, and (iv) add restrictive covenants. Those agreements are described in more detail below under “Potential Payments Upon Termination or Change in Control.” We also provided notice of termination of the remaining change in control agreements with 11nine other non-NEO executives upon their scheduled expiration in January of 2016.


The committee gives careful attention to all aspects of executive compensation and for the reasons discussed above remains confident that our executive compensation program satisfies our objectives.


Tax and Accounting Considerations


All elements of compensation, including salaries, generate charges to earnings under generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP). We generally do not adjust compensation based on accounting factors, but we consider the tax effect of various types of compensation. The committee considers the Code Section 162(m) limit on deductions for compensation over $1 million, and the designs of our stock options, the largest portion of our performance shares and our annual cash incentive are intended to meet the exemption for “performance-based” compensation from this


deductibility limit. It is possible, however, that portions of these awards will not qualify as “performance-based compensation,” and, when combined with salary and other compensation to an NEO, may exceed this limitation in any particular year.


Code Section 409A implemented tax rules applicable to nonqualified deferred compensation arrangements, and Olin has taken steps to comply with such rules to the extent applicable.

As previously noted, above, Olin’s clawback policies allow recovery of all or a portion of payments under the SMICP or the MICP and performance share awards from executives who participate in the SMICP or the MICP. To recover compensation, our board or the committee must determine that the executive was grossly negligent or engaged in intentional misconduct that was a “significant contributing factor” to:



a restatement of our financial statements, or



a significant increase in the value of that executive’s incentive awards.


Amounts recovered are not included in calculating that executive’s benefits under our Supplemental CEOP, and do not trigger benefits under our severance agreements. In addition, our equity plans provide that if a participant renders service to a competitor, or discloses confidential information without our consent, or violates other terms of the plan, the committee may terminate any unvested, unpaid or deferred awards held by the participant, or may require the participant to forfeit benefits received under the plan within the six months before the participant’s action.


Our equity plans and severance arrangements with NEOs do not provide any “gross-up” for the amount of excise tax, if any, due on “excess golden parachute payments” provisions under Code Section 280G. These agreements are described in more detail below under “Potential Payments Upon Termination or Change in Control.” We have given notice that the remaining severance agreements with 11nine non-NEO executives will not be renewed when they expire in January of 2016.


Stock Ownership Guidelines


We describe our stock ownership guidelines for directors under the heading “Director Compensation” below.. Our stock ownership guidelines for employees require executive officers and certain other senior managers to maintain specified ownership levels of our stock within 5five years after the guideline applies. Stringent stock ownership requirements mitigate any risk that options may cause management to focus on short-term stock price movement.

Our committee monitors compliance with the stock ownership guidelines annually. To determine “stock ownership” under the guidelines, we include, in addition to shares the individual owns outright, restricted stock and restricted stock units, shares held in the executive’s CEOP and Supplemental CEOP accounts, shares subject to vested stock options with an exercise price below the current market price and 25% of the total target performance share awards (representing half of the target performance shares that are payable in stock).


Officer Title

  Base Salary Multiple




Senior Vice President


Vice President



Our CEO has always complied with the stock ownership guidelines applicable to him, and has exceeded those guidelines since at least 2006. He and theThe other NEOs also met the guidelines applicable to them at year end.




The table below summarizes the total compensation paid to or earned by each of the NEOs for the fiscal years ended December 31, 2014, 2013 2012, and 2011:2012:


Name and Principal




 Bonus (1)

Awards (2)

Awards (2)

sation  (3)

 Change in
Value and
Earnings (4)

 All Other
sation (5)




 Bonus  (1)

Awards  (2)


Awards  (2)




 Change in
Value and
Earnings  (4)

 All Other




Joseph D. Rupp

  2013    930,000   N/A  1,956,750    1,297,200    960,000    —      235,571    5,379,521    2014   $930,000   N/A $1,579,825   $1,494,000    $   757,000    $   535,164    $223,942   $5,519,931  

Chairman, President
and CEO

  2012    900,000   N/A  1,756,485    972,675    1,128,000    1,058,901    239,938    6,055,999  
 2011    895,002   N/A  1,349,600    926,120    1,267,200    1,029,148    184,810    5,651,880  
Chairman and CEO  2013   $930,000   N/A $1,956,750   $1,297,200    $   960,000    —      td35,571   $5,379,521  
 2012   $900,000   N/A $1,756,485   $972,675    td,128,000    td,058,901    td39,938   $6,055,999  

Todd A. Slater

  2014   $337,008   N/A $183,515   $218,380    $   208,175    $     40,943    $  52,504   $1,040,525  
Vice President and CFO  2013   $261,000   N/A $104,360   $70,500    $   102,720    —      $  44,561   $583,141  
 2012   $253,008   N/A $86,740   $54,038    $   121,025    $     45,066    $  44,579   $604,456  

John E. Fischer

  2013    470,004   N/A  521,800    345,450    331,200    —      97,809    1,766,263    2014   $501,336   N/A $490,605   $503,466    $   320,211    $   368,078    $  98,896   $2,282,592  

Senior Vice President and CFO

  2012    455,004   N/A  477,070    265,275    370,125    431,868    97,386    2,096,728  
 2011    430,008   N/A  385,600    295,920    422,400    250,311    74,141    1,858,380  
President and COO  2013   $470,004   N/A $521,800   $345,450    $   331,200    —      $  97,809   $1,766,263  
 2012   $455,004   N/A $477,070   $265,275    $   370,125    $   431,868    $  97,386   $2,096,728  

John L. McIntosh

  2013    450,000   N/A  495,710    331,350    312,000    —      91,318    1,680,378    2014   $467,004   N/A $413,185   $390,100    $   258,894    $   470,095    $  91,729   $2,091,007  

Senior Vice President, Operations

  2012    425,004   N/A  433,700    240,713    352,500    554,122    81,374    2,087,413  
 2011    393,000   N/A  289,200    230,160    316,800    334,266    62,704    1,626,130  
Senior Vice President, Chemicals  2013   $450,000   N/A $495,710   $331,350    $   312,000    —      $  91,318   $1,680,378  
 2012   $425,004   N/A $433,700   $240,713    $   352,500    $   554,122    $  81,374   $2,087,413  

George H. Pain

  2013    425,004   N/A  365,260    239,700    234,240    —      85,612    1,349,816    2014   $441,000   N/A $291,660   $265,600    $   209,689    $   155,167    $  85,994   $1,449,110  

Senior Vice President, General Counsel and Secretary

  2012    412,008   N/A  325,275    181,763    286,700    379,236    111,167    1,696,149    2013   $425,004   N/A $365,260   $239,700    $   234,240    —      $  85,612   $1,349,816  
 2011    400,008   N/A  289,200    224,680    343,552    269,786    68,833    1,596,059    2012   $412,008   N/A $325,275   $181,763    $   286,700    $   379,236    td11,167   $1,696,149  

Senior Vice President,

General Counsel and


  2013    338,004   N/A  260,900    169,200    183,399    —      61,761    991,547    2014   $348,000   N/A $194,440   $190,900    $   126,050    $     56,582    $  62,241   $978,213  

Vice President and

  2013   $338,004   N/A $260,900   $169,200    $   183,399    —      $  61,761   $1,013,264  

President, Chlor Alkali Products

  2012    312,000   N/A  173,480    93,338    196,380    63,535    62,120    900,853    2012   $312,000   N/A $173,480   $93,338    $   196,380    $     63,536    $  62,120   $900,854  
 2011    303,000   N/A  96,400    76,720    239,860    35,132    43,085    794,197    

Robert F. Steel

  2014   $236,647   N/A $121,525   $107,900    $     32,266    N/A    $781,676   $1,280,014  
Former Vice President and President, KA Steel  2013   $367,694   N/A $130,450   $84,600    $     88,875    N/A    $    6,757   $678,376  
 2012   $127,500   N/A $2,136,000    —      $     58,750    N/A    $  12,391   $2,334,641  

Kenneth A. Steel, Jr.

  2014   $232,116   N/A  —      —      $     16,947    N/A    $782,410   $1,031,473  
Former Vice President and Executive Vice President, KA Steel  2013   $357,854   N/A  —      —      $     70,500    N/A    $    6,495   $434,849  
 2012   $127,500   N/A $2,136,000    —      $     58,750    N/A    $  12,608   $2,334,858  


The NEOs were not entitled to receive payments which would be characterized as “Bonus” payments. Annual cash incentive payments under the SMICP appear in column (g). Each of the NEOs (other than Messrs. R. Steel and K. Steel) has one or more agreements that provide for certain severance benefits (including additional benefits in the event of a “change in control”). The provisions of those agreements are described in more detail under the section entitled “Potential Payments Upon Termination or Change in Control.”


Represents the aggregate grant date fair value of equity awards granted in that year (performance shares and restricted stock units in column (e) and options in column (f)), in each case calculated in accordance with ASC Topic 718. Please see the notes entitled “Stock-Based Compensation” and “Accounting Policies—Stock-Based Compensation” in the notes to our audited financial statements included in our annual report on Form 10-K for the fiscal year in which the award was granted for a discussion of the assumptions underlying these calculations. The performance share amounts in column (e) are calculated based on a payout equal to 100% of the target level for awards made in 2011, 2012, 2013 and 2013.2014.

Set forth below are the amounts that would have been included for performance share awards (as well as the total amount in column (e)), if the grant date fair value had been based on the highest level of performance (for a payout equal to 150% of the target level).







Joseph D. Rupp

  $2,935,125    $2,634,728    $2,024,400  

John E. Fischer

  $782,700    $715,605    $578,400  

John L. McIntosh

  $743,565    $650,550    $433,800  

George H. Pain

  $547,890    $487,913    $433,800  

Frank W. Chirumbole

  $391,350    $260,220    $144,600  


Performance Share / Total

Performance Share / Total

Performance Share / Total

Joseph D. Rupp

$2,369,738 / $2,369,738$2,935,125 / $2,935,125$2,634,728 / $2,634,728

Todd A. Slater

$      109,373 / $219,973$      156,540 / $156,540$      130,110 / $130,110

John E. Fischer

$      619,778 / $697,198$      782,700 / $782,700$      715,605 / $715,605

John L. McIntosh

$      619,778 / $619,778$      743,565 / $743,565$      650,550 / $650,550

George H. Pain

$      437,490 / $437,490$      547,890 / $547,890$      487,913 / $487,913

Frank W. Chirumbole

$      291,660 / $291,660$      391,350 / $391,350$      260,220 / $260,220

Robert F. Steel

$      182,288 / $182,288$      195,675 / $195,675$           —   / $2,136,000

Kenneth A. Steel, Jr.

—   / —  —   / —  $           —   / $2,136,000


Amounts listed in this column were determined by the committee under our SMICP.




Amounts reported in this column represent the total increase in the present value of the pension benefits during the applicable year under all of our defined benefit pension plans, and are comprised of the following items:


Increase in Present Value of Pension Benefit Under:

Increase in Present Value of Pension Benefit(a) Under:Increase in Present Value of Pension Benefit(a) Under: 



   Qualified Plan

   Supplemental Plan

   Senior Plan


   Qualified Plan

 Supplemental Plan

 Senior Plan


Joseph D. Rupp

   2013     $(114,027  $(863,644  $       —     2014     $   79,740     $ 455,424           —(b) 
   2013     $(114,027   $(863,644         —(b) 
   2012     $ 140,193     $ 918,708           —(b) 

Todd A. Slater

   2014     $   27,491     $   11,023     $   2,429  
   2012     $ 140,193    $ 918,708    $       —     2013     $    (9,986   $    (6,173   $  (1,360
   2011     $ 151,184    $ 877,964    $       —     2012     $   28,913     $   13,236     $   2,917  

John E. Fischer

   2013     $  (27,567  $  (82,946  $(14,951   2014     $ 124,651     $ 205,642     $ 37,785  
   2012     $ 136,221    $ 250,495    $ 45,152     2013     $  (27,567   $  (82,946   $(14,951
   2011     $   85,881    $ 139,734    $ 24,696     2012     $ 136,221     $ 250,495     $ 45,152  

John L. McIntosh

   2013     $  (31,179  $(102,448  $(12,619   2014     $ 161,559     $ 274,701     $ 33,835  
   2012     $ 177,572    $ 335,257    $ 41,293     2013     $  (31,179   $(102,448   $(12,619
   2011     $ 115,866    $ 194,450    $ 23,950     2012     $ 177,572     $ 335,257     $ 41,293  

George H. Pain

   2013     $  (67,054  $(134,905  $(57,389   2014     $   48,516     $   73,796     $ 32,855  
   2012     $ 111,736    $ 190,871    $ 76,629     2013     $  (67,054   $(134,905   $(57,389
   2011     $   86,354    $ 133,096    $ 50,336     2012     $ 111,736     $ 190,871     $ 76,629  

Frank W. Chirumbole

   2013     $    (9,876  $    (9,785  $       —  **    2014     $   35,512     $   21,070           —(c) 
   2012     $   38,121    $   25,415    $       —  **    2013     $    (9,876   $    (9,785         —(c) 
   2011     $   22,178    $   12,954    $       —  **    2012     $   38,121     $   25,415           —(c) 

(a) Messrs. R. Steel and K. Steel are not eligible for pension benefits and so are not listed in the table.

(b) There was no change in the present value of Mr. Rupp’s pension benefit under the Senior Plan.

(c) Mr. Chirumbole was not eligible for pension benefits under the Senior Plan.


  *There was no change in the present value of Mr. Rupp’s pension benefit under the Senior Plan.
**Mr. Chirumbole is not eligible for pension benefits under the Senior Plan.

Changes in the present value of pension benefits are determined using the assumptions we use for financial reporting purposes and represent changes in assumptions and the fact that each NEO is one year older, rather than any change in the NEO’s accrued pension benefit. For December 31, 2011 the discount rate was 4.9% for the Qualified Plan and 4.2% for the Supplemental and Senior Plans. For December 31, 2012, the discount rate was 3.9% for the Qualified Plan and 3.2% for the Supplemental and Senior Plans. For December 31, 2013, the discount rate was 4.5% for the Qualified Plan and 3.9% for the Supplemental and Senior Plans. For 2011, we usedDecember 31, 2014, the RP2000 Mortality Table with 11 years of projected mortality improvementsdiscount rate was 3.9% for the Qualified Plan and 3.4% for the Supplemental and Senior Plans. For 2012, we used the RP2000 Mortality Table with 12 years of projected mortality improvements. Forimprovements and for 2013, we used the RP2000 Mortality Table with 13 years of projected mortality improvements. For 2014, we used the RP2014 Blue Collar Mortality Tables for Annuitants and Employees, with the Social Security Administration – 2014 Intermediate Cost Projections Mortality Improvement Scale. Please see the note entitled “Pension Plans and Retirement Benefits” in the notes to our audited financial statements included in our 20132014 annual report on Form 10-K for a discussion of these assumptions. The values shown in the table are due exclusively to the change of assumptions and the fact that each executive is one year older, and is not driven at all by any change in the retirement benefit itself. For 2013,2014, the discount rates used to determine the present values of the pension benefits were higherlower than in 20122013 resulting in a decreasean increase in the present values under each of the three plans.


To determine the change in the present value of the pension benefits under these plans, for Messrs. Slater, Fischer, McIntosh and Chirumbole, we used age 62, the first age at which unreduced pension benefits are payable under the Qualified Plan, the Supplemental Plan and the Senior Plan. For Messrs. Rupp and Pain, who are eligible for unreduced pension benefits under the Qualified Plan, the Supplemental Plan and the Senior Plan, we used their actual ages at December 31, 2013.2014.



Generally, the Senior Plan provides a 50% benefit to the executive’s surviving spouse (which we refer to as a “joint and survivorship benefit”) without an actuarial reduction in payments during the executive’s lifetime. An executive also can elect to have payments under the Qualified Plan and the Supplemental Plan extend for the remainder of his or her spouse’s lifetime, but such an election results in an actuarial reduction to benefits paid under those plans. Benefits paid from the Senior Plan are increased by the amount of the actuarial reduction under the Qualified Plan and the Supplemental Plan for a 50% joint and survivorship benefit. In accordance with the SEC regulations, the pension benefits in the Summary Compensation Table reflect benefits payable in the form of a single life annuity payable only during the life of the executive, and do not reflect any joint and survivorship benefit.




Amounts reported in this column for 20132014 are comprised of the following items:


Executive Officer

  Life Insurance
Premiums (a)

CEOP – Retirement
Account (b)

   Perquisites and
other Personal


Joseph D. Rupp

   $52,521     $182,250     $800  

John E. Fischer

   $19,899     $  77,110     $800  

John L. McIntosh

   $16,830     $  73,688     $800  

George H. Pain

   $18,684     $  66,128     $800  

Frank W. Chirumbole

   $10,820     $  50,141     $800  

Executive Officer

 Life Insurance
Premiums (a)


Account (b)

  Perquisites and
other Personal
Benefits (a)

Payment (c)



Joseph D. Rupp

  $53,492    $169,650    $   800    —     $223,942  

Todd A. Slater

  $  8,614    $  43,090    $   800    —     $52,504  

John E. Fischer

  $20,616    $  77,480    $   800    —     $98,896  

John L. McIntosh

  $18,494    $  72,435    $   800    —     $91,729  

George H. Pain

  $21,321    $  63,873    $   800    —     $85,994  

Frank W. Chirumbole

  $11,146    $  50,295    $   800    —     $62,241  

Robert F. Steel

  $     777    $    9,450    $   800    $770,649   $781,676  

Kenneth A. Steel, Jr.

  $     761    $    9,348    $1,652    $770,649   $782,410  


The key executive life insurance program consists of three types of benefits: active employee life insurance, retiree life insurance and survivor income benefits. At the executive’s option, the survivor income benefit may be exchanged for additional cash value. The amounts shown represent the total premiums we paid in 20132014 for the benefits under the programs.programs, and for Mr. K. Steel, a car allowance for a portion of 2014 in the amount of $852. Messrs. R. Steel and K. Steel participated in Olin’s life insurance program and did not participate in the key executive life insurance program.


The amounts shown represent Olin’s contributions of a total of 7.5% of the individual’s eligible compensation to the Retirement Account portion of the CEOP and Supplemental CEOP, as well as amounts of Olin matching contributions to the CEOP and the Supplemental CEOP during 2013.2014. The amounts shown for Messrs. R. Steel and K. Steel represent the company matching contributions.


The amounts shown represent the payout of performance-based restricted stock made to Messrs. R. Steel and K. Steel in connection with the termination of their employment.

To show the effect that the year-over-year change in pension value had on total reported compensation, as determined under applicable SEC rules, we have included an additional column to show total compensation minus the change in pension value. The amounts reported in the Total Without Change in Pension Value column may differ substantially from the amounts reported in the Total column required under SEC rules and are not a substitute for total compensation. The change in pension value is subject to many external variables, such as discount rates, that are not related to Olin performance. Therefore, we do not believe a year-over-year change in pension value is helpful in evaluating compensation for comparative purposes and instead, believe shareholders may find the accumulated pension benefits in the Pension Benefits table on pages 50-51 a more useful calculation of the pension benefits provided to the NEOs.




Name and Principal













Change in

Value and


All Other




Change in


Joseph D. Rupp

 $930,000    $1,579,825    $1,494,000     $757,000     $535,164    $223,942    $5,519,931    $4,984,767  

Chairman and CEO


Todd A. Slater

 $337,008    $183,515    $218,380     $208,175     $  40,943    $52,504    $1,040,525    $999,582  

Vice President and CFO


John E. Fischer

 $501,336    $490,605    $503,466     $320,211     $368,078    $98,896    $2,282,592    $1,914,514  

President and COO


John L. McIntosh

 $467,004    $413,185    $390,100     $258,894     $470,095    $91,729    $2,091,007    $1,620,912  

Senior Vice President, Chemicals


George H. Pain

 $441,000    $291,660    $265,600     $209,689     $155,167    $85,994    $1,449,110    $1,293,943  

Senior Vice President, General Counsel and Secretary


Frank W. Chirumbole

 $348,000    $194,440    $190,900     $126,050     $  56,582    $62,241    $978,213    $921,631  

Vice President and President, Chlor Alkali Products


Robert F. Steel

 $236,647    $121,525    $107,900     $  32,266         $781,676    $1,280,014    $1,280,014  

Former Vice President and President, KA Steel


Kenneth A. Steel, Jr.

 $232,116               $  16,947         $782,410    $1,031,473    $1,031,473  

Former Vice President and Executive Vice President, KA Steel



Total Without Change in Pension Value represents total compensation, as determined under applicable SEC rules, minus the change in pension value reported in the Change in Pension Value and Nonqualified Deferred Compensation Earnings column (but including the nonqualified deferred compensation earnings reported in that column, if any).

The above table is not a substitute for the information disclosed in the Summary Compensation Table and related footnotes, which begin on page 42. See the notes accompanying that Summary Compensation Table for more information.


GRANTS OF PLAN-BASED AWARDSGrants of Plan-Based Awards








  Estimated Future
Payouts Under
Non-equity Incentive
Plan Awards (1)

  Estimated Future
Payouts Under Equity
Incentive Plan
Awards (2)

  All Other

of Stock
or Units


  All Other
Number of


or Base
Price of


Date Fair
Value of












Joseph D. Rupp

  02/10/14    01/24/14   —   $1,000,000   $1,860,000                              
   02/10/14    01/24/14              16,250    65,000    97,500               $2,369,738  
   02/10/14    01/24/14                              180,000    $25.57   $1,494,000  

Todd A. Slater

  02/10/14    01/24/14   —   $275,000   $740,016                              
   02/10/14    01/24/14              750    3,000    4,500               $109,373  
   02/10/14    01/24/14                              9,000    $25.57   $74,700  
   05/05/14    05/04/14                              16,000    $27.65   $143,680  
   05/05/14    05/04/14                          4,000           $110,600  

John E. Fischer

  02/10/14    01/24/14   —   $423,000   $1,020,000                              
   02/10/14    01/24/14              4,250    17,000    25,500               $619,778  
   02/10/14    01/24/14                              48,000    $25.57   $398,400  
   05/05/14    05/04/14                              11,700    $27.65   $105,066  
   05/05/14    05/04/14                          2,800           $77,420  

John L. McIntosh

  02/10/14    01/24/14   —   $342,000   $934,008                              
   02/10/14    01/24/14              4,250    17,000    25,500               $619,778  
   02/10/14    01/24/14                              47,000    $25.57   $390,100  

George H. Pain

  02/10/14    01/24/14   —   $277,000   $882,000                              
   02/10/14    01/24/14              3,000    12,000    18,000               $437,490  
   02/10/14    01/24/14                              32,000    $25.57   $265,600  

Frank W. Chirumbole

  02/10/14    01/24/14   —   $200,000   $696,000                              
   02/10/14    01/24/14              2,000    8,000    12,000               $291,660  
   02/10/14    01/24/14                              23,000    $25.57   $190,900  

Robert F. Steel

  02/10/14    01/24/14   —   $155,000*  $734,016*                             
   02/10/14    01/24/14              1,250    5,000*   7,500               $182,288  
   02/10/14    01/24/14                              13,000    $25.57   $107,900  

Kenneth A. Steel, Jr.

  02/10/14    01/24/14   —   $155,000*  $720,000*                             

*Subject to pro-ration based on the number of months worked for Olin.






  Estimated Future
Payouts Under
Non-Equity Incentive
Plan Awards (1)

  Estimated Future
Payouts Under Equity
Incentive Plan
Awards (2)


or Units

 All Other
(#) (3)

or Base
Price of
Share) (3)

Date Fair
Value of








Joseph D. Rupp

  2/11/13    1/25/13    —     $1,000,000   $1,860,000                            
   2/11/13    1/25/13                18,750    75,000    112,500             $2,935,125  
   2/11/13    1/25/13                              184,000   $23.28   $1,297,200  

John E. Fischer

  2/11/13    1/25/13    —     $345,000   $940,008                            
   2/11/13    1/25/13                5,000    20,000    30,000             $782,700  
   2/11/13    1/25/13                              49,000   $23.28   $345,450  

John L. McIntosh

  2/11/13    1/25/13    —     $325,000   $900,000                            
   2/11/13    1/25/13                4,750    19,000    28,500             $743,565  
   2/11/13    1/25/13                              47,000   $23.28   $331,350  

George H. Pain

  2/11/13    1/25/13    —     $244,000 $850,008                            
   2/11/13    1/25/13                3,500    14,000    21,000             $547,890  
   2/11/13    1/25/13                              34,000   $23.28   $239,700  

Frank W. Chirumbole

  2/11/13    1/25/13    —     $193,000 $676,008                            
   2/11/13    1/25/13                2,500    10,000    15,000             $391,350  
   2/11/13    1/25/13                              24,000   $23.28   $169,200  


Amounts in these columns represent the potential annual cash incentives established in early 20132014 under our SMICP. Actual amounts were determined and paid in early 20142015 and are included under column (g) in the Summary Compensation Table above.Table. We discuss the SMICP and our annual incentive program under the heading “Compensation Discussion“COMPENSATION DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS—What We Pay and Analysis—Why: Elements of Compensation” above..


Numbers in these columns represent awards of performance shares under our Performance Share Program described below. The amounts in column (f) reflect the minimum performance shares awarded (25% of the target amounts in column (g)). The amounts in column (h) represent 150% of the target amounts, the maximum payout of the performance shares.


For Messrs. Robert and Kenneth Steel, subject to pro-ration based on the number of months worked for Olin.


Numbers in these columns for all NEOs represent non-qualified stock options granted under our long-term incentive plans, vesting in three equal annual installments, beginning on the first anniversary of the grant date. The market closing price on the grant date was $23.22,$25.49, while the options were granted with an option exercise price equal to the average of the high and low sale prices of our common stock on the grant date ($23.28)25.57). Option awards are determined on the first regularly-scheduled compensation committee meeting date in a calendar year (in 2013,2014, January 25, 2013)24, 2014). In recent years, committee meetings have been held before (or shortly after) the time we issued our year endyear-end earnings press release, and so the option awards became effective on a later date (February 1110 for 20132014 grants), approximately 10 days after our earnings release. The effective date of the option grants has always occurred on or after the meeting date, and we have never engaged in “back dating” practices. In addition, Messrs. Fischer and Slater received one-time stock option awards on May 5, 2014, in connection with their promotions. The option exercise price of $27.65 represents the average of the high and low sale prices of our common stock on the grant date, and the market closing price on that date was $27.88.




Amounts in this column (i) assume payment of performance shares at the maximum level and (ii) value options using the Black-Scholes value calculated for financial statement reporting purposes in accordance with ASC Topic 718. Please see the note entitled “Stock-Based Compensation” in the notes to our audited financial statements included in our 20132014 annual report on Form 10-K for a discussion of the assumptions underlying these calculations.


Stock Options


Annually, we grant options to purchase shares of our common stock to a group of key employees, including our executive officers. We describe our stock option program in more detail above under the heading “Compensation Discussion and Analysis—Long Term“COMPENSATION DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS—Long-Term Incentive (Equity) Compensation,” and “—Stock Options.” All options granted in 20132014 were non-qualified options vesting in three equal annual installments beginning on the first anniversary of the grant date. The options generally may be exercised until ten10 years after the grant date (but the exercise period may end earlier based on the termination of the participant’s employment).


The committee grants options with an exercise price equal to the average of the high and low prices on the grant effective date. All of our equity plans specifically prohibit repricing, and, except for certain anti-dilution adjustments, other adjustments to the exercise price. We discuss the timing of our option grants above under the heading “Compensation Discussion and Analysis—“COMPENSATION DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS—Long-Term Incentive (Equity) Compensation—Stock Options” above.. Our plans and our policies do not permit any “back dating” of options.


Performance Shares


Each NEO and certain other key employees received a target number of performance shares in early 2013,2014, which vest at the end of 2015.2016. The total number of performance shares that vest may vary between 25% and 150% of the target number, based on our average annual return on capital for the three years ending December 31, 2015,2016, in relation to the average annual return on capital among the Performance Share Comparison Group for that period. The chart included in the discussion of performance share awards in the “Compensation Discussion and Analysis” above sets forth this relationship in more detail. Vested performance shares are paid approximately half in cash and half in stock. No dividends or dividend equivalents are paid on unvested performance shares.


OUTSTANDING EQUITY AWARDS AT FISCAL YEAR-ENDOutstanding Equity Awards at Fiscal Year-End


 Option Awards

 Stock Awards

  Option Awards

 Stock Awards




 Number of
Options (#)

 Number of
Options (#)

Number of




or Units

Units or
Have Not
(#) (4)

Market or
Value of
Units or
That Have
Not Vested
($) (4)

  Number of
Options (#)


 Number of
Options (#)


Number of






or Units


(#) (5)

or Units

($) (5)


Units or

Have Not

(#) (6)


Market or
Value of
Units or
That Have

($) (6)


Joseph D. Rupp

  —     —     —     —     —     —     —     75,000   $2,163,750                                65,000   $1,480,050  
  —     —     —     —     —     —     —     81,000   $2,336,850                                75,000   $1,707,750  
  —     184,000(1)   —    $23.28    2/10/23    —     —     —     —         180,000  (1)       $25.57    02/09/24                  
  49,500    99,000(2)   —    $21.92    2/09/22    —     —     —     —     61,334    122,666  (2)       $23.28    02/10/23                  
  112,667    56,333(3)   —    $18.78    2/11/21    —     —     —     —     99,000    49,500  (3)       $21.92    02/09/22                  
  266,250    —     —    $15.68    2/04/20    —     —     —     —     169,000            $18.78    02/11/21                  
  268,750    —     —    $14.28    2/05/19    —     —     —     —     266,250            $15.68    02/04/20                  
  170,250    —     —    $20.29    2/07/18    —     —     —     —     268,750            $14.28    02/05/19                  
  179,250    —     —    $16.52    2/12/17    —     —     —     —     170,250            $20.29    02/06/18                  
  157,000    —     —    $20.68    2/08/16    —     —     —     —     179,250            $16.52    02/12/17                  
  102,250    —     —    $23.78    2/09/15    —     —     —     —     157,000            $20.68    02/08/16                  
  76,700    —     —    $18.52    2/11/14    —     —     —     —   

Todd A. Slater

                              3,000   $68,310  
                              4,000   $91,080  
                      4,000   $91,080          
  16,000  (4)       $27.65    05/04/24                  
  9,000  (1)       $25.57    02/09/24                  
  3,334    6,666  (2)       $23.28    02/10/23                  
  5,500    2,750  (3)       $21.92    02/09/22                  
  13,000            $18.78    02/11/21                  
  16,250            $15.68    02/04/20                  
  16,250            $14.28    02/05/19                  
  10,500            $20.29    02/06/18                  
  13,500            $16.52    02/12/17                  
  14,000            $20.68    02/08/16                  

John E. Fischer

  —     —     —     —     —     —     —     20,000   $577,000                                17,000   $387,090  
                              20,000   $455,400  
                      2,800   $63,756          
  —     —     —     —     —     —     —     22,000   $634,700    11,700  (4)       $27.65    05/04/24                  
  —     49,000(1)   —    $23.28    2/10/23    —     —     —     —     48,000  (1)       $25.57    02/09/24                  
  13,500    27,000(2)   —    $21.92    2/09/22    —     —     —     —     16,334    32,666  (2)       $23.28    02/10/23                  
  36,000    18,000(3)   —    $18.78    2/11/21    —     —     —     —     27,000    13,500  (3)       $21.92    02/09/22                  
  45,833    —     —    $15.68    2/04/20    —     —     —     —     54,000        $18.78    02/11/21                  
  17,667    —     —    $14.28    2/05/19    —     —     —     —     45,833            $15.68    02/04/20                  
  35,250    —     —    $20.29    2/07/18    —     —     —     —     17,667            $14.28    02/05/19                  
  42,000    —     —    $20.68    2/08/16    —     —     —     —     35,250            $20.29    02/06/18                  
  26,575    —     —    $23.78    2/09/15    —     —     —     —     42,000            $20.68    02/08/16   

John L. McIntosh

  —     —     —     —     —     —     —     19,000   $548,150                                17,000   $387,090  
  —     —     —     —     —     —     —     20,000   $577,000                                19,000   $432,630  
  —     47,000(1)   —    $23.28    2/10/23    —     —     —     —         47,000  (1)       $25.57    02/09/24                  
  12,250    24,500(2)  —     $21.92    2/09/22    —      —      —      —      15,667    31,333  (2)       $23.28    02/10/23                  
  28,000    14,000(3)   —    $18.78    2/11/21    —     —     —     —     24,500    12,250  (3)       $21.92    02/09/22                  
  43,750    —     —    $15.68    2/04/20    —     —     —     —     42,000            $18.78    02/11/21                  
  8,750    —     —    $14.28    2/05/19    —     —     —     —     43,750            $15.68    02/04/20                  
  24,000    —     —    $20.29    2/07/18    —     —     —     —     8,750            $14.28    02/05/19                  
  1,250    —     —    $16.52    2/12/17    —     —     —     —     24,000            $20.29    02/06/18                  
  30,000    —     —    $20.68    2/08/16    —     —     —     —     1,250            $16.52    02/12/17                  
  23,000    —     —    $23.78    2/09/15    —     —     —     —     30,000            $20.68    02/08/16                  

George H. Pain

  —     —     —     —     —     —     —     14,000   $403,900                                12,000   $273,240  
  —     —     —     —     —     —     —     15,000   $432,750                                14,000   $318,780  
  —     34,000(1)   —    $23.28    2/10/23    —     —     —     —         32,000  (1)       $25.57    02/09/24                  
  9,250    18,500(2)   —    $21.92    2/09/22    —     —     —     —     11,334    22,666  (2)       $23.28    02/10/23                  
  27,333    13,667(3)   —    $18.78    2/11/21    —     —     —     —     18,500    9,250  (3)       $21.92    02/09/22                  
  33,000    —     —    $20.29    2/07/18    —     —     —     —     41,000            $18.78    02/11/21                  
  12,667    —     —    $20.68    2/08/16    —     —     —     —     33,000            $20.29    02/06/18                  
  12,667            $20.68    02/08/16                  

Frank W. Chirumbole

  —     —     —     —     —     —     —     10,000   $288,500  
  —     —     —     —     —     —     —     8,000   $230,800  
  —     24,000(1)   —    $23.28    2/10/23    —     —     —     —   
  4,750    9,500(2)   —    $21.92    2/09/22    —     —     —     —   
  9,333    4,667(3)   —    $18.78    2/11/21    —     —     —     —   
  12,500    —     —    $15.68    2/04/20    —     —     —     —   
  12,500    —     —    $14.28    2/05/19    —     —     —     —   
  7,500    —     —    $20.29    2/07/18    —     —     —     —   
  10,250    —     —    $16.52    2/12/17    —     —     —     —   
  11,775    —     —    $20.68    2/08/16    —     —     —     —   
  9,200    —     —    $23.78    2/09/15    —     —     —     —   

  Option Awards

 Stock Awards



 Number of
Options (#)


 Number of
Options (#)


Number of






or Units


(#) (5)

or Units

($) (5)


Units or

Have Not

(#) (6)


Market or
Value of
Units or
Have Not

($) (6)

Frank W. Chirumbole

        8,000 $182,160
         10,000 $227,700
   23,000(1)  $25.57 02/09/24    
  8,000 16,000(2)  $23.28 02/10/23    
  9,500 4,750(3)  $21.92 02/09/22    
  14,000   $18.78 02/11/21    
  12,500   $15.68 02/04/20    
  12,500   $14.28 02/05/19    
  7,500   $20.29 02/06/18    
  10,250   $16.52 02/12/17    
  11,775   $20.68 02/08/16    
  9,200   $23.78 02/09/15    

Robert F. Steel

        5,000 $113,850
         5,000 $113,850
  4,000   $23.28 08/22/15    

Kenneth A. Steel, Jr.



The options vest in three annual equal installments beginning February 10, 2014.2015.


The options vest in three annual equal installments beginning February 11, 2014, so the first installment has vested.


The options vest in three annual equal installments beginning February 10, 2013, so the first installment hastwo installments have vested.


The option vestsoptions vest in three annual equal installments beginning February 11, 2012, so two installments have vested.May 5, 2015.


Represents the number of shares of unvested restricted stock, and the entire value of allsuch awards based on the December 31, 2014 closing price of our common stock of $22.77.


Represents the number of unvested performance shares and the value of such performance shares based on the December 31, 20132014 closing price of our common stock of $28.85.$22.77. Vested shares will be paid approximately half in cash and half in stock.



OPTION EXERCISES AND STOCK VESTEDOption Exercises and Stock Vested


  Option Awards

   Stock Awards

   Option Awards

   Stock Awards




  Number of
Acquired on

   Value Realized
on Exercise
(c) (1)

   Number of
Acquired on
(d)  (2)

on Vesting
(e) (3)

   Number of
Acquired on


   Value Realized
on Exercise

(c) (1)

   Number of
Acquired on

(d) (2)

   Value Realized
on Vesting

(e) (3)


Joseph D. Rupp

   75,000     $624,750     41,500    $951,595     178,950     $683,884     35,000     $953,050  

Todd A. Slater

   10,225     $  14,929     2,000     $  54,460  

John E. Fischer

   5,250     $  46,935     23,833    $589,451     26,575     $  40,128     10,000     $272,300  

John L. McIntosh

   60,000     $522,350     13,167    $323,401     23,000     $  54,050     7,500     $204,225  

George H. Pain

   51,249     $410,334     21,333    $532,126               7,500     $204,225  

Frank W. Chirumbole

   9,200     $  47,472     5,333    $133,025               2,500     $  68,075  

Robert F. Steel

             27,450     $770,649  

Kenneth A. Steel, Jr.

             27,450     $770,649  


The amounts in column (c) above represent the difference between the closing market price of the underlying shares on the exercise date and the option exercise price, multiplied by the number of shares subject to the option exercise. Messrs. Rupp, Slater and Fischer retained 75,000178,950, 10,225 and 5,250,26,575, respectively, of the shares issued on exercise, so their actual cash value realized was less than the amount shown above.


For all NEOs other than Messrs. R. Steel and K. Steel, the shares listed in column (d) above represent (i) performance shares paid in the summer of 20132014 (vested based on our performance for the three years ended December 31, 2012)2013) under a performance share award made in early 20102011. For Messrs. R. Steel and (ii)K. Steel, represents shares of performance-based restricted stock grantedpaid in 2010 and vested in 2013 (includingconnection with termination of their employment (net shares delivered in payment of income tax withholding amounts)after 7,755 shares withheld for taxes were 19,695).


Performance shares are paid approximately half in cash and half in stock. The cash portion of the performance shares payment was based on the fair market value of the shares as of December 31, 20122014 ($21.45)23.04), and dollar amounts listed in column (e) above for the stock portion of the payment of performance shares are based on the average of the high and low sales prices for our common stock as of August 21, 2013,27, 2014, the date the shares were issued ($22.93)27.23). Of the total performance shares included in column (d) above, 25% vested automatically (25% of the target performance share award). The remaining performance shares vested based on our average annual return on capital for the three-year period ended December 31, 2012,2014, compared to that of the Performance Share Comparison Group. We describe our performance share program in more detail in our “Compensation Discussion“COMPENSATION DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS—What We Pay and Analysis–Why: Elements of Compensation” and in the text following the table entitled “Grants of Plan-Based Awards.”




The following table below shows the present value of the benefits under each of the pension plans as of December 31, 20132014 for each NEO.NEO (other than Messrs. R. Steel and K. Steel, whose employment terminated before that date and were not eligible to participate in these plans). The present values are calculated using:



the executive’s average compensation (salary and annual incentive, and specific inclusions and exclusions that vary by plan) for the three highest years out of the last ten10 years of employment through December 31, 2007,



years of creditable service under each of the plans as of December 31, 2007,



age 62, the first age at which unreduced pension benefits are payable under each of the pension plans, for Messrs. Slater, Fischer, McIntosh and Chirumbole. ForChirumbole, and for Messrs. Rupp and Pain, who arewere eligible for unreduced pension benefits we used their ages on December 31, 2013,2014, and



the assumptions we used for financial reporting as of December 31, 2013,2014, including a 4.5%3.9% discount rate for the Qualified Plan and a 3.9%3.4% discount rate for the Supplemental and Senior Plans and the RP2000RP2014 Blue Collar Mortality TableTables for Annuitants and Employees, with 13 years of projected mortality improvements.the Social Security Administration – 2014 Intermediate Cost Projections Mortality Improvement Scale.

Please see the note entitled “Pension Plans—Pension Plan Assumptions” in the notes to our audited financial statements included in our 20132014 annual report on Form 10-K for a discussion of these assumptions.





  Plan Name
(b) (1)

of Years
(c) (2)

Value of
(d) (3)

During Last
Fiscal Year

  Plan Name
(b) (1)

 Number of Years
Credited Service
(c) (2)

 Present Value of
Accumulated Benefit
(d) (3)

 Payments During
Last Fiscal Year


Joseph D. Rupp

  Qualified Plan   35.00    $1,384,421     —     Qualified Plan  35.00           $1,464,161   
Supplemental Plan   35.00    $8,914,217     —     Supplemental Plan  35.00           $  9,369,641   
Senior Plan   21.50    $—       —     Senior Plan  21.50   

Todd A. Slater

 Qualified Plan  5.00           $140,517   
Supplemental Plan  5.00           $61,431   
Senior Plan  2.58           $13,538   

John E. Fischer

  Qualified Plan   23.58    $779,288     —     Qualified Plan  23.58           $903,939   
Supplemental Plan   23.58    $1,415,625     —     Supplemental Plan  23.58           $1,621,267   
Senior Plan   3.08    $255,167     —     Senior Plan  3.08           $292,952   

John L. McIntosh

  Qualified Plan   30.58    $1,077,543     —     Qualified Plan                  30.58           $1,239,102   
Supplemental Plan   30.58    $2,013,941     —     Supplemental Plan  30.58           $2,288,642   
Senior Plan   8.92    $248,052     —     Senior Plan  8.92           $281,886   

George H. Pain

  Qualified Plan   21.75    $810,242     —     Qualified Plan  21.75           $858,758   
Supplemental Plan   21.75    $1,383,619     —     Supplemental Plan  21.75           $1,457,415   
Senior Plan   5.75    $552,253     —     Senior Plan  5.75           $585,108   

Frank W. Chirumbole

  Qualified Plan   6.50    $190,298     —     Qualified Plan  6.5           $225,810   
Supplemental Plan   6.50    $124,718     —     Supplemental Plan  6.5           $145,788   
Senior Plan   N/A     N/A     N/A   Senior Plan  N/A    N/A   N/A


The Qualified Plan is the Olin Corporation EmployeesEmployees’ Pension Plan, the Supplemental Plan is the Olin Supplementary and Deferral Benefit Pension Plan, and the Senior Plan is the Olin Senior Executive Pension Plan, each of which is described below.


Benefit accruals were frozen under all of these plans effective December 31, 2007. Employment after that date continues to count toward meeting service and age requirements for vesting and early retirement. Participation in the Senior Plan began when the executive became a Section 16(b) reporting officer and was selected by the committee (prior to the accrual freeze in 2007). The Senior Plan was frozen before Mr. Chirumbole satisfied the eligibility requirements and, therefore he is not eligible to receive a pension benefit under the Senior Plan. Participation in the Qualified Plan generally began when the executive was hired. Participation in the Supplemental Plan generally began when the executive’s compensation first exceeded the limit imposed by the Code on compensation that was includible when determining benefits under qualified plans. All of the participating NEOs have met the requirements for vesting. Messrs. Rupp and Pain have met the requirements for full retirement and Messrs. Fischer, McIntosh and Chirumbole have met the requirements for early retirement.


Amounts in this column assume that benefits are paid in the form of an annuity during the executive’s lifetime. As discussed in more detail below, a participant may elect instead to receive benefits over the life of the executive and his or her spouse.


The executive may elect payment of benefits under any of the available payment forms under these plans, including payments for the executive’s life (which we sometimes refer to as a “single life annuity”) or payments continuing after the executive’s death for the life of his or her spouse (which we refer to as a “joint and survivorship benefit”). Under the Qualified Plan and the Supplemental Plan, benefit payments are reduced from the single life annuity based on actuarial calculations if the executive elects a different payment form. The Senior Plan generally provides a 50% joint and survivorship benefit without any actuarial reduction, and also provides the executive with an additional amount equal to the amount of the actuarial reduction of benefits payable from the Qualified Plan and the Supplemental Plan for a 50% joint and survivorship benefit election.

The following chart shows the present value of accrued benefits for each of the NEOs who participate in these plans, assuming (i) the executive elected the 50% joint and survivorship benefit and (ii) for Messrs. Slater, Fischer, McIntosh and Chirumbole, that they retired at age 62 (the first age at which unreduced pension benefits are payable under the plans) and for Messrs. Rupp and Pain, that they retired on December 31, 20132014 as they are currently eligible for unreduced benefits.



  Qualified Plan

   Supplemental Plan

   Senior Plan


Joseph D. Rupp

  $1,426,491    $9,244,063    $922,854  

John E. Fischer

  $800,025    $1,460,043    $425,581  

John L. McIntosh

  $1,113,454    $2,094,057    $517,161  

George H. Pain

  $832,601    $1,428,385    $760,600  

Frank W. Chirumbole

  $197,003    $129,944     N/A  


  Qualified Plan

   Supplemental Plan

   Senior Plan


Joseph D. Rupp

   $1,520,316     $9,783,923     $1,030,681  

Todd A. Slater

   $   144,497     $     63,442     $     29,702  

John E. Fischer

   $   933,074     $1,680,284     $   489,778  

John L. McIntosh

   $1,288,979     $2,393,864     $   591,203  

George H. Pain

   $   887,583     $1,512,281     $   815,710  

Frank W. Chirumbole

   $   234,880     $   152,505     N/A  



Freeze of Qualified Plan, Supplemental Plan and Senior Plan


As noted above, benefits accrued by salaried participants in the Qualified Plan, Supplemental Plan and Senior Plan were “frozen” effective December 31, 2007. Participants accrued benefits until December 31, 2007 based on applicable years of service and eligible compensation through that date. Service after December 31, 2007 will count toward meeting the eligibility requirements for commencing a pension benefit (including vesting and early retirement) under these plans, but not toward the calculation of the pension benefit amount. Compensation earned after 2007 will similarly not count toward the determination of the pension benefit amounts under these plans.


Qualified Plan


As part of our benefits program and to contribute to employees’ financial security in retirement, we offered defined benefit retirement benefits to salaried employees hired before January 1, 2005 through our Qualified Plan. Benefits under the Qualified Plan are calculated based on the average cash compensation (salary and annual incentive) for the highest three years out of the last ten10 years the individual is employed by Olin, through December 31, 2007. The law requires that in determining eligible compensation, the Qualified Plan ignore compensation in excess of a legally-imposed cap (which for 2007, the last year of benefit accruals, was $225,000). An employee’s benefit is generally 1.5% of his or her average compensation during the relevant period multiplied by the number of years of service, less a percentage of his or her primary Social Security benefit based on years of service (not to exceed 50% of such Social Security benefit). Participants who are at least age 55 with at least 10 years of service when they leave Olin may elect to receive a benefit immediately that is reduced by 4% for each year the participant is younger than age 62 at the time benefit payments begin. Participants who leave Olin before age 55 (with 10 or more years of service) may elect to receive an actuarially reduced benefit with payments beginning at age 55 or later. Participants who leave Olin before age 65 with at least 5five years of service (but less than 10 years of service) receive a vested retirement benefit beginning the month after their 65th birthday. Benefits from the Qualified Plan generally are paid as an annuity with the form of payment (e.g. joint and survivorship benefit, guaranteed period, etc.) selected by the participant, subject to any applicable actuarial reductions.


In lieu of benefits that had been provided under the Qualified Plan, at the time participation was frozen, the CEOP was amended to add a Defined Contribution Retirement Account to help ensure that our benefits program would remain competitive. Depending on the participant’s age, we contribute 5% or 7.5% of eligible compensation to that Defined Contribution Retirement Account.

Supplemental Plan


The Supplemental Plan is an unfunded, nonqualified deferred compensation plan for management employees at specified compensation levels. The Code imposes limits on pension benefits payable from the Qualified Plan. Our Supplemental Plan restores these benefits to affected employees and provides benefits on certain compensation that has been excluded from eligible compensation under the Qualified Plan. The formula used to calculate pension benefits under the Supplemental Plan is the same as under the Qualified Plan, without the Code limitations on benefits and eligible compensation, reduced for the amount payable under the Qualified Plan. Early retirement benefits are payable at the later of termination or age 55 if a participant has at least 10 years of service. Such early retirement benefits use the same reduction factors as the Qualified Plan.


Senior Plan


The Senior Plan is an unfunded, nonqualified deferred compensation plan for select management employees. An employee who was a Section 16(b) reporting officer, and was selected by the committee prior to the date of the freeze, participates in the Senior Plan. Under the Senior Plan,


pension benefits are based on average eligible compensation for the three highest years out of the last ten10 years that he or she is employed by Olin through December 31, 2007. Compensation is not subject to the Code and other limitations that apply under the Qualified Plan. Benefits generally equal 3% of the executive’s average compensation multiplied by the number of years of participation in the Senior Plan, plus 1.5% of the executive’s average compensation for years of service in the Qualified Plan and Supplemental Plan less years of service in the Senior Plan, reduced by the pension benefits accrued under the Qualified Plan and the Supplemental Plan. Benefits are further reduced by 50% of the employee’s primary Social Security benefit.


Early retirement benefits are payable on an immediate basis to a participant whose employment terminates at age 55 or later, regardless of years of service, but are reduced by 4% per year for each year they begin before age 62. The maximum benefit payable from the Senior Plan is 50% of the employee’s average compensation reduced by amounts payable from the Qualified and Supplemental Plans, 50% of the employee’s primary Social Security benefit, and certain other adjustments set forth in the plan documents, if applicable. The Senior Plan provides a joint and survivorship benefit to an executive’s surviving spouse generally equal to 50% of the executive’s benefits from the Senior Plan. In addition, the Senior Plan pension benefits are increased by the amount of the actuarial reduction to benefits under the Qualified and Supplemental Plans if the executive elects the 50% joint and survivorship option under those plans.


The executive may elect any of the forms of payment available under the Senior Plan and Supplemental Plan, including a lump sum payment or the annuity form of payment.


If a participant in the Senior Plan and Supplemental Plan is a specified employee as defined in Code Section 409A, benefits payable upon termination of employment may not be paid in the first six months after retirement, but the first six months of benefits will be paid in a lump sum as soon as practicable thereafter.


Health Insurance and Death Benefits


In general, salaried employees who retire at age 55 or later with at least 10 years of service may elect to continue to be covered under our health plan until age 65 by paying at least the same premium as active salaried employees. When the average per capita cost for our health plan exceeds $10,000, as it did in 2007 and 2014, the retiree also must pay the amount by which our average per capita cost for the health plan exceeds $10,000. On the first day of the month in which they become 65, salaried retirees who retired after age 55 with 10 or more years of service are eligible for a Medicare

supplemental health care plan. We contribute $20 per covered person per month toward the cost of that plan, but make no contributions if a retiree chooses to participate in another plan. Olin made the decision to discontinue providing retiree health insurance benefits for salaried employees hired after November 23, 2009.


In general, salaried employees who retire from Olin under the Qualified Plan at age 55 or later with at least 10 years of service are eligible for a $5,000 death benefit from the Qualified Plan. In addition, full-time employees with job responsibilities at a specified level (based on Hay Points) may retain a percentage of their life insurance coverage when they retire, based on age at retirement, with Olin paying the premiums.





The following table sets forth information with respect to our Supplemental CEOP for each of our NEOs for 2013:2014 (other than Messrs. R. Steel and K. Steel who were not eligible to participate):




in Last FY
(b) (1)

in Last FY
(c) (2)

in Last FY


Balance at
Last FYE

in Last FY
(b) (1)


in Last FY
(c) (2)

Earnings in
Last FY




Balance at

Last FYE


Joseph D. Rupp

   $47,250     $155,475    $687,850    $0   $2,579,784     $46,900     $142,350    $(506,189 $            0    $2,262,845  

Todd A. Slater

   $  7,701     $  15,790    $(12,999 $0    $     71,122  

John E. Fischer

   $15,050     $  50,335    $26,039    $0   $397,460     $16,894     $  50,180    $(16,231 $0    $   448,303  

John L. McIntosh

   $11,700     $  46,913    $141,317    $0   $543,140     $12,420     $  45,136    $(107,236 $0    $   493,460  

George H. Pain

   $11,900     $  39,353    $187,478    $0   $729,541     $12,670     $  36,573    $(127,593 $0    $   651,191  

Frank W. Chirumbole

   $  4,980     $  23,444    $10,286    $0   $119,434     $  5,280     $  22,995    $(6,612 $0    $   141,097  


Amounts in this column are included in the executives’ salaries listed in column (c) of the Summary Compensation Table.


Amounts in this column are included in the amounts listed in column (i) of the Summary Compensation Table and represent company matching contributions and company contributions to the participants’ Supplemental CEOP Defined Contribution Retirement Accounts.


In addition to our CEOP, discussed above under the heading “Compensation Discussion“COMPENSATION DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS—What We Pay and Analysis—Why: Elements of Compensation—Retirement Benefits,” our Supplemental CEOP provides deferral and company matching opportunities to employees eligible to participate in the CEOP whose contributions to the CEOP are limited under the Code because their base pay exceeds the Code’s compensation limit ($255,000260,000 for 2013)2014). These employees can make pre-tax contributions to the Supplemental CEOP after their eligible compensation reaches the Code limit. For these purposes, eligible compensation generally includes base compensation but excludes incentive compensation. Employees who contribute to the Supplemental CEOP receive matching contribution credits from Olin at the same level Olin matches CEOP contributions. In addition, in connection with the pension plan freeze, Olin provides the same retirement contribution credits to the Supplemental CEOP as under the CEOP (5% or 7.5%, depending on the employee’s age) on the amount of the excess eligible compensation. For these purposes, eligible compensation generally includes base compensation and short-term incentive compensation but excludes long-term incentive compensation.


Employees elect to have their contributions to the Supplemental CEOP invested in phantom shares of Olin common stock or phantom units in an interest bearing fund. Dividends are credited to the phantom stock account based on the dividend rate paid on shares of our common stock. Interest is credited to the phantom interest bearing fund at a rate determined quarterly equal to (i) the Federal Reserve A1/P1 Composite rate for 90-day commercial paper at the end of the last quarter plus 10 basis points, or (ii) such other rate as our board or compensation committee (or any delegate thereof) selects in advance from time to time.


Distributions are paid in cash, in a lump sum or in annual installments for up to 15 years after retirement, at the employee’s election. Our phantom shares of common stock are valued at the average daily closing prices of our common stock on the NYSE for the month before the distribution. Distributions from the interest bearing fund equal the dollar value of the participant’s account (principal and interest). If a participant in the Supplemental CEOP is a specified employee as defined in Code Section 409A, benefit payments payable upon termination of employment may not be paid in the first six months after retirement.



POTENTIAL PAYMENTS UPON TERMINATION OR CHANGE IN CONTROLPotential Payments Upon Termination or Change in Control


Certain agreementsAgreements with our NEOs provide compensation in the event of a termination of employment or a change in control of Olin. The following tables below show estimated compensation payable to each NEO who was employed on December 31, 2014, upon various triggering events (assuming the event occurred on December 31, 2013)2014). Actual amounts can only be determined upon the triggering event.


Joseph D. Rupp (1)

 Quit / Early
Retirement (2)

Retirement (2)

by Olin
Cause (3)

by Olin For
Cause (4)

  Change in
Control (5)





 $—     $—     $1,930,000   $—    $2,580,384  

Equity Awards(7)

 $16,235,482   $16,235,482   $16,235,482   $—    $15,665,550  

Acceleration of Unvested Equity Awards(8)

 $—     $—    $—    $—    $6,778,823  

Benefits and Perquisites:(9)


Senior Plan(10)

 $913,509   $913,509   $913,509   $—    $1,161,723  

Supplemental Plan(10)

 $9,150,457   $9,150,457   $9,150,457   $9,150,457   $11,636,776  

Qualified Plan(10)

 $1,426,491   $1,426,491   $1,426,491   $1,426,491   $1,426,491  

Supplemental CEOP

 $2,579,784   $2,579,784   $2,724,534   $2,579,784   $2,772,784  

Life Insurance Premiums

 $—     $—    $52,521   $—    $70,028  

Outplacement Services

 $—     $—    $25,000   $—    $25,000  

Tax Gross-Up

 $—     $—    $—    $—    $4,340,226  






 $30,305,723    $ 30,305,723   $32,457,994   $13,156,732   $46,457,785  

John E. Fischer (1)

 Quit / Early
Retirement (2)

Retirement (2)

by Olin
Cause (3)

by Olin For
Cause (4)

  Change in
Control (5)





 $—      N/A   $815,004   $—    $2,445,012  

Equity Awards(7)

 $2,394,897    N/A   $2,394,897   $—    $2,240,981  

Acceleration of Unvested Equity Awards(8)

 $—      N/A   $—    $—    $1,853,000  

Benefits and Perquisites:(9)


Senior Plan(10)

 $403,080    N/A   $403,080   $—    $512,645  

Supplemental Plan(10)

 $1,540,336    N/A   $1,540,336   $1,540,336   $1,959,031  

Qualified Plan(10)

 $865,892    N/A   $865,892   $865,892   $865,892  

Supplemental CEOP

 $397,460    N/A   $458,585   $397,460   $580,836  

Life Insurance Premiums

 $—      N/A   $19,899   $—    $59,697  

Outplacement Services

 $—      N/A   $25,000   $—    $25,000  

Tax Gross-Up

 $—      N/A   $—    $—    $1,910,911  






 $5,601,665    N/A   $6,522,693   $2,803,688   $12,453,005  

John L. McIntosh (1)

 Quit / Early
Retirement (2)

Retirement (2)

by Olin
Cause (3)

by Olin For
Cause (4)

  Change in
Control (5)





 $—      N/A   $775,000   $—    $2,325,000  

Equity Awards(7)

 $1,903,163    N/A   $1,903,163   $—    $1,761,293  

Acceleration of Unvested Equity Awards(8)

 $—      N/A   $—    $—    $1,697,705  

Benefits and Perquisites:(9)


Senior Plan(10)

 $911,925    N/A   $911,925   $—    $1,128,832  

Supplemental Plan(10)

 $2,174,694    N/A   $2,174,694   $2,174,694   $2,691,960  

Qualified Plan(10)

 $1,180,936    N/A   $1,180,936   $1,180,936   $1,180,936  

Supplemental CEOP

 $543,140    N/A   $601,265   $543,140   $717,515  

Life Insurance Premiums

 $—      N/A   $16,830   $—    $50,490  

Outplacement Services

 $—      N/A   $25,000   $—    $25,000  

Tax Gross-Up

 $—      N/A   $—    $—    $2,140,365  






 $6,713,858    N/A   $7,588,813   $3,898,770   $13,719,096  

Joseph D. Rupp (1)

 Quit / Early
Retirement (2)


    Termination by
Olin Without
Cause (3)  

by Olin for
Cause (4) 

    Change in  
Control (5)  




Severance (6)

 $—         $—       $2,048,400      N/A     $690,283  

Equity Awards (7)

 $7,667,775         $7,667,775       $7,667,775      N/A     $7,259,622  

Acceleration of Unvested Equity Awards (8)

  N/A          N/A        N/A      N/A     $3,198,213  

Benefits and Perquisites: (9)


Senior Plan (10)

 $1,107,489         $1,107,489       $1,107,489     $     $1,305,292  

Supplemental Plan (10)

 $10,513,034         $10,513,034       $10,513,034     $10,513,034     $12,390,719  

Qualified Plan

 $1,520,316         $1,520,316       $1,520,316     $1,520,316     $1,520,316  

Supplemental CEOP

 $2,262,845         $2,262,845       $2,416,475     $2,262,845     $2,314,616  

Life Insurance Premiums

 $—         $—       $53,492     $     $18,026  

Outplacement Services

 $—         $—       $25,000     $     $25,000  


 $23,071,459         $23,071,459       $25,351,981     $14,296,195     $28,722,087  

Todd A. Slater (1)

 Quit / Early
Retirement (2)


    Termination by
Olin Without
Cause (3)

by Olin for
Cause (4)

    Change in  
Control (5)  




Severance (6)

 $—          N/A       $364,672      N/A     $1,274,862  

Equity Awards (7)

 $682,861          N/A       $682,861      N/A     $472,181  

Acceleration of Unvested Equity Awards (8)

  N/A          N/A        N/A      N/A     $252,807  

Benefits and Perquisites: (9)


Senior Plan (10)

 $30,865          N/A       $30,865     $     $40,157  

Supplemental Plan (10)

 $60,355          N/A       $60,355     $60,355     $78,526  

Qualified Plan

 $119,602          N/A       $119,602     $119,602     $119,602  

Supplemental CEOP

 $71,122          N/A       $71,122     $71,122     $167,873  

Life Insurance Premiums

 $—          N/A       $8,614     $     $17,228  

Outplacement Services

 $—          N/A       $25,000     $     $25,000  


 $964,805          N/A       $1,363,091     $251,079     $2,448,236  

John E. Fischer (1)

 Quit / Early
Retirement (2)


    Termination by
Olin Without
Cause (3)

by Olin for
Cause (4)

    Change in  
Control (5)  




Severance (6)

 $—          N/A       $933,000      N/A     $2,799,000  

Equity Awards (7)

 $1,106,782          N/A       $1,106,782      N/A     $1,013,766  

Acceleration of Unvested Equity Awards (8)

  N/A          N/A        N/A      N/A     $917,721  

Benefits and Perquisites: (9)


Senior Plan (10)

 $505,449          N/A       $505,449     $     $606,320  

Supplemental Plan (10)

 $1,848,870          N/A       $1,848,870     $1,848,870     $2,217,844  

Qualified Plan

 $971,189          N/A       $971,189     $971,189     $971,189  

Supplemental CEOP

 $448,303          N/A       $518,278     $448,303     $658,228  

Life Insurance Premiums

 $—          N/A       $20,616     $     $61,848  

Outplacement Services

 $—          N/A       $25,000     $     $25,000  


 $4,880,593          N/A       $5,929,184     $3,268,362     $9,270,916  

John L. McIntosh (1)

 Quit / Early
Retirement (2)


    Termination by
Olin Without
Cause (3)

by Olin for
Cause (4)

    Change in  
Control (5)  




Severance (6)

 $—         N/A       $809,004      N/A     $1,667,030  

Equity Awards (7)

 $864,281          N/A       $864,281      N/A     $816,805  

Acceleration of Unvested Equity Awards (8)

  N/A          N/A        N/A      N/A     $830,133  

Benefits and Perquisites: (9)


Senior Plan (10)

 $889,176          N/A       $889,176     $     $1,045,705  

Supplemental Plan (10)

 $2,605,666          N/A       $2,605,666     $2,605,666     $3,064,363  

Qualified Plan

 $1,322,337          N/A       $1,322,337     $1,322,337     $1,322,337  

Supplemental CEOP

 $493,460          N/A       $554,135     $493,460     $675,486  

Life Insurance Premiums

 $—          N/A       $18,494     $     $55,482  

Outplacement Services

 $—          N/A       $25,000     $     $25,000  


 $6,174,920          N/A       $7,088,093     $4,421,463     $9,502,341  

George H. Pain (1)

 Quit / Early
Retirement (2)


    Termination by
Olin Without
Cause (3)

by Olin for
Cause (4)

    Change in  
Control (5)  




Severance (6)

 $—         $—       $729,164      N/A     $643,262  

Equity Awards (7)

 $386,339         $386,339       $386,339      N/A     $373,018  

Acceleration of Unvested Equity Awards (8)

  N/A          N/A        N/A      N/A     $599,882  

Benefits and Perquisites: (9)


Senior Plan (10)

 $875,350         $875,350       $875,350     $     $1,034,183  

Supplemental Plan (10)

 $1,622,849         $1,622,849       $1,622,849     $1,622,849     $1,917,318  

Qualified Plan

 $887,583         $887,583       $887,583     $887,583     $887,583  

Supplemental CEOP

 $651,191         $651,191       $705,878     $651,191     $699,436  

Life Insurance Premiums

 $—         $—       $21,321     $     $18,809  

Outplacement Services

 $—         $—       $25,000     $     $25,000  


 $4,423,312         $4,423,312       $5,253,484     $3,161,623     $6,198,491  

Frank W. Chirumbole (1)

 Quit / Early
Retirement (2)


    Termination by
Olin Without
Cause (3)

by Olin for
Cause (4)

    Change in  
Control (5)  




Severance (6)

 $—          N/A       $212,481      N/A     $1,107,293  

Equity Awards (7)

 $394,422          N/A       $394,422      N/A     $411,499  

Acceleration of Unvested Equity Awards (8)

  N/A          N/A        N/A      N/A     $413,897  

Benefits and Perquisites: (9)


Senior Plan (10)

 $—          N/A       $     $     $  

Supplemental Plan (10)

 $172,061          N/A       $172,061     $172,061     $188,986  

Qualified Plan

 $251,580          N/A       $251,580     $251,580     $251,580  

Supplemental CEOP

 $141,097          N/A       $141,097     $141,097     $224,144  

Life Insurance Premiums

 $—          N/A       $11,146     $     $22,292  

Outplacement Services

 $—          N/A       $25,000     $     $25,000  


 $959,160          N/A       $1,207,787     $564,738     $2,644,691  



George H. Pain (1)

 Quit / Early
Retirement (2)

Retirement (2)

by Olin
Cause (3)

by Olin For
Cause (4)

  Change in
Control (5)





 $—     $—     $685,327   $—    $1,289,916  

Equity Awards(7)

 $939,284   $939,284   $939,284   $—    $833,477  

Acceleration of Unvested Equity Awards(8)

 $—     $—     $—    $—    $1,291,862  

Benefits and Perquisites:(9)


Senior Plan(10)

 $753,027   $753,027   $753,027   $—    $958,957  

Supplemental Plan(10)

 $1,414,163   $1,414,163   $1,414,163   $1,414,163   $1,800,893  

Qualified Plan(10)

 $832,601   $832,601   $832,601   $832,601   $832,601  

Supplemental CEOP

 $729,541   $729,541   $780,941   $729,541   $823,773  

Life Insurance Premiums

 $—     $—     $18,684   $—    $34,254  

Outplacement Services

 $—     $—     $25,000   $—    $25,000  

Tax Gross-Up

 $—     $—     $—    $—    $—    






 $4,668,616   $4,668,616   $5,449,027   $2,976,305   $7,890,733  

Frank W. Chirumbole (1)

 Quit / Early
Retirement (2)

Retirement (2)

by Olin
Cause (3)

by Olin For
Cause (4)

  Change in
Control (5)





 $—      N/A   $192,711   $—    $531,000  

Equity Awards(7)

 $905,631    N/A   $905,631   $—    $843,170  

Acceleration of Unvested Equity Awards(8)

 $—      N/A   $—    $—    $765,812  

Benefits and Perquisites:(9)


Senior Plan(10)

 $—      N/A   $—    $—    $—    

Supplemental Plan(10)

 $138,742    N/A   $138,742   $138,742   $175,503  

Qualified Plan(10)

 $221,913    N/A   $221,913   $221,913   $221,913  

Supplemental CEOP

 $119,434    N/A   $133,887   $119,434   $159,259  

Life Insurance Premiums

 $—      N/A   $10,820   $—    $32,460  

Outplacement Services

 $—      N/A   $25,000   $—    $25,000  

Tax Gross-Up

 $—      N/A   $—    $—    $—    






 $1,385,720    N/A   $1,628,704   $480,089   $2,754,117  


Amounts in the tables assume an annual base salary at the level in effect on December 31, 2013.2014. Messrs. R. and K. Steel, whose employment terminated before the end of 2014, are not included in the table.


Messrs. Rupp and Pain are eligible for normal retirement (age 62), so amounts in both the “Quit/Early Retirement” and in the “Normal Retirement” columns represent amounts they would receive upon full retirement. Although Messrs. Fischer, McIntosh and Chirumbole are not yet eligible for normal retirement, theybut are eligible for early retirement, and amounts in the “Quit/Early Retirement” column reflect amounts they would receive upon early retirement. Mr. Slater has met the vesting requirements, but is not yet eligible for early retirement, so the amounts reported for him under the “Benefits and Perquisites” section represent the present value of the benefits, assuming the benefits begin at age 65.


For each executive whose employment is terminatedwith an Executive Agreement, upon termination without cause the executive is eligible to receive a contribution to the Supplemental CEOP Defined Contribution Retirement Account based on the amount of severance received. An executive whose employment terminates in connection with the sale of a business unit generally receives the benefits in this column, except that the executive’s stock options may be exercised for two years beyond the date of termination (rather than one year), unless the employee is eligible for retirement in which case the executive’s stock options would be exercisable through the term of the option.


Olin may terminate an executive for “cause” if the executive (i) willfully fails to perform his or her duties; (ii) engages in gross misconduct that significantly injures Olin financially; (iii) willfully breaches Olin’s Code of Conduct; or (iv) commits a felony or fraud in the course of his or her employment.employment, or (iv) willfully breaches Olin’s Code of Conduct.


Amounts for Messrs. McIntosh and Slater represent the amount they would receive on the “best net after-tax” payment approach contemplated by their change in control agreements, that reduces payments and benefits to the executive if the reduction would result in the executive receiving higher payments and benefits on a net after-tax basis. Without the forfeiture, the amounts for Messrs. McIntosh and Slater would have increased by $759,982 and $15,154, respectively. Benefits listed for the Senior Plan and Supplemental Plan (collectively, the “defined benefit plans”) and the Supplemental CEOP would be payable immediately upon a change in control (as defined under these plans). Because the NEOs are specified employees as defined in Code Section 409A, however, benefits may not be paid in the first six months after retirement, but will be paid in a lump sum as soon as practicable thereafter. The benefits reported represent the present value of the benefits under the defined benefit plans on December 31, 20132014 and the market value of the phantom investments in the Supplemental CEOP account, plus a contribution to the Defined Contribution Retirement Account based on the amount of severance received. UnderFootnote 8 describes the treatment of equity plans and severance agreements in effect at the end of December 2013, (a) all restricted stock and performance share awards would have vested and been paid upon a change in control (as defined for these awards), and (b) all options and stock appreciation rights would have vested immediately. The relevant agreements and plans were changed in January 2014 to require both a change in control and termination of employment for accelerated vesting of equity awards (other than performance shares), as described in more detail below. Under the agreements in effect at December 31, 2013, all other amounts would be paid only if the executive is terminated or constructively terminated upon or within three years after a change in control. Constructive termination occurs when the executive terminates his or her employment (after appropriate notice and an opportunity to cure)



because (i) Olin requires the executive to relocate by more than fifty miles; (ii) Olin reduces or fails to increase the executive’s base salary on a basis consistent with the salary system for executive officers in place before the change in control; (iii) Olin fails to maintain executive’s incentive compensation plans or health, welfare and retirement plans on substantially the same basis as in effect prior to the change in control; or (iv) the executive is assigned duties inconsistent with the executive’s position prior to the change in control or Olin takes actions that result in a diminution of the executive’s responsibilities.


For all NEOs other than Mr.Messrs. Slater and Chirumbole, severance payments for a termination without cause equal base salary plus a percentage (calculated as the executive’s target bonus for the prior fiscal year divided by the executive’s salary in effect at termination) of base salary. Under our standard severance policy, Mr.Messrs. Slater and Chirumbole would have received severance upon termination without cause with a maximum benefitin the amounts set forth above, based on their years of $192,711.service and base pay at the time of termination. Under the agreements, in effect at the end of 2013, in the event of a change in control, (a) Messrs. Fischer and McIntosh would have received severance payments equal to three times the executive’s base salary plus the higher of his target incentive award under the SMICP or MICP or his average SMICP or MICP payment during the past three years, (b) Messrs. Rupp and Pain would have received a pro-rated portion of this payment, based on the remaining number of days until they attain age 65 divided by 1,095 days (3(three years), and (c) Mr.Messrs. Slater and Chirumbole would have received one year ofseverance payments equal to two times the executive’s base salary plus the greaterhigher of his last year’s bonustarget incentive award under the SMICP or MICP or his target bonus.average SMICP or MICP payment during the past three years. The change in control agreements as revised in January of 2014, and the executive severance agreements currently in effect, are described below under the heading “Executive Severance and Executive Change in Control Agreements.”


We have assumed payouts at the level of 25% of the target unvested performance shares and performance shares vested at December 31, 2013,2014, but not yet paid. Under the performance share program, an executive whose employment terminates as the result of disability or retirement receives a pro rata share of unvested performance share awards (based on actual Olin performance for the full performance period and the number of months worked in the performance cycle) payable in cash at the time it would otherwise be payable. In the event of an executive’s death before performance shares have vested, his estate receives a pro rata share of his target award in cash. An executive whose employment terminates for cause or without our consent does not receive any unvested performance awards. All unvested performance shares vest on a change in control and are paid in cash. The committee determines the amount, if any, of unvested performance awards to be paid and the form of payment (cash or stock or a combination) for an executive whose employment terminates for any other reason. Upon the executive’s death, all unvested options vest automatically and his or her estate or heirs could exercise those options within the term of the option.


Amounts in this line represent a cash payout for automatic vesting of unvestedall restricted stock, stock options and performance shares onthat were unvested at December 31, 2014. Under equity plans and severance agreements (a) all performance share awards would have vested and been paid upon a change in control under agreements(as defined for these awards), and (b) all restricted stock awards and options would have remained outstanding, and would accelerate and vest upon a change in control only if the acquirer does not assume or replace those equity awards or there is a termination of employment without cause or a constructive termination within three years after the change in control. Constructive termination occurs when the executive terminates his or her employment (after appropriate notice and an opportunity to cure) because (i) Olin requires the executive to relocate by more than fifty miles; (ii) Olin reduces or fails to increase the executive’s base salary on a basis consistent with the salary system for executive officers in place before the change in control; (iii) Olin fails to maintain executive’s incentive compensation plans or health, welfare and retirement plans on substantially the same basis as in effect on December 31, 2013.prior to the change in control; or (iv) the executive is assigned duties inconsistent with the executive’s position prior to the change in control, or Olin takes actions that result in a diminution of the executive’s responsibilities or a substantial reduction in resources to carry out his duties.


Unused vacation for the current year is paid to all salaried employees and is therefore not included in this table. Medical benefits are provided to all salaried employees hired prior to November 23, 2009, who are eligible for early retirement. Messrs. Rupp and Pain are eligible for full retirement and the other NEOsMessrs. Fischer, McIntosh and Chirumbole are currently eligible for early retirement, and so no amount is reported for medical benefits. Under our standard severance policy, Mr. Slater would be eligible for healthcare coverage while receiving severance payments in the event of a termination without cause termination. In the event of a change in control, Mr. Slater would be eligible for healthcare coverage for 24 months at an estimated cost of $36,192.


An executive may elect payment of benefits in any of the available payment forms under the defined benefit plans. Under the Qualified Plan and the Supplemental Plan, benefit payments are reduced on an actuarial basis, if the executive elects a form of payment other than a lifetime annuity. The Senior Plan provides a 50% joint and survivorship benefit without an actuarial reduction. In addition, pension benefits paid from the Senior Plan are increased by the amount of the actuarial reduction for a 50% joint and survivorship benefit under the Qualified Plan and the Supplemental Plan. The value of the 50% joint and survivorship benefit is reflected in the lump sum pension benefits in the table above with respect to the Senior Plan. The Qualified Plan and Supplemental Plan benefits above assume payment in the form of a joint and survivorship benefit. The executive may also elect to receive benefits from the Senior Plan and the Supplemental Plan in the form of a lump sum. Any payment payable upon termination of employment is paid six months after termination of employment to comply with Code limitations. The value of these benefits is determined using a discount rate that is equal to the rate for a zero coupon Treasury strip, with a maturity that approximates the executive’s life expectancy, determined approximately at the time the lump sum is due to be paid and the RP2000RP2014 Blue Collar Mortality TableTables for Annuitants and Employees with 13 years of projected mortality improvements.the Social Security Administration – 2014 Intermediate Cost Projections Mortality Improvement Scale. Except with respect to a change in control, the benefits reported for the Senior Plan and Supplemental Plan are based on these assumptions and also include six months of payments in recognition of the deferral of the commencement of benefits required by Code Section 409A.



In the event of a change in control (as defined under the Senior Plan and the Supplemental Plan), each executive participating in the relevant plan receives a cash payment in an amount equal to the cost to purchase an annuity that pays benefits to the executive in an amount such that the annuity payments (together with the monthly payment to the executive from the Qualified Plan) provide the executive with the monthly after-tax benefit he or she would have received under the plans. The amounts in the table represent this lump sum cash payment.



The benefit amounts reported in each of the columns above assume a 50% joint and survivorship benefit and use the discount rate applicable for the situation described and the RP2000RP2014 Blue Collar Mortality TableTables for Annuitants and Employees with the Social Security Administration – 2014 Intermediate Cost Projections Mortality Improvement Scale with 13 years of projected mortality improvements. If the participating executive instead elects annual payments for his or her lifetime, he or she would receive an annual amount from each of the defined benefit pension plans as follows:



Annual Payments Assuming Election for Life of Executive


   Quit / Early


by Olin

by Olin



Joseph D. Rupp


Qualified Plan

  $110,172    $110,172    $110,172    $110,172    $110,172  

Supplemental Plan

  $672,336    $672,336    $672,336    $672,336    $672,336  

Senior Plan

  $0    $0    $0    $0    $0  

John E. Fischer


Qualified Plan

  $59,941    $69,429    $59,941    $59,941    $59,941  

Supplemental Plan

  $100,439    $116,339    $100,439    $100,439    $100,439  

Senior Plan

  $16,131    $20,652    $16,131    $0    $16,131  

John L. McIntosh


Qualified Plan

  $82,492    $90,984    $82,492    $82,492    $82,492  

Supplemental Plan

  $143,816    $158,620    $143,816    $143,816    $143,816  

Senior Plan

  $43,154    $19,858    $43,154    $0    $43,154  

George H. Pain


Qualified Plan

  $63,600    $63,600    $63,600    $63,600    $63,600  

Supplemental Plan

  $102,852    $102,852    $102,852    $102,852    $102,852  

Senior Plan

  $41,292    $41,292    $41,292    $0    $41,292  

Frank W. Chirumbole


Qualified Plan

  $14,348    $19,047    $14,348    $14,348    $14,348  

Supplemental Plan

  $8,582    $11,388    $8,582    $8,582    $8,582  

Senior Plan

   N/A     N/A     N/A     N/A     N/A  

  Quit / Early
Retirement  (2)


by Olin
Cause (3)

by Olin
Cause (4)

Control (5)


Joseph D. Rupp


Qualified Plan

  $110,172    $110,172    $110,172    $110,172    $110,172  

Supplemental Plan

  $672,336    $672,336    $672,336    $672,336    $672,336  

Senior Plan

  $           0    $           0    $           0    $           0    $           0  

Todd A. Slater


Qualified Plan

  $  14,680    $  14,680    $  14,680    $  14,680    $  14,680  

Supplemental Plan

  $    5,768    $    5,768    $    5,768    $    5,768    $    5,768  

Senior Plan

  $    1,268    $    1,268    $    1,268    $           0    $    1,268  

John E. Fischer


Qualified Plan

  $  62,718    $  69,429    $  62,718    $  62,718    $  62,718  

Supplemental Plan

  $105,093    $116,339    $105,093    $105,093    $105,093  

Senior Plan

  $  17,454    $  20,652    $  17,454    $           0    $  17,454  

John L. McIntosh


Qualified Plan

  $  86,132    $  90,984    $  86,132    $  86,132    $  86,132  

Supplemental Plan

  $150,161    $158,620    $150,161    $150,161    $150,161  

Senior Plan

  $  33,169    $  19,858    $  33,169    $           0    $  33,169  

George H. Pain


Qualified Plan

  $  63,600    $  63,600    $  63,600    $  63,600    $  63,600  

Supplemental Plan

  $102,852    $102,852    $102,852    $102,852    $102,852  

Senior Plan

  $  41,292    $  41,292    $  41,292    $           0    $  41,292  

Frank W. Chirumbole


Qualified Plan

  $  15,110    $  19,046    $  15,110    $  15,110    $  15,110  

Supplemental Plan

  $    9,038    $  11,388    $    9,038    $    9,038    $    9,038  

Senior Plan

  $           0    $           0    $           0    $           0    $           0  


Messrs. Rupp and Pain are currently eligible for normal retirement (age 62) at this time, so the amounts in this column represent the amounts they would have received had they retired on December 31, 2013. The other NEOs2014. Messrs. Slater, Fischer, McIntosh and Chirumbole are not eligible for normal retirement.retirement and neither Mr. K. Steel nor Mr. R. Steel were eligible to participate in Olin’s retirement plans.


Payments Upon Death or Disability


Upon the death of a former executive, unless the executive elects to receive the cash value of his or her life insurance at retirement, his or her estate receives life insurance benefits provided the former executive was at least age 55 when employment terminated. All eligible NEOs have attained the age of 55, except Mr. Slater. The amount of life insurance is based on the executive’s age and base salary at the time of termination of employment. Set forth below are the amounts of life insurance coverage for each of the NEOs as of December 31, 2013:2014:



  Life Insurance Amount


Joseph D. Rupp


John E. Fischer


John L. McIntosh


George H. Pain


Frank W. Chirumbole



Life Insurance Amount

Joseph D. Rupp

$ 470,000

Todd A. Slater


John E. Fischer

$ 130,000

John L. McIntosh

$ 150,000

George H. Pain

$ 200,000

Frank W. Chirumbole

$   40,000


An executive whose employment terminates in connection with a disability would receive disability benefits equal to 60% of base salary until the executive is no longer disabled, reaches age 65 (if the disability occurs after age 61, the maximum benefit duration will range from 6 to 48 months depending on the executive’s age), or elects to take early retirement benefits. At that time, the executive would receive the applicable retirement benefits described above. Messrs. Rupp, McIntosh, Pain McIntosh and Chirumbole have elected to pay additional premiums to increase their disability coverage to 75% of base salary. Mr.Messrs. Slater and Fischer hashave elected the 60% level of coverage.

Messrs. R. Steel and K. Steel received the 60% coverage level under the KA Steel long term disability plan until the date their employment terminated.



Executive Severance and Executive Change in Control Agreements


CIC Agreements.  Effective January 26, 2014, Changes in Agreements and Plans.    As of December 31, 2013, we hadentered into new executive change in control agreements (CIC agreements) with Messrs. Rupp, Slater, Fischer, McIntosh, Pain and Chirumbole and four other executive officers. We refer to all of these agreements as CIC agreements, and they are identical, except that the NEOs other than Mr. Chirumbole. We also had an agreement with Mr.CIC agreements for Messrs. Slater and Chirumbole providingprovide for payments upon a qualifying termination after a change in control at a lower level than those provided under the other CIC agreement. All of the information in the table above entitled “Potential Payments Upon Termination or Change in Control” reflects the provisions of the CIC agreements, severance agreements and equity plans in effect as of the end of 2013.agreements.


Those CIC agreements expired on January 26, 2014, and Mr. Chirumbole’s agreement was terminated in connection with his new CIC agreement. All of the NEOs and five other executive officers received new CIC agreements. Those new CIC agreements:



require a double trigger (change in control and termination or constructive termination) for early vesting of stock options and restricted stock and stock appreciation rights,awards, unless the acquirer fails to assume or replace those awards;



eliminate the income taxall gross-up for golden parachute excise taxes, substituting a “best net after-tax” payment approach that reduces payments and benefits to the executive if the reduction would result in the executive receiving higher payments and benefits on a net after-tax basis;



condition receipt of severance and other termination benefits on a release of claims by the executive; and



contain restrictive covenants.

Other provisions of the new CIC agreements are similar to those in the CIC agreements in place at the end of 2013, and are described below under the heading “New CIC Agreements.”

In January of 2014, we also amended the provisions of our equity plans to (i) require a double trigger for early vesting of all equity awards (other than awards the acquirer fails to assume or replace and performance shares), (ii) eliminate incomeexcise tax gross-ups, and (iii) conform the definition of change in control to the definition in the new CIC agreements.


We also have agreements with 11 non-NEO executives which provide lower benefits (one year’s salary and bonus) upon a change in control. We have given notice that these agreements will not be renewed when they expire in JanuaryThe current term of 2016.

New CIC Agreements.    The newthe CIC agreements extend for a three-year period endingis scheduled to expire on January 26, 2017,2018, but the CIC agreements renew annually for an additional year unless we provide notice that the term will not be extended. The new CIC agreements contain an extensive definition of “change in control,” but generally a change in control occurs if:



a person or entity acquires controlbeneficial ownership (as defined in the Exchange Act) of 20% or more of our common stockunless (a) the acquiring party is Olin, our subsidiaries or our benefit plans, an underwriter holding the shares temporarily for an offering, or a group that includes the executive who is a party to the CIC agreement (or part of a group that is party to the agreement) or an entity that thesuch executive controls, (b) the percentage increase occurs solely because the total number of shares outstanding is reduced by Olin buyingrepurchasing its stock, back,or (c) the acquisition is directly from Olin, or (d) the acquisition is pursuant to a merger or sale of Olin’s asset that does not qualify as a change in control under item (3) below;Olin;



a majority of our board members change (other than new members elected or nominated by at least 2/3 of thethen-current board, absentunless such new member became a director pursuant to an actual or threatened proxy contest or similar dispute);




we (or any of our subsidiaries) sell all or substantially all assets, or merge or engage in a similar transaction, unless,immediately following such transaction, (a) our shareholders own a majority of the voting interest of Olin or the new companyits successor (in approximately the current ratios) aftersame ratios as before the transaction,transaction) and (b) neither of the events described in items (1) andor (2) above has occurred for Olin or its successor; provided that a transaction that would otherwise constitute a change in control under this item (3) will not be considered a change in control if: (i) at least a majority of our board members immediately before the new entity;transaction remain as board members after the transaction, (ii) at least 75% of our executive officers immediately before the transaction remain as executive officers after the transaction, and our board members at the time of approval of the transaction determine in good faith that such executive officers are expected to remain as executive officers for a significant period after the transaction, and (iii) 2/3 of such board members determine that the transaction shall not be deemed to be a change in control; or



our shareholders approve a plan of complete liquidation or dissolution of Olin.


If, during the three years after a change in control (or in anticipation of a change in control) the executive’s employment is terminated without cause or for good reason, as defined in the new CIC agreements, the executive will receive:



a cash severance payment of three times (two(for Messrs. Rupp, Fischer, McIntosh and Pain) or two times in the case of Mr.(for Messrs. Slater and Chirumbole), (i) the executive’s base salaryplus (ii) the higher of the average annual SMICP payment received by the executive for the last three calendar years or the executive’s target SMICP bonus for the year of termination, with such payment pro rated based on the remaining number of days until age 65, in the case of any executive who has attained age 62 (63, in the case of Mr.(age 63 for Messrs. Slater and Chirumbole);



36 months (24 months in the case of Mr.for Messrs. Slater and Chirumbole) of retirement plan contributions under our defined contribution plans, based on the executive’s severance payment, pro rated based on the remaining number of days until age 65, in the case of any executive who has attained age 62 (63, in the case of Mr.(age 63 for Messrs. Slater and Chirumbole);



36 months of coverage (24 months in the casefor Messrs. Slater and Chirumbole) of Mr. Chirumbole),coverage, pro rated for any executive who has attained age 62 (63, in the case of Mr.(age 63 for Messrs. Slater and Chirumbole) under our

medical, dental and life insurance plans, followed by coverage pursuant to COBRA (and, if eligibility requirements are met, participation in our post-retirement medical and dental plans until age 65 on the same basis as similarly situated employees of Olin);



if termination of employment occurs after the first calendar quarter of any year, the executive’s pro-ratedpro rated target SMICP or MICP bonus for the year of termination; and



12 months of outplacement services.


To receive these benefits (other than continued coverage under medical, dental and life insurance plans) the executive must execute a waiver and release of claims against Olin and its affiliates within a specified period after termination of employment. In addition, if employment is terminated without cause or for good reason during the three-year period after a change in control, the executive would be subject to restrictive covenants that prohibit (i) solicitation and hiring of our employees, and (ii) disclosure of certain information relating to our customers, for one year after termination. The executive would also be prohibited fromand (iii) disparaging us or our business, and,for one year after termination or until age 65, whichever is earlier. The executive regardless of the circumstances of termination, would also be prohibited from disclosing our trade secrets and other confidential information.


Performance shares vest automatically upon a change in control (as defined in the CIC agreements) with or without a termination of employment, and are paid at target levels, in accordance with the applicable plan and award documents. If the other equity awards (options and restricted stock and stock appreciation rights)awards) are not assumed by the acquirer or replaced with comparable benefits, these equity awards also vest upon the change in control, with or without termination of employment. The provisions of our equity plans with respect to vesting of equity awards upon a change in control mirror these provisions of the new CIC agreements.


The executive’s receipt of severance and other termination payments is subject to the executive’s delivery of a general release of claims. The CIC agreements include non-solicitation, confidentiality and non-disparagement provisions. The CIC agreements also provide that if any payments made to the executive would subject the executive to the excise tax under Section 4999 of the Code, payments


under the CIC agreements will be the amount that produces the greatestafter-tax benefit to the executive, taking into account any such excise tax.


Other Agreements.We currentlyalso have another form of change in control agreements with 11nine non-NEO executives. These agreementsexecutives which provide for lesserlower benefits (one year’s salary and bonus) upon a change in control. We have given notice that these agreements will not be renewed when they expire in January of 2016.


Executive Agreements.  In addition to the CIC agreements, each NEO (other than Mr. Chriumbole)Messrs. Rupp, Fischer, McIntosh and Pain and two other executives currently have executive severance agreements (executive agreements). These agreements extend until January 26, 2015,2016, and by their terms renew annually for an additional year unless we provide notice that the term will not be extended.


Under these agreements if the executive’s employment is terminated (in a non changenon-change in control event) by Olin without cause, the executive will receive, in lieu of severance benefits under any other Olin severance plans or programs:



cash installment payments (which we refer to as the executive severance amount) equal to (a) twelve months salary plus (b) a percentage (calculated as the executive’s target bonus for the prior year divided by the executive’s salary in effect at termination) of base salary;


12 months of retirement contributions to all Olin defined contribution plans based on the amount of the cash installment payments (the executive will be treated as if he or she had remained employed for service purposes for twelve12 months after the termination);


12 months of medical, dental and life insurance coverage for the executive and dependents; and


the same outplacement services and pro rated annual incentive compensation award provided under the CIC agreement.


The executive must sign a waiver and general release of claims and agree to one-year noncompetition andnon-solicitation covenants to receive any severance payments and other benefits.


If, in connection with the sale or transfer of an Olin business or assets to a third party or to a joint venture, the executive becomes an employee of the buyer or joint venture, the executive agreement continues to apply to any termination from the new employment for twelve12 months. Payments by Olin are reduced for any cash severance or similar benefits from such buyer or joint venture.


Treatment of Equity Awards Under Plans


Retirement.    When an employee retires:



vested stock options may be exercised for the remaining option term;



vested but unpaid performance shares will be paid as specified in the performance share program; and



the retired employee receives a pro rata payout in cash of any unvested performance share award at such time it would otherwise be paid.


The committee has discretion to waive vesting periods for restricted stock and restricted stock units.


Change in Control.  As noted above, under our various equity plans in effect on December 31, 2013, on a change in control, all equity awards vested. These plans were amended on January 24, 2014 to provide that options restricted stock/and restricted stock units and stock appreciation rightsawards vest


upon a change in control (as defined in the CIC agreements) only if there is also a termination of employment or constructive termination, orand the acquiring company fails to assume these awards or substitute equivalent awards. Outstanding performance shares vest and are paid upon a change in control. The amended plans also eliminated the incomedo not include excise tax gross-up provisions.


Pension Plans


Qualified Plan.    The Qualified Plan provides that if, within three years after a change in control (as defined in the Qualified Plan), any corporate action is taken or filing made in contemplation of events such as a plan termination or merger or other transfer of assets or liabilities of the plan, and such event later takes place, plan benefits automatically increase to absorb any surplus plan assets. Under the Qualified Plan, a change in control occurs if:



a person or entity acquires control of 20% or more of our common stock;



a majority of our board members change in a two-year period (other than new members nominated by at least 2/3 of the then-current board);



all or substantially all of our business is sold through a merger or other transaction unless Olin is the surviving corporation or our shareholders own a majority of the voting interest of the new company; or



our shareholders approve a sale of all or substantially all of our assets or the dissolution of Olin.


Supplemental Plan and Senior Plan.    In the event of a change in control (defined in a manner compliant with Code Section 409A), we will pay a cash amount sufficient to purchase an annuity that provides the monthly after tax benefit the employee would have received under the Supplemental Plan and the Senior Plan. Those payments would be based on benefits accrued as of the change in control. Benefits were frozen at the end of 2007, although continued employment counts toward years of service for vesting and early retirement eligibility.

Agreements with Robert Steel and Kenneth Steel

Effective May 28, 2014, we entered into an Equity Treatment and Non-Competition Letter Agreement with each of Messrs. R. Steel and K. Steel (Letter Agreements) in connection with termination of their employment on August 21, 2014. Each Letter Agreement addresses the treatment of the award of performance-based restricted stock units granted to the executive under his employment agreement (PRSU Award) upon expiration of his employment agreement and related termination of employment. Under each Letter Agreement, we agreed that, upon expiration of the executive’s employment agreement and related termination of employment, the executive’s PRSU Award would be settled as if the executive’s employment had been terminated without cause, which resulted in pro-rata vesting and payout of the applicable PRSU Award based on the extent to which applicable performance goals were attained as of July 31, 2014. The amount paid to each of Messrs. R. Steel and K. Steel pursuant to the PRSU Award was $770,649. Under the Letter Agreements, each executive agreed to comply with the two-year non-competition and non-solicitation covenants contained in his employment agreement for an additional one-year period (i.e., for a total of three years following termination of employment). In the case of Mr. R. Steel, we further agreed in his Letter Agreement that his termination of employment would be treated as a “retirement” for purposes of certain performance share awards he held, which awards remained outstanding and will be paid out after the end of the applicable performance period, based on the extent to which the relevant performance goals are achieved. In addition, both Messrs. R. Steel and K. Steel received a pro rata cash incentive as set forth in the Summary Compensation Table under the MICP for 2014, based on attainment of applicable financial targets and non-financial objectives described under the heading “Annual Cash Incentive (Non-equity Incentive Plan Compensation).”




In 2013,2014, our compensation package for non-employee directors consisted of:



an annual retainer of $50,000$60,000 ($60,00070,000 for 2014)2015), of which at least $25,000$30,000 ($30,000 for 2014)35,000 in 2015) must be taken in shares of common stock, with valuation based on the average high and low sale prices on May 9, 2013;8, 2014;



phantom stock units with an aggregate fair market value equal to $75,000, (based upon the average high and low sale prices on May 9, 2013)8, 2014), rounded to the nearest 100 shares which are credited to a deferred account and not paid out until the director leaves the board;



a fee of $2,500 per board meeting and committee meeting attended, or $1,250 for in-person board or committee meeting attended telephonically;



a $25,000 annual fee for the Lead Director and an additional $2,500 for each meeting he attends with management to prepare for board/committee meetings;



a $10,000 annual fee for the chair of each of the compensation and directors and corporate governance committees, and a $15,000 annual fee for the audit committee chair;



reimbursement for expenses incurred in the performance of their duties as directors;




participation in a charitable gift program, where we make a 50% matching contribution (up to $5,000 per year) for the director’s gifts to charities that meet the requirements of Section 501(c)(3) of the Code; and



director liability insurance, personal excess liability coverage of $5 million per director, and coverage under our business travel accident insurance policy while on Olin business.

The following table below shows all cash and stock retainers, meeting fees and other compensation we paid to each of ournon-employee directors during 2013.2014. Each of the directors listed below served for the entire year.




or Paid
in Cash

Awards (1)



 Change in
Pension Value

 All Other
Compensation (2)


or Paid
in Cash


Awards  (1)






 Change in
Pension Value


 All Other
sation (2)




Gray G. Benoist

 $72,500   $99,864    N/A    N/A    N/A    $26,227   $198,591   $75,000    $106,032   N/A  N/A    N/A    $  30,810   $211,842   

Donald W. Bogus

 $0   $174,932    N/A    N/A    N/A    $30,561   $205,493   $0    $186,130   N/A  N/A    N/A    $  34,369   $220,499   

C. Robert Bunch

 $0   $174,932    N/A    N/A    N/A    $54,375   $229,307   $0    $186,130   N/A  N/A    N/A    $  60,683   $246,813   

Randall W. Larrimore

 $100,000   $99,864    N/A    N/A    N/A    $52,179   $252,043   $101,250    $106,032   N/A  N/A    N/A    $  57,969   $265,251   

John M. B. O’Connor

 $72,500   $99,864    N/A    N/A    N/A    $31,164   $203,528   $72,500    $106,032   N/A  N/A    N/A    $  34,204   $212,736   

Richard M. Rompala

 $150,000   $99,864    N/A    N/A    N/A    $94,964   $344,828   $150,000    $106,032   N/A  N/A    N/A    $101,687   $357,719   

Philip J. Schulz

 $62,500   $124,878    N/A    N/A    N/A    $36,178   $223,556   $60,000    $136,045   N/A  N/A    N/A    $  40,214   $235,259   

Vincent J. Smith

 $75,000   $99,864    N/A    N/A    N/A    $15,487   $190,351   $80,000    $106,032   N/A  N/A    N/A    $  18,527   $204,559   


This column represents the grant date fair value of 20132014 stock awards to directors calculated in accordance with ASC Topic 718. These stock awards are deferred as stock units. A director can elect to defer additional portions of his or her compensation in stock units as well. The following table lists the phantom stock units held by each director in his or her deferred stock account at December 31, 20132014 (payable upon the director’s retirement from our board, or a later date selected by the director, in cash or stock at the director’s election):



  Total Deferred
Stock Account
(in Shares)*


Gray G. Benoist


Donald W. Bogus


C. Robert Bunch


Randall W. Larrimore


John M. B. O’Connor


Richard M. Rompala


Philip J. Schulz


Vincent J. Smith




Total includes stock awards of the type listed in column (c) above, additional amounts a director elects to defer in stock units and dividend equivalents on stock units held in the deferred stock account.



Consists of (i) amounts we contributed in 2014 to charitycharities on behalf of directors under our matching charitable gifts program available to all employees and directors, and (ii) the fair value of “dividend equivalents” paid to directors in 20132014 on all Olin deferred stock units amounts, determined under ASC Topic 718, as follows:




Paid on
Deferred Stock
Stock Units


Gray G. Benoist


Donald W. Bogus


C. Robert Bunch


Randall W. Larrimore


John M. B. O’Connor


Richard M. Rompala


Philip J. Schulz


Vincent J. Smith


Differences in the amounts shown above among board members for dividend equivalents reflect the number of shares held as deferred stock units. Messrs. Benoist, Rompala and Schulz elected to receive their dividend equivalents in the form of additional deferred stock units, while the other directors elected to receive the dividend equivalent payments in cash (current or deferred). Does not include perquisites and other personal benefits which did not exceed, in the aggregate, $10,000 for any director.

Differences in the amounts shown above among board members for dividend equivalents reflect the number of shares held as deferred stock units. Messrs. Benoist, Rompala and Schulz elected to receive their dividend equivalents in the form of additional deferred stock units, while the other directors elected to receive the dividend equivalent payments in cash (current or deferred). Does not include perquisites and other personal benefits which did not exceed, in the aggregate, $10,000 for any director.

The board of directors determines the total amounts of the annual retainer, meeting, lead director and board/committee chair fees, based on recommendations from the committee and input from Exequity. All stock-based compensation for our directors is governed by our Amended and Restated 1997 Stock Plan for Non-employee Directors, which we refer to as our “Directors Plan.” The annual stock grant, retainer stock grant and cash retainer are paid for the 12-month period running from May 1 to April 30, with payments made on the second Thursday in May, after Olin’s annual shareholder meeting in April.


Under the Directors Plan, directors may choose to receive common stock instead of cash for any portion of their compensation. Directors may also elect to defer payments (cash or stock). We credit their deferred accounts with quarterly interest (on the cash portion) and with dividend equivalents (on the phantom stock portion). Phantom stock units are paid out in shares of our common stock or, at the director’s election, in cash. We also pay the balance of any deferred account to the director if there is a change in control—generally if:



a person or group acquires 40% or more of our assets, 30% or more of our stock, or a majority of the market value or voting power of our stock, or



a majority of our board members are not endorsed by the directors in office at the time of election.


We have stock ownership guidelines for our non-employee directors where each such director is expected to own shares of our common stock with a market value of at least five times the amount of the annual retainer, within five years after the director joins our board. Each non-employee director met these guidelines at year end.




The compensation committee has reviewed and discussed the Compensation Discussion and Analysis with management and, based on the review and discussions, recommends that it be included in Olin’s 20132014 annual report on Form 10-K and Proxy Statement for the 20142015 Annual Shareholder Meeting.


Richard M. Rompala, Chairman

Donald W. Bogus

C. Robert Bunch

Randall W. Larrimore

Vincent J. Smith


February 19, 20142015




The boardBoard of directorsDirectors proposes that the shareholders approvere-approve the Amended and Restated Olin Corporation 2014 Long TermSenior Management Incentive Compensation Plan, or 2014 LTIP, asthe SMICP, which provides for the awarding of cash bonuses to participants. On January 27, 1994, the Board adopted by the board on February 20, 2014,SMICP, and approveit was submitted to the performance measures includedshareholders for approval at the 1994 Annual Meeting. Shareholders approved amendments to the SMICP at the 1995 Annual Meeting and the SMICP was submitted to shareholders for re-approval in the 2014 LTIP pursuant to Section 162(m) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (the “Code”).2000, and again in 2005 and 2010, in each case with minor amendments.


The principal featuresform of SMICP to be approved by shareholders contains no amendments from the SMICP currently in effect (and approved at the 2010 annual meeting of shareholders).

Provisions of the 2014 LTIPSMICP are summarized below. The summary is not intended to be a complete description of the 2014 LTIP,SMICP, and you should review the entire 2014 LTIP,SMICP, a copy of which is included in this Proxy Statement as Appendix A.


General Nature and Purpose

The principal purposes of the 2014 LTIP are to (a) attract and retain employees, (b) provide competitive compensation packages to participants, (c) motivate participants to achieve long-range goals, and (d) further align participants’ interests with those of Olin’s shareholders.

Under the 2014 LTIP, a maximum of 3,000,000 shares of Olin common stock, referred to as common stock in this summary, is authorized for issuance upon exercise or granting of options, stock appreciation rights (SARs), restricted stock, restricted stock units, performance shares and other stock-based awards (collectively, “awards”). In addition, a maximum of 1,000,000 shares may be “full value awards” (restricted stock, restricted stock units, performance shares and other full value stock-based awards). As of January 31, 2014, there were approximately 31 employees who would be eligible to participate in the 2014 LTIP.

Performance-Based Awards

Section 162(m) of the Internal Revenue Code, deniesas amended, limits the deduction for certain compensation in excess ofpaid by a publicly traded corporation to the chief executive officer and the four other most highly compensated officers to $1 million per year paid by a public company to the Chief Executive Officer and the four highest compensated officers other than the CEO.year. Certain types of compensation, including compensation based on performance measures, are excluded from this deduction limit. In order forFor compensation to qualify for this exception among other things, (i) it must be paid solely on account of the attainment of one or more performance measures, (ii) the performance goals must be established by a compensation committee consisting solely of two or more outside directors, (iii) the material terms under which the compensation plan must provide for a limit on the compensationis to be paid, to each executive and (ii)including the performance measures, must be disclosed to and approved by shareholders in a separate vote prior to payment. As discussed below,payment, and (iv) prior to payment, the 2014 LTIP provides for limits oncompensation committee must certify that the amountperformance goals and any other material terms were in fact satisfied. The SMICP is intended to satisfy the requirements of awards to be paid to any participant.Section 162(m).


The 2014 LTIP provideseffectiveness of the 2010 shareholder approval of the SMICP expires (for purposes of Section 162(m)) at the 2015 annual meeting of shareholders. The board of directors has determined that it is in Olin’s best interest that awards designatedpaid under the SMICP continue to be eligible to qualify as performance-based compensation under Section 162(m). As a result, we now seek shareholder re-approval of the SMICP.

SMICP Provisions

Purpose.    The purpose of the SMICP is to compensate certain members of our senior management on an individual basis for contributions and to stimulate the efforts of such members by giving them a direct financial interest in our performance.

Administration.    The SMICP is administered by the compensation committee of the board, which is composed solely of independent, outside directors. That committee has sole authority to make rules and regulations for the administration of the SMICP, and that committee’s interpretations and decisions with regard to the SMICP are final and conclusive.

Participants.    The compensation committee designates participants for each fiscal year on or before March 30 of that fiscal year (or a later date if permitted by tax law). For 2014, Messrs. Rupp, Slater, Fischer, Pain and McIntosh were designated as being performance-based shall haveparticipants. Although the names of the participants for 2015 will not be known until after the end of this year, the compensation committee designated each of the five individuals whose compensation will be required to be listed in the Summary Compensation Table appearing in the proxy statement for the 2016 annual meeting of shareholders (the NEOs) as performance measuresthe 2015 participants.

Performance Measures.    The compensation committee selects one or more of the following:shareholder-approved performance measures and sets the performance goals for these measures each year. The performance measures and the related performance goals determine the incentive award payable under the SMICP for that fiscal year. The permissible performance measures are (on an absolute or a relative basis):



pre-tax profit,Cash flow,



earningsEarnings per share,



economic value added (EVA),EBITDA,



cash flow (including operating cash flow, free cash flow, cash flow return on equity, and cash flow return on investment)Economic Value Added/EVA®,



netNet income, or net earnings (before or after taxes),



operatingOperating profit,



return measures (such as return on equity, capital, invested capital, assets, net assets, revenue, or sales),



earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization (EBITDA),Pre-tax profit,



revenues,Return on capital,



share price (including growth measures and total shareholder return),Return on equity,



Return on net sales or revenue growth,assets,



productivity ratios,


expense targets,


margins (including gross and operating margins),


operating efficiency,


market share,


customer satisfaction,Revenues, and



working capital targets and changes in working capital.

EVA is a registered trademark of Stern Stewart & Company.


The board designated the compensation committee to administer the 2014 LTIP. The committee has full power to interpret the 2014 LTIP, including to determine eligibility for awards, and to adopt rules, forms and guidelines under the 2014 LTIP. Each member of the committee must be (i) a “non-employee director” for purposes of Rule 16b-3 under the Exchange Act (“Rule 16b-3”), (ii) an “outside director” for purposes of Section 162(m) of the Code, and (iii) “independent” under the NYSE listing criteria. The full board also may elect to take any action under the 2014 LTIP that would otherwise be the responsibility of the committee. The committee may delegate partial or full authority to one or more members of Olin’s management under the 2014 LTIP, with respect to eligible employees who are not “officers” for purposes of Section 16(b) of the Exchange Act.

Subject to the terms and conditions of the 2014 LTIP, the committee has the authority to select the employees to whom awards are to be made, to determine the number of shares to be subject to awards and the terms and conditions of awards, and to make all other determinations and to take other actions necessary or advisable for the administration of the 2014 LTIP (other than to reprice outstanding options). The committee may at any time suspend or terminate the 2014 LTIP. Shareholder approval is required to reprice options. Shareholder approval is also required to increase the maximum number of shares subject to awards or other award limits or to reduce the minimum option exercise price, except that the committee is allowed to make appropriate proportionate adjustments for stock dividends, stock splits or similar events as allowed in Section 4(b) of the 2014 LTIP.


Awards under the 2014 LTIP may be granted to employees of Olin (or any current or future subsidiaries) selected by the committee for participation in the 2014 LTIP.


The 2014 LTIP provides that the committee will specify the type, terms and conditions of the award. Each award may be set forth in a separate agreement with the person receiving the award.


The 2014 LTIP provides that


awards covering not more than 3,000,000 shares may be granted under the 2014 LTIP,


no more than 1,000,000 shares may be subject to full value awards (restricted stock, restricted stock units, performance shares and other full value stock-based awards),


no more than 500,000 shares may be subject to options granted to any one individual in a calendar year,


no more than 500,000 shares may be subject to SARs granted to any one individual in a calendar year,


no more than 500,000 shares may be subject to restricted stock and restricted stock units granted to any one individual in a calendar year,


no more than 500,000 shares may be subject to performance shares granted to any one individual in a calendar year, and


no more than 500,000 shares may be subject to other stock-based awards granted to any one individual in a calendar year.

Shares exchanged or withheld to pay the purchase or exercise price of an award (including shares withheld to satisfy the exercise price of a stock appreciation right settled in stock) or to satisfy tax withholding obligations count against the numerical limits.

The 2014 LTIP allows for grants of options, or the right to purchase common stock at a specified price. Options may be non-qualified stock options (NQSOs) or Incentive Stock Options (ISOs). No option exercise price may be less than the fair market value on the date of grant, which, unless the committee determines otherwise, is the closing price of Olin stock on such date. The closing price of Olin stock as of February 28, 2014 was $26.19. The option will become exercisable (at the discretion of the committee) in one or more installments on or after the grant date, subject to the participant’s continued employment with Olin.

ISOs will be designed to comply with certain restrictions contained in the Code. ISOs may be subsequently modified to disqualify them from treatment as ISOs. In the case of an ISO granted to an individual who owns (or is deemed to own) at least 10% of the total combined voting power of all classes of stock of Olin, the exercise price must be at least 110% of the fair market value of a share of common stock on the date of grant, and the ISO must expire no later than the fifth anniversary of the date of its grant.

Restricted stock refers to stock that is subject to risk of forfeiture or other restrictions as the committee determines. Such restrictions will lapse under such circumstances as the committee may determine, including upon the achievement of performance criteria referred to above. In general, restricted stock may not be sold, or otherwise transferred or hypothecated, until the restrictions (if any) are removed or expire. Recipients of restricted stock may have voting rights and receive dividends paid with respect to such stock prior to the time when the restrictions lapse, as determined by the committee.

A restricted stock unit entitles the holder to receive shares of common stock or cash at the end of a specified deferral period but does not entitle the holder to any voting rights. If the committee determines, holders of unvested restricted stock units may receive dividends or dividend equivalent payments.

The committee may issue shares of restricted stock or restricted stock units up to an aggregate 5% of the total number of shares available for issuance under this plan without any minimum vesting


period. Grants of restricted stock and restricted stock units above that level must include a minimum one-year vesting period for performance-based grants and a minimum three-year vesting period for grants without any performance-based component.

Performance shares provide for future issuance of shares to the recipient upon the attainment of corporate performance goals established by the committee over specified performance periods. Prior to payment of performance shares the committee will certify that the performance objectives were satisfied. Performance objectives may vary from individual to individual and will be based upon one or more performance criteria the committee may deem appropriate, including the criteria described above.

SARs may be granted in connection with stock options or separately, and are payable in cash. The term of a SAR may not exceed ten years. A SAR entitles the holder to receive with respect to each share subject to the SAR, an amount equal to the excess of the fair market value of one share of common stock on the date of exercise over the exercise price of the SAR set by the committee as of the date of grant. Except as required by Section 162(m), there are no restrictions specified in the 2014 LTIP on the amount of gain realizable from the exercise of SARs, although restrictions may be imposed by the committee.

Dividend equivalents represent the value of any dividends per share paid by Olin, calculated with reference to the number of shares covered by the awards held by the participant. This value is converted into cash or additional shares of common stock, as determined by the committee. Payment may be made concurrently with actual dividend payments or may be deferred, at the election of the committee.

The committee may make other stock-based awards in such amounts and subject to such terms and conditions as the committee shall determine.


Method of Exercise.    To exercise an option, the optionee must deliver to Olin a notice of exercise and full payment for the shares. The option price may be paid in cash, or by tendering shares of common stock already issued or issuable upon exercise of the option or by any other form of payment, which is approved by the committee and is consistent with the 2014 LTIP and applicable law, or by any combination of the above.

Termination of Employment.    Awards terminate upon termination of the participant’s employment by Olin for cause or by the employee without Olin’s written consent. Vested options held at the time an optionee’s employment terminates for any other reason (excluding retirement) may be exercised for three months after termination, or such longer period as the committee provides. Vested options held at the time an optionee’s employment terminates due to retirement may be exercised at any time until the expiration date of the option, or such shorter period as the committee provides at the time of the termination. In no event, however, can an option be extended beyond the expiration date.

Non-Compete.    If a participant renders service to a competitor of Olin, or discloses confidential information without Olin’s consent, or violates other terms of the 2014 LTIP, generally the committee may terminate any unvested, unpaid or deferred awards held by the participant, or may require the participant to forfeit benefits received under the 2014 LTIP within the six months prior to such action.

Non-Transferability.    Options may be transferred only by will or by the laws of descent and distribution, and during a participant’s lifetime are exercisable only by the participant. However, the committee may in its discretion permit transfers by gift to a member of the holder’s family members or related entities or pursuant to certain domestic relations orders.


Change in Control.    In the event of a Change in Control of Olin (except for performance shares, which will become immediately and fully vested), the vesting of awards will only be accelerated if:


the acquiring company does not continue your restricted stock units (or a comparable award) after the Change in Control, or


your employment is terminated (or in certain cases, constructively terminated) upon or following the Change in Control.

A “Change in Control” occurs if:


the incumbent directors (or their successors approved by at least two-thirds of the incumbent directors) cease to constitute at least a majority of the members of the board of directors (except directors initially added to the board as a result of a threatened election contest);


a person or group of persons other than Olin, a subsidiary, employee benefit plan (or related trust) of Olin or a subsidiary, the participant or any group including the participant, or an underwriter on a temporary basis, becomes the beneficial owner (as that term is defined under Rule 13d-3 of the Exchange Act), of 20% or more of Olin’s then-outstanding voting stock;


Olin or a subsidiary consummates a merger or similar transaction or sells all or substantially all of its assets to an unaffiliated entity, unless immediately following such transaction: (1) more than 50% of the total voting power of the surviving entity or of the acquiring entity is represented by Olin common stock or securities into which such shares were converted, (2) no person (other than an employee benefit plan sponsored or maintained by the surviving entity or the acquiring entity) becomes the beneficial owner of 20% or more of the total voting power and (3) at least a majority of the members of the board of directors (or similar body) of the surviving entity or the acquiring entity were incumbent directors of Olin’s board at the time Olin’s board approved the initial agreement for such transaction; or


Olin’s shareholders approve a plan of complete liquidation or dissolution of Olin.Total shareholder return.


ERISAFor 1996 through 2001, the sole performance measure designated by the compensation committee under the SMICP was Economic Value Added/EVA®. TheFrom 2002 through 2014, LTIPthe compensation committee selected earnings per share as the performance measure.

Award Determination.    By March 30 of each year (or such later date as permitted by tax law), the compensation committee designates (i) the individuals who will be participants, (ii) the performance measures, (iii) if there is neithermore than one performance measure, the weighting of each measure in determining the award, (iv) the performance goals and payout formula for each performance measure, and (v) the incentive standard award (the cash component of total targeted compensation that is tied to the performance measures) for each participant. Following the end of a qualified pension, profit sharing or stock bonus plan under Section 401(a) offiscal year, the Code norcompensation committee determines the actual incentive award for each participant based on the formula for each performance measure designated, applying the pre-determined weighting for each performance measure if more than one was designated.

Before a participant receives an “employee benefit plan” subject toincentive award, the compensation committee must certify in writing that the award has been determined in accordance with the provisions of the Employee Retirement Income Security ActSMICP. The compensation committee has the discretion to eliminate or reduce (but not increase) any incentive award to any participant, before it certifies the amount.

We include a more detailed description of 1974, as amended.the process for determining awards under the SMICP above under the heading “COMPENSATION DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS—What We Pay and Why: Elements of Compensation—Annual Cash Incentive (Non-equity Incentive Plan Compensation).”

Maximum Award.    The maximum incentive award to a participant under the SMICP for a fiscal year may not exceed 200% of such participant’s annual base salary in effect on the first day of that fiscal year (under the current SMICP, the base salary in effect on December 1 of that fiscal year).


Adjustments Upon ChangePayment.     Incentive awards are paid within 75 days of the close of a fiscal year in Capitalization.    If the outstanding shares of common stock are changed into or exchanged for a different number or kind of shares of Olin or other securities of Olin by reason of merger, consolidation, recapitalization, stock split, stock dividend, combination or exchange of shares, split-up, split-off, spin-off or other similar change in capitalization or any distribution to shareholders other than cash dividends, the committee will make an appropriate and equitable adjustment in the number, kind and prices of shares as to which all outstanding awards will be awarded, including adjustments to the limitations on the maximum number and kind of shares subject to the award limits.single, lump sum.


ChangesNonexclusive.    Participation in the SMICP does not exclude participants from 2009 LTIP.    The 2014 LTIP is modeled after our current 2009 LTIP, approved by shareholders at the 2009 annual meeting. Changes from the 2009 LTIP include:


decreases or increases in the various caps imposed on different types of awards, based on changes in our incentive programs over the last four years,


a reversion to our historical default methodology for calculating the fair market value of awards—the average of the high and low sales prices on the relevant date,


new or modified definitions to tie to the CIC agreements (those agreement are described in the “Compensation Discussion and Analysis”),



the addition of a double trigger for early vesting of awards other than performance shares upon a Change in Control, and


elimination of the parachute tax gross-up in favor of a “best net” approach.

Benefits Under 2014 LTIPparticipation in any other benefit or compensation plan or arrangement, including other bonus or incentive plans.



The cost to Olin of the incentive awards have been grantedand the amounts to be paid to participants cannot be determined at this time because payout of incentive awards is based on Olin’s future financial performance and the number of participants named by the compensation committee. For the same reason, the benefits or amounts that will be received by or allocated to any of Olin’s NEOs are not determinable. As noted above, however, the SMICP provides for a maximum amount payable to a single individual in any fiscal year of 200% of his or her annual base salary.

For amounts earned under the SMICP by NEOs in the fiscal year ended December 31, 2014, LTIP, so that benefits accruing pursuantsee the Summary Compensation Table. For 2015, the compensation committee has established the participants under the current SMICP as the NEOs for 2015, with the amount of the awards determined based on Olin’s actual 2015 earnings per share. The amounts to be received by any particular individual or all participants as a group cannot be determined at this time. The total payout under the 2014 LTIP are not presently determinable.SMICP for 2015 may range from $0 to 200% of annual base salary.

Our NEOs have an interest in the proposal to approve the SMICP because each is an eligible participant in awards under the SMICP.


Federal Income Tax ConsequencesInformation


We believe thatUpon receipt, awards under present law, the following discussion summarizesSMICP constitute ordinary income to the U.S.participants for federal income tax consequences generally arising with respectpurposes. Generally, Olin is required to withhold from awards underpaid an amount based on the 2014 LTIP.

Stock Options.    The grantamount of the award. Subject to the requirement of reasonableness, the provisions of Section 162(m) and the satisfaction of a NQSO is not a taxable event either for the optionee or for Olin. Upon exercise of a NQSO, the optionee will recognize ordinary income in an amount equal to the excess of the fair market value of the shares of common stock acquired upon exercise, determined at the date of exercise, over the exercise price of such option.tax reporting obligation, Olin generally will be entitled to a business expense deduction equal to such amount.

An optionee recognizes nothe taxable income upon the grant or exercise of an ISO, although payment of the option price with shares of common stock may result in taxable income on the transfer of the shares. The payment in shares will not affect the favorable tax treatment of the common stock received as a result of exercising the option. If an optionee meets the various holding period requirements, any gain or loss on the subsequent disposition of such common stock will be taxed to the optionee as long-term capital gain or loss. To the extent that an optionee recognizes ordinary income realized by reason of failing to meet those requirements, Olin will be entitled to a corresponding business expense deduction.the employee.


Restricted Stock and Restricted Stock Units.    A holder of restricted stock generally will recognize ordinary income in an amount equal to the fair market value of the common stock upon lapse of the restrictions. A holder of restricted stock units generally will recognize ordinary income in an amount equal to the fair market value of the common stock upon issuance of the shares (or upon receipt of the cash payment, in an amount equal to the cash payment, if the restricted stock units are settled in cash). Subject to Section 162(m), Olin is entitled to a business expense deduction that corresponds to the amount of ordinary income recognized by the holder.

Stock Appreciation Rights.    Generally, the holder of a stock appreciation right recognizes no income upon the grant of a SAR. Upon exercise, the holder will recognize as ordinary income the excess of the value of the SAR on the date of exercise over the value as of the date of grant. Olin is entitled to a business expense deduction that corresponds to the amount of ordinary income recognized by the holder.

Dividend Equivalents and Deferred Payments of Restricted Stock.    In general, recipients of dividend equivalents and deferred payments of restricted stock are taxable upon receipt. Subject to Section 162(m), Olin is entitled to a business expense deduction that corresponds to the amount of ordinary income recognized by the recipient.

Payment of Withholding Taxes

Olin may withhold, or require a participant to remit to Olin, an amount sufficient to satisfy any federal, state or local withholding tax requirements associated with awards under the 2014 LTIP. Recipients of awards may elect, subject to the approval of the committee, to satisfy the withholding requirement by having Olin withhold shares.


Vote Required for Approval


The affirmative vote of the holders of a majority of the votes cast on this proposalthe matter at the meeting is required to approve the 2014 LTIP. Unless otherwise instructed, proxies will be voted FOR approval of the 2014 LTIP.SMICP. If you hold your shares through a broker and you do not instruct the broker on how to vote on this proposal, your broker will not have authority to vote your shares. Under applicable NYSE rules, abstentions will be treated as votes cast on this proposal, but broker non-votes will not be treated as votes cast on this proposal. As a result, broker non-votes will have no effect on the proposal to approve the 2014 LTIP.SMICP. Abstentions will have the same effect as a vote against the proposal to approve the 2014 LTIP. Signed proxies will be voted FOR approval of the proposal unless otherwise specified.SMICP.


The board of directors recommends a vote FOR approval of the 2014 Long TermAmended and Restated Olin Senior Management Incentive Plan.

Equity Compensation Plan Information, because the board believes it is in Olin’s best interest to continue to qualify performance-based compensation for deductibility under Section 162(m) in order to maximize Olin’s income tax deductions.





Plan Category

  Number of securities to
be issued  upon
exercise of

outstanding options,

and rights (1)

average exercise

of  outstanding

warrants  and


  Number of securities

available  for future
issuance under equity
compensation plans

excluding securities
reflected in column (a) (1)


Equity compensation plans approved by security holders(2)

   5,208,597(3)  $19.29(3)   1,382,065(4) 

Equity compensation plans not approved by security holders

   N/A    N/A    N/A  



   5,208,597   $19.29(3)   1,382,065  


(1)Number of shares is subject to adjustment for changes in capitalization for stock splits and stock dividends and similar events.
(2)Consists of the 2000 Long Term Incentive Plan, the 2003 Long Term Incentive Plan, the 2006 Long Term Incentive Plan, the 2009 Long Term Incentive Plan and the 1997 Stock Plan for Non-employee Directors. Does not include information about the equity compensation plans listed in the table below, which has expired. No additional awards may be granted under those expired plans. As of December 31, 2013:

Plan Name

  Expiration Date

   Number of Securities
Issuable Under
Outstanding Options


   Weighted Average
Remaining Term


1996 Stock Option Plan for Key Employees of Olin Corporation and Subsidiaries

   1/25/06     34,602    $23.78     1.1 years  



4,080,220 shares issuable upon exercise of options with a weighted average exercise price of $19.29, and a weighted average remaining term of 5.6 years,


278,600 shares issuable under restricted stock unit grants, with a weighted average remaining term of 0.8 years,


433,500 shares issuable in connection with outstanding performance share awards, with a weighted average term of 1.1 years remaining in the performance measurement period, and


416,277 shares under the 1997 Stock Plan for Non-employee Directors which represent stock grants for retainers, other board and committee fees, and dividends on deferred stock under the plan.

(4)Does not include information about the proposed 2014 Long Term Incentive Plan being submitted for shareholder approval at the annual meeting. No awards have been made under that plan.





You are being asked to cast an advisory vote on approval of the compensation of our chief executive officer, chief financial officer and the three other most highly compensated executive officers (referred to as named executive officers or NEOs)NEOs at the annual meeting. This proposal, commonly known as a “say-on-pay” proposal, is required under Section 14A of the Securities Exchange Act. The proposal gives you the opportunity, on an advisory vote basis, to approve or not approve the compensation of the NEOs through the following resolution:


“RESOLVED, that the compensation paid to the Company’s named executive officers, as disclosed pursuant to Item 402 of Regulation S-K, including the Compensation Discussion and Analysis, compensation tables and narrative disclosure, is hereby APPROVED.”


Because your vote is advisory, it will not be binding on the board and it will not directly affect or otherwise limit any existing compensation or award arrangement of any of our NEOs. Our compensation committee does intend to take into account the outcome of the vote when considering future executive compensation arrangements.


Vote Required


Approval of this proposal requires that more votes be cast FOR than are cast AGAINST. Abstentions and broker non-votes will not be counted as votes cast and thus will not have any effect on the result of the vote. Signed proxies will be voted FOR approval of the proposal unless otherwise specified.


The board of directors recommends a vote FOR approval of this resolution.





KPMG was our independent registered public accounting firm for 20132014 and 2012.2013. A summary of the KPMG fees by year follows:


  Fees ($ in thousands)

   Fees ($ in thousands)





Nature of Service









Audit Fees(1)

  $1,810     100 $1,848     93      $1,655  100%  $1,810  100%

Audit Related Fees(2)

   —      —     135     7        

Tax Fees


Tax Compliance

   —      —     —      —           

Tax Consultation and Planning

   —      —     —      —           

All Other Fees

   —      —     —      —           




  $1,810     100 $1,983     100      $1,655      100%      $1,810      100%  






Includes costs associated with the annual audit, including quarterly financial reviews, services required under Section 404 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act, statutory audits, comfort letters, attest services, consents and assistance with and review of filings with the SEC.

(2)Costs include services related to agreed upon procedures performed related to the KA Steel Acquisition in 2012.


Our audit committee has a policy that all audit services by any independent registered public accounting firm and all non-audit services performed by our independent registered public accounting firm are subject to pre-approval by the audit committee at each scheduled meeting. The policy includes specific procedures for approval of such services. Excerpts from this policy follow:


Olin’s audit committee is solely responsible for pre-approving all audit services by any independent registered public accounting firm and all non-audit services performed by Olin’s independent registered public accounting firm. The process for such approval is as follows:



The annual budget for all such services will be submitted to the committee for approval in the first quarter of each year. The budget submission will include details of actual expenditures for each audit and non-audit service for the prior year versus the prior year budget and estimated spending for services in the current year. The budget will also provide for certain specific services that will be pre-approved within a limited dollar range per service. These pre-approved services are also subject to an annual spending cap.



At each subsequent audit committee meeting, the budget will be updated for changes in estimated spending involving previously approved services. The budget will also be updated to include any new services identified by operations management that need to be submitted for approval.



Any services not detailed in the budget or on the list of specific pre-approved services must be approved by the committee. In the event that approval is needed for a service in advance of a regularly scheduled audit committee meeting, the Chair of the committee is authorized to approve the service and report such approval to the other committee members at the next regularly scheduled committee meeting.


In 2013,2014, the audit committee pre-approved all audit and audit-related services.


Who has the audit committee selected as Olin’s independent registered public accounting firm for 2014?2015?


Olin’s audit committee is solely responsible for hiring and compensating Olin’s independent registered public accounting firm. After considering KPMG’s 20132014 performance and their proposed audit plan for 2014,2015, the committee has selected KPMG as our independent registered public accounting firm for 2014.2015.


Is a shareholder vote required to approve Olin’s independent registered public accounting firm?


Neither Virginia law nor our Bylaws require us to submit this matter to the shareholders at the annual meeting. However, the board and audit committee chose to submit it to the shareholders to ascertain their views.


Will I have an opportunity to hear from KPMG and ask them questions?


We expect representatives of KPMG to be present at the annual meeting. They will have an opportunity to make a statement, if they desire to do so, and to respond to appropriate questions.

How many votes are required to ratify the appointment of KPMG as Olin’s independent registered public accounting firm for 2014?Vote Required


To ratify the appointment of KPMG as Olin’s independent registered public accounting firm for 2014,2015, the votes cast in favor ofFOR this proposal must exceed the votes cast in opposition toAGAINST this proposal.



Abstentions and shares held in street name that are not voted on this proposal will not be included in determining the number of votes cast on this proposal and will not affect the vote on this proposal. If the shareholders’ ratification vote does not support the audit committee’s decision to appoint KPMG as Olin’s independent registered public accounting firm for 2013,2015, the audit committee will take the vote into consideration in making next year’s selection. Signed proxies will be voted FOR approval of the proposal unless otherwise specified.

How does the board recommend we vote?


The board of directors recommends a vote FOR ratification of the appointment of KPMG as our independent registered public accounting firm for 2014.2015.

Appendix A





Amalgamated Bank’s MidCap 400 Index Fund, 275 Seventh Avenue, New York, NY 10001, beneficial owner of 39,884 shares of common stock(As currently in effect and proposed to be approved by shareholders in April 2015)

Section 1.        Purpose.        The purposes of the Company, has submitted the following proposal:

“Resolved: The shareholdersOlin Senior Management Incentive Compensation Plan (the “Plan”) are (i) to compensate certain members of senior management of Olin Corporation (the “Company”) hereby requeston an individual basis for significant contributions to the Company and its subsidiaries and (ii) to prepare and periodically updatestimulate the efforts of such members by giving them a report,direct financial interest in the performance of the Company.

Section 2.        Definitions.        The following terms utilized in this Plan shall have the following meanings:

“Committee” shall mean the Compensation Committee of the Board of Directors of the Company or such other committee of such Board as such Board may from time to be presented totime designate.

“Economic Value Added” means the pertinent board of directors committee and postedCompany’s consolidated sales less its operating costs (including tax) less a capital charge based on the Company’s website, that discloses monetary and non-monetary expenditures thatcost of capital on assets employed in the Company cannot deductbusiness.

“Participant” shall mean for a fiscal year each salaried employee who is designated as an “ordinary and necessary” business expense under section 162(e)a Participant by the Committee on or before March 30 of such fiscal year (or such later date, if any, as permitted by Section 162(m)).

“Performance Measures” shall mean for a fiscal year one or more of the Internal Revenue Code (the “Code”) because they are incurred in connection with—following criteria, as designated by the Committee for such fiscal year, on an absolute or relative basis:



influencing legislation;Cash flow,



participating or intervening in any political campaign on behalf of (or in opposition to) any candidate for public office; andEarnings per share,



attempting to influence the general public, or segments thereof, with respect to elections, legislative matters, or referenda.

The requested disclosure would include (but not be limited to)—


contributions to or expenditures in support of or opposition to political candidates, political parties, political committees;EBITDA,



dues, contributions or other payments made to tax-exempt “social welfare” organizations and “political committees” operating under sections 501(c)(4) and 527 of the Code, respectively, and to tax-exempt entities that write model legislation and operate under section 501(c)(3) of the Code; and


the portion of dues or other payments made to a tax-exempt entity such as a trade association that are used for an expenditure or contribution and that would not be deductible under section 162(e) of the Code if made directly by the Company.

The report shall identify all recipients and the amount paid to each recipient from Company funds.



As long-term shareholders, we support transparency and accountability in corporate spending on political activities. Disclosure is consistent with public policy and in the best interest of the Company and its shareholders. Indeed, the Supreme Court’s 2010 Citizens United decision—which liberalized rules for corporate participation in election-related activities—recognized the importance of disclosure to shareholders, saying: “[D]isclosure permits citizens and shareholders to react to the speech of corporate entities in a proper way. This transparency enables the electorate to make informed decisions and give proper weight to different speakers and messages.”

In our view, in the absence of a system of accountability, company assets could be used for policy objectives that may be inimical to the long-term interests of and may pose risks to the Company and its shareholders.

Although the Supreme Court cited the importance of disclosure in this area, current law allows companies anonymously to channel significant amounts of money into the political process through trade associations and non-profit groups that do not have to disclose contributors. The Company does disclose its direct contributions to candidates and lobbying expenditures, but payments to third parties can dwarf the contributions that must be publicly reported.

Given the vagaries of the political process and the uncertainty that political spending will produce any return for shareholders, we believe that companies should be fully transparent and accountable by disclosing how they spend shareholder money in this area.

We urge you to vote FOR this critical governance reform.



Our Board recommends a vote AGAINST Item 5 because (1) our corporate political contributions and lobbying expenses are insignificant, (2) our limited political contributions are strictly controlled, and (3) a great deal of information regarding our corporate contributions is already publicly available.

Our Board believes that it is our responsibility to participate in the political process when appropriate to ensure that we protect the best interests of Olin and its shareholders. We are committed to ensuring all of our political contributions are made in strict compliance with applicable laws and regulations, including disclosure requirements. Federal law currently prohibits corporations like Olin from contributing directly to candidates for federal office or to national party committees, and we make no such contributions.

Our Political Contributions are Insignificant.    Olin’s total annual direct political contributions (both cash and property) during the past three years averaged approximately $15,000 per year, or less than .0007% of Olin’s total average annual sales for that period. We also spend a limited amount on lobbying activities (directly or through lobbying firms). These expenditures are required to be disclosed in publicly-filed documents, and based on such filings averaged less than $45,000 per year over the past three years.

We are members of a number of trade associations and industry groups, and make payments to these groups, including membership fees and dues. A portion of the membership fees and dues paid by Olin may not be deductible under Section 162(e) of the Code. Based on estimates provided by the


recipients, the portion of Olin’s 2013 dues and other payments to tax exempt entities not deductible under Section 162(e) of the Code was approximately $135,000, less than .0054% of our 2013 total sales. Such memberships are vital for Olin to stay actively informed about industry issues, and these associations are supported by, and represent many companies. Because we do not direct how these funds are used, we may not agree with every position taken by such organizations. As a result, we do not believe disclosure of details on payments made to these organizations would provide our shareholders with greater understanding of our position on many important public policy issues.

In addition to these amounts, we sponsor one non-partisan federal political action committee (PAC), which is funded solely on a voluntary basis by our employees. The PAC is registered with the applicable federal and state election commissions, with all political contributions accepted or made by the PAC reported to and published by the applicable commissions. Contributions over the last three years have averaged $9,600 per year.

Our Contributions are Strictly Controlled.    All direct political contributions by Olin must be approved in advance by both our Chief Executive Officer and our General Counsel.

Much of the Information Requested by the Proposal is Publicly Available.    Federal and state laws require public disclosure of political contributions, either by the donor or the recipient. We comply with these laws. Our PAC files regularly scheduled reports of receipts and disbursements with the Federal Election Commission, which are publicly available. Any information regarding the corporate contributions made by us to state candidates also is publicly available. As a result, the broad and undefined scope of the disclosure requested by this proposal is duplicative, and would result in unnecessary and unproductive use of time and resources without any appreciable benefit to our shareholders.

To approve the shareholder proposal, the votes cast in favor of the proposal must exceed the votes cast in opposition to the proposal. Abstentions and shares held in street name that are not voted will not be included in determining the number of votes cast. Signed proxies will be voted AGAINST the proposal unless otherwise specified.

For these reasons, the board of directors recommends a vote AGAINST the shareholder proposal.


Appendix A



Section 1.Purpose.

The general purposes of the Olin Corporation 2014 Long Term Incentive Plan are to (i) attract and retain persons eligible to participate in the Plan; (ii) motivate Participants, by means of appropriate incentives, to achieve long-range goals; (iii) provide incentive compensation opportunities that are competitive with those of other similar companies; and (iv) further align Participants’ interests with those of other shareholders of Olin Corporation through compensation that is based on Olin’s common stock; and thereby promote the long-term financial interest of Olin and its Affiliates, including growth in the value of Olin’s equity and enhancement of long-term shareholder return.

Section 2.Definitions.

As used in the Plan:

(a)“Affiliate” means any corporation, partnership, joint venture or other entity during any period in which Olin owns, directly or indirectly, at least 50% of the total voting or profits interest.

(b)“Award” means any Option, Stock Appreciation Right, Restricted Stock, Restricted Stock Unit, Performance Share, Other Stock-Based Award or Dividend Equivalent granted under the Plan.

(c)“Award Agreement” means any written or electronic agreement or other instrument or document evidencing an Award granted under the Plan, regardless of whether a Participant signature is required.

(d)“Board” means the Board of Directors of Olin, or if applicable following a Change in Control (described in Section 2(e)(iii)), the board of directors (or similar governing body in the case of an entity other than a corporation) of the Parent Entity (as defined in Section 2(e)(iii)) or, if there is no Parent Entity, the Surviving Entity (as defined in Section 2(e)(iii)).

(e)“Change in Control” means the occurrence of any of the following events:

(i) the Incumbent Directors cease for any reason to constitute at least a majority of the Board; or

(ii) any Person is or becomes a “beneficial owner” (as such term is defined in Rule 13d-3 under the Exchange Act), directly or indirectly, of securities of Olin representing 20% or more of the combined voting power of the Olin Voting Securities; provided, however, that the event described in this subsection (ii) shall not be deemed to be a Change in Control if such event results from any of the following: (A) the acquisition of Olin Voting Securities by Olin or any of its subsidiaries, (B) the acquisition of Olin Voting Securities directly from Olin; (C) the acquisition of Olin Voting Securities by any employee benefit plan (or related trust) sponsored or maintained by Olin or any of its subsidiaries, (D) the acquisition of Olin Voting Securities by any underwriter temporarily holding securities pursuant to an offering of such securities, (E) the acquisition of Olin Voting Securities pursuant to a Non-Qualifying Transaction (as defined in Section 2(e)(iii)), or (F) the acquisition of Olin Voting Securities by Participant or any Group of Persons including Participant (or any entity controlled by Participant or any Group of Persons including Participant); or

(iii) the consummation of a Reorganization or a Sale, unless immediately following such Reorganization or Sale: (1) more than 50% of the total voting power (in respect of the election of directors, or similar officials in the case of an entity other than a corporation) of (x) Olin (or,


if Olin ceases to exist, the entity resulting from such Reorganization), or, in the case of a Sale, the entity which has acquired all or substantially all of the assets of Olin (in either case, the “Surviving Entity”), or (y) if applicable, the ultimate parent entity that directly or indirectly has beneficial ownership of more than 50% of the total voting power (in respect of the election of directors, or similar officials in the case of an entity other than a corporation) of the Surviving Entity (the “Parent Entity”), is represented by Olin Voting Securities that were outstanding immediately prior to such Reorganization or Sale (or, if applicable, is represented by shares into which or for which such Olin Voting Securities were converted or exchanged pursuant to such Reorganization or Sale) with ownership of such Olin Voting Securities (or, if applicable, shares into which or for which such Olin Voting Securities were converted or exchanged pursuant to such Reorganization or Sale) continuing in substantially the same proportions as the ownership of Olin Voting Securities immediately prior to consummation of such Reorganization or Sale (excluding any outstanding voting securities of the Surviving Entity or Parent Entity that are held immediately following the consummation of such Reorganization or Sale as a result of ownership prior to such consummation of voting securities of any corporation or other entity involved in or forming part of such Reorganization or Sale other than Olin or any of its subsidiaries), (2) no Person (other than any employee benefit plan (or related trust) sponsored or maintained by Olin, the Surviving Entity, or the Parent Entity), is or becomes the beneficial owner, directly or indirectly, of 20% or more of the total voting power (in respect of the election of directors, or similar officials in the case of an entity other than a corporation) of the outstanding voting securities of the Parent Entity (or, if there is no Parent Entity, the Surviving Entity) and (3) at least a majority of the members of the Board following the consummation of the Reorganization or Sale were, at the time of the approval by the Board of the execution of the initial agreement providing for such Reorganization or Sale (or, in the absence of any such agreement, at the time of approval by the Board of such Reorganization or Sale), Incumbent Directors (any Reorganization or Sale which satisfies all of the criteria specified in (1), (2) and (3) above being deemed to be a “Non-Qualifying Transaction”); provided, however, that if, in connection with a Reorganization or Sale that would otherwise be considered a Change in Control pursuant to this Plan, (I) the immediately preceding clause (3) is satisfied, (II) at least seventy-five percent (75%) of the individuals who were executive officers (within the meaning of Rule 3b-7 under the Exchange Act) of Olin immediately prior to consummation of such Reorganization or Sale become executive officers of the Parent Entity (or, if there is no Parent Entity, the Surviving Entity) immediately following such Reorganization or Sale, and (III) the Incumbent Directors at the time of approval by the Board of such Reorganization or Sale determine in good faith that such individuals are expected to remain executive officers for a significant period of time following such Reorganization or Sale, then such directors shall be permitted to determine by at least a two-thirds vote that such Reorganization or Sale shall not constitute a Change in Control of Olin for purposes of this Plan; or

(iv) the stockholders of Olin approve a plan of complete liquidation or dissolution of Olin.

Notwithstanding the foregoing, if any Person becomes the beneficial owner, directly or indirectly, of 20% or more of the combined voting power of Olin Voting Securities solely as a result of the acquisition of Olin Voting Securities by Olin which reduces the number of Olin Voting Securities outstanding, such increased amount shall be deemed not to result in a Change in Control; provided, however, that if such Person subsequently becomes the beneficial owner, directly or indirectly, of additional Olin Voting Securities that increases the percentage of outstanding Olin Voting Securities beneficially owned by such Person, a Change in Control of Olin shall then be deemed to occur.

(f)“Code” means the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended. A reference to any provision of the Code shall include reference to any successor provision of the Code.


(g)“Committee” means a committee of the Board designated by the Board to administer the Plan, each member of which is (i) “independent” under the New York Stock Exchange listing criteria, (ii) an “outside director” for purposes of Section 162(m) of the Code and (iii) a “non-employee director” for the purpose of Rule 16b-3, and, to the extent the Committee delegates authority to one or more individuals in accordance with the Plan, such individual(s).

(h)“Dividend Equivalent” means any right granted under Section 6(c)(ii) of the Plan.

(i)“Effective Date” means the date this Plan is approved by Olin’s shareholders.

(j)“Employee” means any employee of Olin or of an Affiliate designated as such on the applicable payroll records, regardless of whether an individual is subsequently retroactively reclassified as a common law employee of Olin or an Affiliate during the applicable period.

(k)“Exchange Act” means the Securities Exchange Act of 1934.

(l)“Fair Market Value” means, (i) with respect to shares of Olin common stock, a price that is based on the opening, closing, actual, high, low, average or mean selling prices of such common stock on the New York Stock Exchange as of the relevant date, or the last preceding trading date or the next succeeding trading date, if such Shares were not traded on such date, or an average of trading days, as determined by the Committee in its discretion; however, unless the Committee determines otherwise, Fair Market Value with respect to shares of Olin common stock shall mean the mean of the high and low sales price per share of such common stock as reported on the New York Stock Exchange as of the relevant date, or the last preceding trading date, if such Shares were not traded on such date, and, (ii) with respect to any other property (including, without limitation, securities other than Shares), the fair market value of such property determined by such methods or procedures as shall be established from time to time by the Committee.

(m)“Family Member” means any child, stepchild, grandchild, parent, stepparent, grandparent, spouse, former spouse, sibling, niece, nephew, mother-in-law, father-in-law, son-in-law, daughter-in-law, brother-in-law or sister-in-law, including adoptive relationship, or any person sharing the Participant’s household, other than a tenant or employee.

(n)“Good Reason Event” means:

(i) Olin (A) requires Participant to relocate Participant’s principal place of employment by more than fifty (50) miles from the location in effect immediately prior to the Change in Control and such relocation increases the commuting distance, on a daily basis, between Participant’s residence at the time of relocation and principal place of employment; or (B) requires Participant to travel on business to a substantially greater extent than, and inconsistent with, Participant’s travel requirements prior to the Change in Control (taking into account the number and/or duration (both with respect to airtime and overall time away from home) of such travel trips following the Change in Control as compared to a comparable period prior to the Change in Control);

(ii) Olin reduces Participant’s base salary or fails to increase Participant’s base salary on a basis consistent (as to frequency and amount) with Olin’s salary system for Participant officers as in effect immediately prior to the Change in Control;

(iii) Olin fails to substantially maintain its health, welfare and retirement benefit plans as in effect immediately prior to the Change in Control, unless arrangements (embodied in an on-going substitute or alternative plan) are then in effect to provide benefits that are substantially similar to those in effect immediately prior to the Change in Control; or

(iv) (A) Participant is assigned any duties inconsistent in any adverse respect with Participant’s position (including status, offices, titles and reporting lines), authority, duties or


responsibilities immediately prior to the Change in Control or (B) Olin takes any action that results in a diminution in such position (including status, offices, titles and reporting lines), authority, duties or responsibilities or in a substantial reduction in any of the resources available to carry out any of Participant’s authorities, duties or responsibilities from those resources available immediately prior to the Change in Control.

(o)“Group” means Persons acting together for the purpose of acquiring Olin stock and includes owners of a corporation that enters into a merger, consolidation, purchase or acquisition of stock, or similar business transaction with Olin. If a Person owns stock in both Olin and another corporation that enters into a merger, consolidation, purchase or acquisition of stock, or similar transaction, such Person is considered to be part of a Group only with respect to ownership prior to the merger or other transaction giving rise to the change and not with respect to the ownership interest in the other corporation. Persons will not be considered to be acting as a Group solely because they purchase assets of the same corporation at the same time, or as a result of the same public offering.

(p)“Incentive Stock Option” means an option to purchase Shares granted under the Plan that is intended to meet the requirements of Section 422 of the Code.

(q)“Incumbent Directors” means those individuals who, on the Effective Date, constitute the Board; provided that any person becoming a director subsequent to the Effective Date, whose election or nomination for election was approved by a vote of at least two-thirds of the directors who were, as of the date of such approval, Incumbent Directors, shall be an Incumbent Director; provided, however, that no individual initially appointed, elected or nominated as a director of Olin pursuant to an actual or threatened election contest with respect to directors or pursuant to any other actual or threatened solicitation of proxies or consents by or on behalf of any person other than the Board shall be deemed to be an Incumbent Director.

(r)“Non-Qualified Stock Option” means an option to purchase Shares granted under the Plan that is not intended to be (or does not meet the requirements of) an Incentive Stock Option.

(s)“Non-Qualifying Transaction” has the meaning set forth in the definition of Change in Control.

(t)“Olin” means Olin Corporation and any successor entity.

(u)“Olin Voting Securities” means Olin’s then outstanding securities eligible to vote for the election of the Board.

(v)“Option” means an Incentive Stock Option or a Non-Qualified Stock Option.

(w)“Other Stock-Based Awards” means other types of equity-based or equity-related Awards not otherwise described by the terms of this Plan (including the grant or offer for sale of unrestricted Shares).

(x)“Parent Entity” has the meaning set forth under the definition of Change in Control.

(y)“Participant” means an Employee granted an Award under the Plan.

(z)“Performance-Based Compensation” shall have the meaning as that term is used for purposes of Code Section 162(m).

(aa)“Performance Share” means any grant of a right to receive Shares which is contingent on the achievement of performance or other objectives during a specified period.

(bb)“Person” has the meaning of such term in Section 3(a)(9) of the Exchange Act and as used in Sections 13(d)(3) and 14(d)(2) of the Exchange Act.

(cc)“Plan” means this Olin Corporation 2014 Long Term Incentive Plan.


(dd)“Qualifying Termination” means:

(i) Participant is discharged by Olin, upon or following a Change in Control, other than for cause and other than due to Participant’s death or disability (which will be deemed to occur if Participant becomes eligible to commence immediate receipt of disability benefits under the terms of Olin’s long-term disability plan); or

(ii) A Good Reason Event occurs upon or following a Change in Control and (A) within 90 days following the occurrence of the Good Reason Event, Participant provides written notice to Olin of the occurrence of such Good Reason Event, which notice sets forth the exact nature of the event and the conduct required to cure such event, and (B) Olin does not cure such Good Reason Event within 30 days after its receipt of such notice; provided that such 30-day period to cure shall terminate in the event that Olin informs Participant that it does not intend to cure such event (such period, whether 30 days or less, the “Cure Period”), and (C) Participant terminates employment as a result of such Good Reason Event during the 45 day period that follows the Cure Period.

If (x) Participant’s employment is terminated prior to a Change in Control for reasons that would have constituted a Qualifying Termination if they had occurred upon or following a Change in Control, (y) Participant reasonably demonstrates that such termination of employment (or event described in Section 2(dd)(ii) above) occurred at the request of a third party who had indicated an intention or taken steps reasonably calculated to effect a Change in Control and (z) a Change in Control involving such third party (or a party competing with such third party to effectuate a Change in Control) does occur within two years following the date of Participant’s termination of employment, then for purposes of this Plan, the date immediately preceding the date of such termination of employment (or event described in Section 2(dd)(ii) above) shall be treated as the date of the Change in Control, except that for purposes of determining Participant’s entitlement to payments and benefits described in Section 9 and the timing of such payments and benefits, the date of the actual Change in Control shall be treated as Participant’s date of termination of employment. In the event that Participant’s employment terminates under the circumstances described in clauses (x), (y) and (z) of the preceding sentence (any such termination, an “Anticipatory Termination”), such termination will be considered a Qualifying Termination for purposes of this Plan, and Participant will be entitled to receive the payments and benefits described in Section 9 of this Plan, provided that any such payments and benefits due under Section 9 shall be reduced by the payments and benefits Participant has already received pursuant to any applicable employment, severance or termination agreement, plan, arrangement or policy (collectively, the “Other Arrangements”), in respect of Participant’s termination of employment with Olin, and the remainder of the payments and benefits payable pursuant to the Other Arrangements shall be forfeited. For purposes of implementing the terms of Section 9 in the event of an Anticipatory Termination, all outstanding and unvested Options, Restricted Stock and other equity-based Awards (including, without limitation, Performance Shares) that Participant holds on the date of the Anticipatory Termination shall be deemed to remain outstanding until the date of the Change in Control (but in the case of any Options, not beyond the date that such Options would have expired if Participant had remained continuously employed from the date of the Anticipatory Termination until the date of the Change in Control) and become immediately vested and exercisable as of the date of the Change in Control.

(ee)“Released Securities” means securities that were Restricted Securities with respect to which all applicable restrictions imposed under the terms of the relevant Award have expired, lapsed or been waived or satisfied.

(ff)“Reorganization” means a merger, consolidation, statutory share exchange or similar form of corporate transaction involving (i) Olin or (ii) any of its subsidiaries pursuant to which, in the case of this clause (ii), Olin Voting Securities are issued or issuable.


(gg)“Restricted Securities” means Awards of Restricted Stock or other Awards under which outstanding Shares are held subject to certain restrictions.

(hh)“Restricted Stock” means any grant of Shares subject to a risk of forfeiture or other restrictions that will lapse upon the achievement of one or more goals related to completion of service by the Participant, or achievement of performance or other objectives, as determined by the Committee.

(ii)“Restricted Stock Unit” means the grant of a contractual right to receive a stated number of Shares in the future, or, if provided by the Committee on the Grant Date, cash equal to the Fair Market Value of such Shares, under the Plan at the end of a specified period of time or upon the occurrence of a specified event.

(jj)“Retirement” refers to retirement (including any early retirement) pursuant to any applicable retirement plan of Olin or of an Affiliate as provided under such retirement plan and which retirement was not caused by the Participant being terminated for cause by Olin or any Affiliate.

(kk)“Rule 16b-3” means Rule 16b-3 promulgated by the Securities and Exchange Commission under the Exchange Act.

(ll)“Sale” (when the term is capitalized) means the sale or other disposition of all or substantially all of the assets of Olin to an entity that is not an Affiliate of Olin.

(mm)“Shares” means the common stock of Olin and such other securities or property as may become the subject of Awards pursuant to an adjustment made under Section 4(b) of the Plan.

(nn)“Stock Appreciation Right” or “SAR” means any such right granted under Section 6(b) of the Plan.

(oo)“Surviving Entity” has the meaning set forth under the definition of Change in Control.

Section 3.Administration.

(a)Powers of Committee.    The Plan shall be administered by the Committee which shall have full and exclusive discretionary power to interpret the terms and conditions of the Plan and any Award Agreement or other agreement or document ancillary to or in connection with the Plan, to determine eligibility for Awards and to adopt such rules, regulations, forms, instruments and guidelines for administering this Plan as the Committee may deem necessary or proper. Without limiting such authority, the Committee may: (i) designate Participants; (ii) determine the Awards to be granted to Participants; (iii) determine the number of Shares (or securities convertible into Shares) to be covered by Awards; (iv) determine the terms and conditions of any Award; (v) determine whether, to what extent, and under what circumstances Awards may be settled or exercised in cash, Shares, other securities, other Awards, or other property, or canceled, substituted, forfeited or suspended, and the method or methods by which Awards may be settled, exercised, canceled, substituted, forfeited or suspended; (vi) determine whether, to what extent, and under what circumstances cash, Shares, other securities, other Awards, other property and other amounts payable with respect to an Award under the Plan shall be deferred either automatically or at the election of the Participant or of the Committee; (vii) interpret and administer the Plan and any instrument or agreement relating to, or Award made under, the Plan; (viii) establish, amend, suspend or waive such rules and guidelines and appoint such agents as it shall deem appropriate for the administration of the Plan; and (ix) make any other determination and take any other action that it deems necessary or desirable for such administration.


Committee Discretion.    All designations, determinations, interpretations and other decisions with respect to the Plan or any Award shall be within the sole discretion of the Committee and


shall be final, conclusive and binding upon all Persons, including Olin, any Affiliate, any Participants, any holder or beneficiary of any Award, any shareholder and any Employee of Olin or of any Affiliate. The Committee’s powers include the adoption of modifications, amendments, procedures, subplans and the like as are necessary to comply with provisions of the laws of other countries in which Olin or an Affiliate may operate in order to assure the viability of Awards granted under the Plan and to enable Participants employed in such other countries to receive benefits under the Plan and such laws.

(c)Board Authority.    If the Committee does not exist, or for any other reason determined by the Board, the Board may take any action under the Plan that would otherwise be the responsibility of the Committee.

(d)Delegation.    Notwithstanding any provision of the Plan to the contrary, except to the extent prohibited by applicable law or the applicable rules of a stock exchange, the Committee may delegate to one or more officers or managers of Olin or any Affiliate, or a committee of such officers or managers, the authority, subject to such terms and limitations as the Committee shall determine, to grant Awards to, or to cancel, modify, waive rights or conditions with respect to, alter, discontinue, suspend, or terminate Awards held by, Employees who are not officers or directors of Olin for purposes of Section 16 of the Exchange Act, provided that no such action shall result in repricing of Options prohibited by Section 3(e).

(e)Prohibition on Option Repricing.    Except in connection with a corporate transaction involving Olin (including, without limitation, any stock dividend, stock split, extraordinary cash dividend, recapitalization, reorganization, merger, consolidation, split-up, spin-off, combination or exchange of shares), the terms of outstanding awards may not be amended to reduce the exercise price of outstanding Options or SARs or cancel outstanding Options or SARs in exchange for cash, other Awards or Options or SARs with an exercise price that is less than the exercise price of the original Option or SAR without shareholder approval. Any such adjustment shall be made in accordance with Treasury Regulation Section 1.409A-1(b)(5)(v).

Section 4.Shares Available for Awards.

(a)Shares Available.    Subject to adjustment as provided in Section 4(b) of the Plan, the aggregate number of Shares available for granting Awards under the Plan shall be 3,000,000.

(b)Adjustments.    In the event of any change in the Shares by reason of an event or transaction described in Section 3(e) of the Plan, (i) the numbers, class and prices of Shares covered by outstanding Awards under the Plan, (ii) the aggregate number and class of Shares available under the Plan, and (iii) the numbers and class of Shares that may be the subject of Awards pursuant to Section 4(c), shall be adjusted by the Committee, whose determination shall be conclusive.

(i) Without limiting the foregoing, in the event of any split-up, split-off, spin-off or other distribution to shareholders of shares representing a part of Olin’s business, properties and assets, the Committee may modify an outstanding Award so that such Award shall thereafter relate to Shares of Olin and shares of capital stock of the corporation owning the business, properties and assets so split-up, split-off, spun-off or otherwise distributed to shareholders of Olin in the same ratio in which holders of the Shares became entitled to receive shares of capital stock of the corporation owning the business, properties and assets so split-up, split-off or spun-off or otherwise distributed.

(ii) With respect to Awards of Incentive Stock Options, no such adjustment shall be authorized to the extent that such authority would cause the Plan to violate Section 422 of the Code or any successor provision thereto, unless the holder of such Award of Incentive Stock Options agrees to convert such options to Non-qualified Stock Options.


(iii) Notwithstanding the foregoing, a Participant to whom Dividend Equivalents or dividend units have been awarded shall not be entitled to receive a special or extraordinary dividend or distribution unless the Committee shall have expressly authorized such receipt.

(c)Additional Restrictions.    Subject to adjustment as provided in Section 4(b), the maximum number of Shares subject to various types of Awards under the Plan shall be as set forth below:

Maximum Number of Shares Subject to:

Maximum Number of Shares

Total Incentive Stock Options


All Restricted Stock, Restricted Stock Units, Performance Shares and Other Stock-Based Awards granted


Options granted to a single Participant in any calendar year


SARs granted to a single Participant in any calendar year


Restricted Stock and Restricted Stock Units granted to a single Participant in any calendar year


Performance Shares granted to a single Participant in any calendar year


Other Stock-Based Awards granted to a single Participant in any calendar year


(d)No Recycling of Shares.    Except for cancelled or forfeited Shares and Shares settled in cash, the Plan is intended to restrict the “recycling” of Shares back into the Plan. The full number of Shares underlying an Award (other than Awards payable, by their terms, only in cash) shall count against the numerical limits of the Plan. Shares exchanged or withheld to pay the purchase or exercise price of an Award or to satisfy tax withholding obligations count against the numerical limits of the Plan.

Section 5.Eligibility.

Any Employee, including any officer or Employee-director, shall be eligible to be designated a Participant, subject to any restrictions imposed by applicable law. An Award may be granted to an Employee prior to the date the Employee first performs services for Olin or the Affiliate, provided that such Awards shall not become vested prior to the date the Employee first performs such services.

Section 6.Awards.

(a)Options.    The Committee is authorized to grant Options to Participants with the following terms and conditions and with such additional terms and conditions, not inconsistent with the provisions of the Plan, as the Committee shall determine:

(i)Exercise Price.    The per Share exercise price shall be determined by the Committee, provided that such exercise price shall not be less than the Fair Market Value of a Share on the date of the Option grant.

(ii)Option Term.    The term of each Option shall be fixed by the Committee, provided that in no event shall the term of an Option be more than a period of ten years from the date of its grant.

(iii)Exercise.    The Committee shall determine the time or times at which an Option may be exercised in whole or in part, and the method or methods by which, and the form or forms in which payment of the exercise price with respect thereto may be made.

(iv)Incentive Stock Options.    The terms of any Incentive Stock Option granted under the Plan shall comply in all respects with the provisions of Section 422 of the Code, or any


successor provision thereto, and any regulations promulgated thereunder. Without limiting the preceding sentence, the aggregate Fair Market Value (determined at the time an Option is granted) of Shares with respect to which Incentive Stock Options are exercisable for the first time by a Participant during any calendar year (under the Plan and any other plan of the Participant’s employer corporation and its parent and subsidiary corporations providing for Options) shall not exceed such dollar limitation as shall be applicable to Incentive Stock Options under Section 422 of the Code or a successor provision.

(v)Termination of Employment Without Cause/With Olin Consent.    Unless otherwise specified in the applicable Award Agreement or policies adopted by the Compensation Committee, in the event the employment of a Participant to whom an Option has been granted under the Plan shall be terminated by Olin or an Affiliate without cause or by the Participant with the consent of Olin or an Affiliate, such Option may be exercised (to the extent of the number of shares that the Participant was entitled to purchase under such Option at the termination of employment) at any time within three months after such termination (which three-month period may be extended by the Committee), but in no event shall such three-month period or any such extension permit the exercise of an Option after the expiration date of the Option. Options granted under the Plan shall not be affected by any change of duties or position so long as the Participant continues to be an Employee.

(vi)Termination for Cause or Without Consent.    Unless otherwise specified in the applicable Award Agreement or policies adopted by the Compensation Committee, upon termination of such Participant’s employment either (a) for cause, or (b) voluntarily on the part of the Participant and without the written consent of Olin or an Affiliate, any Awards held by him or her under the Plan, to the extent not exercised or paid, shall terminate immediately.

(vii)Termination due to Retirement.    Unless otherwise specified in the applicable Award Agreement or policies adopted by the Compensation Committee, in the event the employment of a Participant to whom an Option has been granted under the Plan shall be terminated due to Retirement, such Option may be exercised (to the extent of the number of shares that the Participant was entitled to purchase under such Option at the termination of employment) at any time until the expiration date of the Option; provided, however, that such exercise period may be shortened by the Committee in its discretion at the time of termination.

(viii)Death.    Unless otherwise specified in the applicable Award Agreement or policies adopted by the Compensation Committee, if a Participant to whom an Option has been granted shall die while an Employee, such Option may be exercised by the Participant’s executors, administrators, personal representatives or distributees or permitted transferees at any time within a period of one year after the Participant’s death (which period may be extended by the Committee), regardless of whether or not such Option had vested at the time of death. If a Participant to whom an Option has been granted shall die after his or her employment has terminated but while the Option remains exercisable, the Option may be exercised by the persons described above at any time within the longer of (a) the period that the Participant could have exercised the Option had he or she not died, or (b) one year after the date of death (which period may be extended by the Committee), but only to the extent the Option was exercisable at the time of the Participant’s death.

(ix)Disability.    Unless otherwise specified in the applicable Award Agreement or policies adopted by the Compensation Committee, if a Participant to whom an Option has been granted shall become totally and permanently disabled, as that term is defined in Section 22(e)(3) of the Code (or a successor provision), and the Participant’s employment is terminated as a result, such option may be exercised by the Participant or permitted transferee within one year after the date of termination of employment, to the extent that the Option was exercisable at the time of termination of employment.


(b)Stock Appreciation Rights.    The Committee is authorized to grant Stock Appreciation Rights to Participants which may, but need not, relate to a specific Option granted under the Plan. Subject to the terms of the Plan and any applicable Award Agreement, each Stock Appreciation Right granted under the Plan shall confer on the holder thereof a right to receive, upon exercise thereof, up to the excess of (i) the Fair Market Value of one Share on the date of exercise over (ii) the exercise price of the right as specified by the Committee, which shall not be less than the Fair Market Value of one Share on the date of grant of the Stock Appreciation Right. Subject to the terms of the Plan and any applicable Award Agreement, the exercise price, term, methods of exercise, methods of payment or settlement, including whether such SAR shall be paid in cash or Shares, and any other terms and conditions of any Stock Appreciation Right shall be as determined by the Committee, but in no event shall the term of a Stock Appreciation Right exceed a period of ten years from the date of its grant.

(c)Other Awards.

(i)Issuance.    The Committee is authorized to grant Awards of Restricted Stock, Restricted Stock Units and Performance Shares to Participants. The Committee may make such Other Stock-Based Awards in such amounts and subject to such terms and conditions, as the Committee shall determine. Such Awards may involve the transfer of actual Shares to Participants, or payment in cash or otherwise of amounts based on the value of Shares and may include, without limitation, Awards designed to comply with or take advantage of the applicable local laws of jurisdictions other than the United States.

(ii)Dividends and Dividend Equivalents.    An Award (other than unvested Options, Performance Shares or Stock Appreciation Rights) may provide the Participant with the right to receive dividend payments or dividend equivalent payments with respect to Shares subject to the Award (both before and after the Shares subject to the Award are earned, vested, or acquired), which payments may be either made currently or credited to an account for the Participant, and may be settled in cash or Shares as determined by the Committee; provided, however, that no dividend payments or dividend equivalent payments shall be provided, permitted or credited to the extent that such payments would cause a Restricted Stock Unit or Stock Appreciation Right to be subject to Code Section 409A. Any such settlements, and any such crediting of dividends or dividend equivalents or reinvestment in Shares, may be subject to such conditions, restrictions and contingencies as the Committee shall establish, including the reinvestment of such credited amounts in Share equivalents.

(iii)Restrictions.    Any such Award shall be subject to such conditions, restrictions and contingencies as the Committee may impose (including, without limitation, any limitation on the right to vote Restricted Stock or the right to receive any dividend or other right or property), which may lapse separately or in combination at such time or times, as the Committee may deem appropriate, provided that in order for a Participant to vest in Awards of Restricted Stock or Restricted Stock Units, the Participant must remain in the employ of Olin or an Affiliate for a period of not less than one (1) year after the grant of Restricted Stock or Restricted Stock Units that includes one or more performance criteria, and not less than three (3) years after the grant of Restricted Stock or Restricted Stock Units that does not include one or more performance criteria, in each case subject to Section 9 hereof and subject to relief for specified reasons as may be approved by the Committee. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Committee may grant Restricted Stock or Restricted Stock Units for an aggregate number of Shares not to exceed 5% of the total number of shares available for issuance under this Plan which vest in less than one (1) year after the date of grant, including immediate vesting, with or without any performance criteria.

(iv)Forfeiture.    Except as otherwise determined by the Committee or as specified in the relevant Award Agreement, upon termination of employment for any reason during the applicable restriction period, all Shares of Restricted Stock still subject to restriction shall be forfeited and reacquired by Olin.


(v)Performance-Based Awards.    The Committee may designate whether any such Awards being granted to a Participant are intended to be Performance-Based Compensation. Any Award so designated shall be conditioned on the achievement of one or more performance measures. Performance measures that may be used by the Committee for such purpose shall be based on one or more of the following criteria, on an absolute or a relative basis:

(A)cash flow (including, but not limited to, operating cash flow, free cash flow, cash flow return on equity, and cash flow return on investment),

(B)earnings per share,



Economic Value Added/EVA®,



Net income, or net earnings (before or after taxes),


 (F)·net sales or revenue growth,

Operating profit,



Pre-tax profit,


 (H)·pre-tax profit,

Return on capital,


 (I)·return measures (including, but not limited to, return

Return on assets, net assets, capital, invested capital, equity, sales or revenues),



Return on net assets,


 (K)·productivity ratios,



 (L)·share price (including, but not limited to, growth measures and total shareholder return),

 (M)expense targets,

Total shareholder return,

(N)margins (including, but not limited to, gross and operating margins),

(O)operating efficiency,

(P)market share,

(Q)customer satisfaction, and

(R)working capital targets and changes in working capital.


For Awards intendedprovided such designation would not subject any Incentive Award to be Performance-Based Compensation, the grantSection 162(m).

“Section 162(m)” shall mean Section 162(m) of the AwardsInternal Revenue Code of 1986, and the establishmentregulations promulgated thereunder, all as amended from time to time.

“Section 409A” shall mean Section 409A of the performance measuresInternal Revenue Code of 1986 and the regulations promulgated thereunder, all as amended from time to time.

Section 3.        Term.        The Plan, as amended, shall be made duringapplicable for all future fiscal years of the period required under CodeCompany unless amended or terminated by the Company pursuant to Section 162(m) and in accordance with Code Section 409A to the extent applicable.7.


(d)Forms of Payment Under Awards.    Subject to the terms of the Plan and of any applicable Award Agreement, payments to be made by Olin or an Affiliate upon the grant, exercise, or payment of an Award may be made in such form or forms as the Committee shall determine, including, without limitation, cash, Shares, other securities, other Awards, or other property or any combination thereof, and may be made in a single payment or transfer, in each case in accordance with rules and procedures established by the Committee and in accordance with Code Section 409A to the extent applicable. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the payment of the exercise price of an Option shall be subject to the following:

Section 4.        Incentive Award.


(i) Subject4.1        For each fiscal year of the Company, each Participant may be entitled to the following provisions of this subsection the full exercise price for Shares purchased upon the exercise of any Option shall be paid at the time of such exercise (except that,receive an award payable in the case ofcash (“Incentive Award”) in an exercise arrangement approvedamount determined by the Committee as provided in this Plan. On or before March 30 of such fiscal year (or such later date, if any, as permitted by Section 162(m)), for the Incentive Awards for such fiscal year, the Committee will designate or approve (i) the individuals who will be Participants in the Plan, if any, (ii) the Performance Measures, (iii) if there is more than one Performance Measure, the weighting of the Performance Measures in determining the Incentive Award, (iv) the performance goals and described below, payment may be made as soon as practicable afterpayout matrix or formula for each Performance Measure, and (v) the exercise).

incentive standard award (the cash component of a Participant’s total targeted compensation tied to the Performance Measures) for each Participant. Following the end of the fiscal year, the Committee shall determine the Incentive Award for each Participant based upon the payout matrix or formula for each Performance Measure designated, applying the pre-determined weighting for each Performance Measure, if more than one.



(ii) The exercise price shall be payableNotwithstanding anything contained in cash or by tendering, by either actual delivery of Shares or by attestation, Shares acceptablethis Plan to the Committee, which Shares were either acquired at least six months before the exercise date or purchased on the open market, and valued at Fair Market Value as of the day of exercise, or in any combination thereof, as determined by the Committee.

(iii) The Committee may permit a Participant to elect to pay the exercise price upon the exercise of an Option by irrevocably authorizing a third party to sell Shares (or a sufficient portion of the Shares) acquired upon exercise of an Option and remit to Olin a sufficient portion of the sale proceeds to pay the entire exercise price and any tax withholding resulting from such exercise.

(e)Limits on Transfer of Awards.    No Award (other than Released Securities) or right thereunder shall be assignable or transferable by a Participant, other than:

(i) by will or the laws of descent and distribution (or, in the case of an Award of Restricted Securities, to Olin); or

(ii) in the case of Awards other than Incentive Stock Options, to the extent permitted under the terms of the Award, by a gift or domestic relations order to any Family Member, to a trust in which the Participant and/or his or her Family Members hold more than 50% of the beneficial interest, to a foundation in which the Participant and/or Family Members control the management of assets, and any other entity in which the Participant and/or his or her Family Members own more than 50% of the voting interests.

For purposes of this provision, a transfer to an entity in exchange for an interest in that entity shall constitute a gift.


(i)No Cash Consideration for Awards.    Participants shall not be required to make any cash payment for the granting of an Award except for such minimum consideration as may be required by applicable law.

(ii)Awards May Be Granted Separately or Together.    Awards may be granted either alone or in addition to, in tandem with, or in substitution for any other Award or any award or benefit granted under any other plan or arrangement of Olin or any Affiliate, or as payment for or to assure payment of an award or benefit granted under any such other such plan or arrangement, provided that the purchase or exercise price under an Option or other Award encompassing the right to purchase Shares shall not be reduced by the cancellation of such Award and the substitution of another Award. Awards so granted may be granted either at the same time as or at a different time from the grant of such other Awards or awards or benefits.

(iii)General Restrictions.    Delivery of Shares or other amounts under the Plan shall be subject to the following:

(A) Notwithstanding any other provision of the Plan, Olin shall have no liability to deliver any Shares under the Plan or make any other distribution of benefits under the Plan unless such delivery or distribution would comply with all applicable laws (including, without limitation, the requirements of the Securities Act of 1933), and the applicable requirements of any securities exchange or similar entity.

(B) To the extent that the Plan provides for issuance of stock certificates to reflect the issuance of Shares the issuance may be effected on a non-certificated basis, to the extent not prohibited by applicable law or the applicable rules of any stock exchange.

(iv)Beneficiary.    A Participant may, in the manner established by the Committee, designate a beneficiary or beneficiaries with respect to any Award to exercise the rights of the


Participant, and to receive any property distributable, upon the death of the Participant. Each Award, and each right under any Award, shall be exercisable, during the Participant’s lifetime, only by the Participant or a permitted transferee, or, if permissible under applicable law by the Participant’s guardian or legal representative.

(v)No Lien or Security Interest.    No Award (other than Released Securities), and no right under any such Award, may be pledged, attached or otherwise encumbered other than in favor of Olin, and any purported pledge, attachment, or encumbrance thereof other than in favor of Olin shall be void and unenforceable against Olin or any Affiliate.

(vi)No Rights to Awards.    No Employee, Participant or other Person shall have any claim to be granted an Award, and there is no obligation for uniformity of treatment of Employees, Participants or beneficiaries of Awards under the Plan. The terms and conditions of Awards need not be the same with respect to each recipient. The prospective recipient of any Award under the Plan shall not, with respect to such Award, be deemed to have become a Participant, or to have any rights with respect to such Award, until and unless such recipient shall have executed an agreement or other instrument accepting the Award required by the Committee and delivered a fully executed copy thereof to Olin, and otherwise complied with the then applicable terms and conditions.

(vii)Withholding.    All distributions under the Plan are subject to withholding of all applicable taxes, and, except as otherwise provided by the Committee, the delivery of any Shares or other benefits under the Plan to a Participant are conditioned on satisfaction of the applicable withholding requirements. With respect to withholding required upon the exercise of Options or SARs, upon the lapse of restrictions on Restricted Stock and Restricted Stock Units, or upon the achievement of performance goals related to Performance Shares, or any other taxable event arising as a result of an Award granted hereunder, Participants may elect, subject to the approval of the Committee, to satisfy the withholding requirement, in whole or in part, by having Olin withhold Shares having a Fair Market Value on the date the tax is to be determined equal to the minimum statutory total tax that could be imposed on the transaction. All such elections shall be irrevocable, made in writing, and signed by the Participant, and shall be subject to any restrictions or limitations thatcontrary, the Committee in its sole discretion may reduce any Incentive Award paid to any Participant to any amount, including zero, prior to the certification by resolution of the Committee of the amount of such Incentive Award.

As a condition to the right of a Participant to receive an Incentive Award, the Committee shall first certify by resolution of the Committee, that the Incentive Award has been determined in accordance with the provisions of this Plan.

Incentive Awards for each fiscal year shall be determined as soon as practicable after such fiscal year and shall be paid no later than the 15th day of the third month following the fiscal year. The maximum Incentive Award paid to a Participant under this Plan with respect to a fiscal year may not exceed 200% of such Participant’s annual base salary in effect on the first day of such fiscal year.

4.2        A Participant whose employment terminates with cause or without the Committee’s written consent during a fiscal year shall forfeit such Participant’s Incentive Award for such fiscal year.

4.3        Incentive Awards shall be payable in a single lump sum.

4.4        The Company shall withhold from any Incentive Award or payments made or to be made under this Plan any amount of withholding taxes due in respect of an Incentive Award.

4.5        Participation in this Plan does not exclude Participants from participation in any other benefit or compensation plans or arrangements of the Company, including other bonus or incentive plans.

Section 5.        Administration and Interpretation.    The Plan shall be administered by the Committee, which shall have the sole authority to make rules and regulations for the administration of the Plan. The interpretations and decisions of the Committee with regard to the Plan shall be final and conclusive. The Committee may request advice or assistance or employ such persons (including, without limitation, legal counsel and accountants) as it deems appropriate.necessary for the proper administration of the Plan.

Section 6.        Administrative Expenses.  Any expense incurred in the administration of the Plan shall be borne by the Company out of its general funds.


(viii)Section 7.        Other Compensation ArrangementsAmendment or Termination.  NothingThe Committee of the Company may from time to time amend the Plan in any respect or terminate the Plan in whole or in part, provided that no such action shall increase the amount of any Incentive Award for which performance goals have been established but which has not yet been earned or paid; provided further that such action will not cause an Incentive Award to become subject to the deduction limitations contained in the Plan shall prevent Olin or any Affiliate from adopting or continuing in effect other or additional compensation arrangements, and such arrangements may be either generally applicable or applicable only in specific cases.Section 162(m).


(ix)Section 8.        No Assignment.  The rights hereunder, including without limitation rights to receive an Incentive Award, shall not be pledged, assigned, transferred, encumbered or hypothecated by an employee of the Company, and during the lifetime of any Participant any payment of an Incentive Award shall be payable only to such Participant.

Section 9.        The Company.  For purposes of this Plan, the “Company” shall include the successors and assigns of the Company, and this Plan shall be binding on any corporation or other person with which the Company is merged or consolidated.

Section 10.        Stockholder Approval.  This Plan, as then amended, was re-approved by the stockholders of the Company in April 2005, and such stockholder approval was a condition to the right of a Participant to receive any benefits hereunder for any fiscal year beginning after such meeting date.

Section 11.        No Right to Employment.  The designation of an employee as a Participant or grant of an Incentive Award shall not be construed as giving a Participant the right to be retained in the employ of Olinthe Company or any Affiliate. Nothing in the Planaffiliate or any Award Agreement shall limit the right of Olin or an Affiliate at any time to dismiss a Participant from employment, free from any liability or any claim under the Plan or the Award Agreement.subsidiary.


(x)Section 12.        Governing Law.  The validity, construction and effect of the Plan and any rules and regulations relating to the Plan shall be determined in accordance with the laws of the State of Missouri excluding any conflicts or choice of law rule or principle that might otherwise refer construction or interpretation of this Plan or any Award Agreement to the substantive law of another jurisdiction.and applicable federal law.


(xi)Severability.    If any provision of the Plan or any Award is determined to be invalid, illegal or unenforceable, or as to any Person or Award, or would disqualify the Plan or any Award, such provision shall be construed or deemed amended to conform to applicable laws, or, if it cannot be so construed or deemed amended without, in the determination of the


Committee, materially altering the intent of the Plan or the Award, such provision shall be stricken as to such Person or Award, and the remainder of the Plan and any such Award shall remain in full force and effect.

(xii)Section 13.        No Trust or Fund Created.  Neither the Plan nor any Incentive Award shall create or be construed to create a trust or separate fund of any kind or a fiduciary relationship between Olinthe Company or any Affiliate and a Participant or any other Person.Participant. To the extent that any PersonParticipant acquires a right to receive payments from Olin orthe Company in respect to any Affiliate pursuant to anIncentive Award, such right shall be no greater than the right of any unsecured general creditor of Olin or any Affiliate.the Company.


(xiii)Section 14.        No Fractional SharesSection 162(m) and Section 409A.  No fractional Shares shall be issued or delivered pursuant toIt is the Plan or any Award, andintention of the Committee shall determine whether cash, other securities or other property shall be paid or transferred in lieu of any fractional Shares, or whether such fractional Shares or any rights thereto shall be canceled, terminated or otherwise eliminated.

(xiv)Share Certificates.    All certificates for Shares or other securities deliveredCompany that all payments made under the Plan pursuantbe excluded from the deduction limitations contained in Section 162(m). Therefore, if any Plan provision is found not to any Award orbe in compliance with the exercise thereof“performance-based” compensation exception contained in Section 162(m), that provision shall be subject to such stop transfer orders and other restrictions as the Committee may deem advisable underdeemed amended so that the Plan ordoes so comply to the rules, regulationsextent permitted by law and other requirements of the Securities and Exchange Commission, any stock exchange upon which such Shares or other securities are then listed, and any applicable Federal or state securities laws, and the Committee may cause a legend or legends to be put on any such certificates to make appropriate reference to such restrictions.

(xv)Award Agreement.    The terms of any plan or guideline adopteddeemed advisable by the Committee, and applicable to an Awardin all events the Plan shall be deemed incorporatedconstrued in and a partfavor of its meeting the related Award Agreement. The Committee may provide for“performance-based” compensation exception contained in Section 162(m).

To the use of electronic, internet or other non-paper Award Agreements, and the use of electronic, internet or other non-paper means for the Participant’s acceptance of, or actions under, an Award Agreement. In the event ofextent any inconsistency or conflict between the termsprovision of the Plan or action by the Committee would subject any Participant to liability for interest or additional taxes under Section 409A, it will be deemed null and an Award Agreement,void, to the terms ofextent permitted by law and deemed advisable by the Committee. It is intended that the Plan will be exempt from Section 409A, and the Plan shall govern.

(g)Agreement to Service.    Each Participant receiving an Award shall, by accepting the Award, agree that he or she will, during employment, devote his or her entire time, energy and skill to the service of Olin and the promotion of its interests, subject to vacations, sick leave and other absences in accordance with the regular policies of, or other reasons satisfactory to, Olin and its Affiliates.

be interpreted and construed on a basis consistent with such intent. The Plan may be amended in any respect deemed necessary (including retroactively) by the Committee in order to preserve exemption from Section 7.Amendment409A. The preceding shall not be construed as a guarantee of any particular tax effect for Plan payments. A Participant is solely responsible and Termination.

(a)Amendments to the Plan.    The Committee may amend, suspend, discontinue or terminate the Plan, including, without limitation, any amendment, suspension, discontinuation or termination that would impair the rights of any Participant, or any other holder or beneficiary of any Award theretofore granted, without the consent of any shareholder, Participant, other holder or beneficiary of an Award, or other Person; provided, however, that, notwithstanding any other provision of the Plan or any Award Agreement, without the approval of the shareholders of Olin, no such amendment, suspension, discontinuation or termination shall be made that would:

(i) increaseliable for the total numbersatisfaction of Shares available for Awardsall taxes and penalties that may be imposed on such person in connection with any distributions to such person under the Plan (including any taxes and penalties under Section 409A), and the Company shall have no obligation to indemnify or the total number of Shares subject to oneotherwise hold a Participant harmless from any or more categories of Awards pursuant to Section 4(c), in either case except as provided in Section 4(b);

(ii) reduce the minimum Option exercise price, except as provided in Section 4(b); or

(iii) permit repricing of Options prohibited by Section 3(e); and


providedfurther that no amendment, suspension, discontinuation or termination (i) that would impair the rightsall of such Participant, holdertaxes or beneficiary shall be made with respect to Section 9 of the Plan after a Change in Control and (ii) may increase the amount of payment of any Award to any Participant.

(b)Amendments to Awards.    The Committee may waive any conditions or rights with respect to, or amend, alter, suspend, discontinue, or terminate, any unexercised Award theretofore granted, prospectively or retroactively, without the consent of any relevant Participant or holder or beneficiary of an Award, provided that no amendment, alteration, suspension, discontinuation or termination of an Award that would impair the rights of such Participant, holder or beneficiary shall be made after a Change in Control; provided further that the Committee may not increase the payment of any Award granted any Participant.

(c)Adjustments of Awards Upon Certain Acquisitions.    In the event Olin or any Affiliate shall assume outstanding employee awards or the right or obligation to make future such awards in connection with the acquisition of another business or another Person, the Committee may make such adjustments, not inconsistent with the terms of the Plan, in the terms of Awards as it shall deem appropriate.

(d)Adjustments of Awards Upon the Occurrence of Certain Unusual or Nonrecurring Events.    The Committee may make adjustments in the terms and conditions of Awards in recognition of unusual or nonrecurring events (including, without limitation, the events described in Section 4(b) hereof) affecting Olin, any Affiliate, or the financial statements of Olin or any Affiliate, or of changes in applicable laws, regulations, or accounting principles, whenever the Committee determines that such adjustments are appropriate in order to prevent dilution or enlargement of the benefits to be made available under the Plan.

(e)409A Compliance.    To the extent any provision of the Plan (or any Award) or action by the Board or Committee would subject any Participant to liability for interest or additional taxes under Code Section 409A(a)(1)(B), it will be deemed null and void, to the extent permitted by law and deemed advisable by the Committee. It is intended that the Plan (and any Award) will comply with Code Section 409A, and the Plan (and any Award) shall be interpreted and construed on a basis consistent with such intent. The Plan (and any Award) may be amended in any respect deemed necessary (including retroactively) by the Committee in order to preserve compliance with Code Section 409A. The preceding shall not be construed as a guarantee of any particular tax effect for Plan benefits or Awards. A Participant (or beneficiary) is solely responsible and liable for the satisfaction of all taxes and penalties that may be imposed on the Participant (or beneficiary) in connection with any distributions to such Participant (or beneficiary) under the Plan (including any taxes and penalties under Code Section 409A), and neither Olin nor any Affiliate shall have any obligation to indemnify or otherwise hold a Participant (or beneficiary) harmless from any or all of such taxes or penalties.

Section 8.Additional Conditions to Enjoyment of Awards.

(a)The Committee may cancel any unexpired, unpaid or deferred Awards if at any time the Participant is not in compliance with all applicable provisions of the Award Agreement, the Plan and the following conditions:

(i) A Participant shall not render services for any Person or engage, directly or indirectly, in any business which, in the judgment of the Committee is or becomes competitive with Olin or any Affiliate, or which is or becomes otherwise prejudicial to or in conflict with the interests of Olin or any Affiliate. Such judgment shall be based on the Participant’s positions and responsibilities while employed by Olin or an Affiliate, the Participant’s post employment responsibilities and position with the other Person or business, the extent of past, current and


potential competition or conflict between Olin or an Affiliate and the other Person or business, the effect on customers, suppliers and competitors of the Participant’s assuming the post employment position, the guidelines established in any ethical or business conduct standards of Olin then in effect, and such other considerations as are deemed relevant given the applicable facts and circumstances. The Participant shall be free, however, to purchase as an investment or otherwise, stock or other securities of such Person or business so long as they are listed upon a recognized securities exchange or traded over the counter, and such investment does not represent a substantial investment to the Participant or a greater than 1% equity interest in the organization or business.

(ii) Participant shall not, without prior written authorization from Olin, disclose to anyone outside Olin, or use in other than Olin’s business, any secret or confidential information, knowledge or data, relating to the business of Olin or an Affiliate in violation of his or her agreement with Olin or the Affiliate.

(iii) A Participant, pursuant to his or her agreement with Olin or an Affiliate, shall disclose promptly and assign to Olin or the Affiliate all right, title and interest in any invention or idea, patentable or not, made or conceived by the Participant during employment by Olin or the Affiliate, relating in any manner to the actual or anticipated business, research or development work of Olin or the Affiliate and shall do anything reasonably necessary to enable Olin or the Affiliate to secure a patent where appropriate in the United States and in foreign countries.

(b)Notwithstanding any other provision of the Plan, the Committee in its sole discretion may cancel any Award at any time prior to the exercise thereof, if the employment of the Participant shall be terminated, other than by reason of death, unless the conditions in this Section 8 are met.

(c)Failure to comply with the conditions of this Section 8 prior to, or during the six months after, any exercise, payment or delivery pursuant to an Award shall cause the exercise, payment or delivery to be rescinded. Olin shall notify the Participant in writing of any such rescission within two years after such exercise payment or delivery and within 10 days after receiving such notice, the Participant shall pay to Olin the amount of any gain realized or payment received as a result of the exercise, payment or delivery rescinded. Such payment shall be made either in cash or by returning to Olin the number of Shares that the Participant received in connection with the rescinded exercise, payment or delivery.

(d)Upon exercise, payment or delivery pursuant to an Award, the Committee may require the Participant to acknowledge the terms and conditions of the Plan and to certify on a form acceptable to the Committee, that he or she is in compliance with the terms and conditions of the Plan.

(e)Nothing herein shall be interpreted to limit the obligations of a Participant under his or her employment agreement or any other agreement with Olin.

Section 9.Change in Control.

(a)Notwithstanding any provision to the contrary in this Plan or any applicable Award Agreement and except as otherwise provided in this Section 9, all outstanding Options, Restricted Stock and other equity Awards held by Participant (other than any Performance Shares), regardless of whether granted before, at or after the Change in Control, shall not automatically become fully vested and immediately exercisable and, instead, each such Award shall continue to vest in accordance with its terms following a Change in Control.


(b)Except as the Board or the Committee may expressly provide otherwise prior to a Change in Control, in the event of a Qualifying Termination upon or following a Change in Control:

(i) all Options and Stock Appreciation Rights then outstanding shall become immediately and fully exercisable, notwithstanding any provision therein for the exercise in installments; and

(ii) all restrictions and conditions of all Restricted Stock then outstanding shall be deemed satisfied as of the date of the Qualifying Termination.

Notwithstanding the foregoing sentence, unless provision is made in connection with a Change in Control for (i) assumption of such Awards or (ii) substitution of such Awards for new awards covering stock of a successor corporation or its “parent corporation” (as defined in Section 424(e) of the Code) or “subsidiary corporation” (as defined in Section 424(f) of the Code) with appropriate adjustments as to the number and kinds of shares and exercise prices (if applicable) that preserve the material terms and conditions of such Awards as in effect immediately prior to the Change in Control (including, without limitation, with respect to the vesting schedules, the intrinsic value of the Awards as of the Change in Control and transferability of the shares underlying such Awards), all such Awards shall become fully vested and immediately exercisable, as the case may be, as of immediately prior to the Change in Control.

(c)Notwithstanding anything in this Plan to the contrary, all Performance Shares held by the Participant on the date of the Change in Control shall become vested and deemed earned or satisfied in full, notwithstanding that the applicable performance cycle, retention cycle or restriction conditions shall not have been completed or met. Such Performance Shares shall be paid, cash units in cash and phantom stock units in the Shares represented thereby or such other securities, property or cash as may be deliverable in respect of Shares as a result of a Change in Control, to the Participant no later than ten (10) business days following such Change in Control.

(d)In the event that a Participant participates or agrees to participate by loan or equity investment (other than through ownership of less than 1% of publicly traded securities of another company) in a transaction which would result in an event described in subsections (i) or (ii) of the definition of Change in Control, Participant must promptly disclose such participation or agreement to Olin, and such transaction will not be considered a Change in Control with respect to Participant for purposes of this Plan.

(e)Following a Change in Control, no action shall be taken under the Plan that will cause any Award that has previously been determined to be (or is determined to be) subject to Code Section 409A to fail to comply in any respect with Code Section 409A without the written consent of Participant.

Section 10.Effective Date and Term.

The Plan shall be effective as of the Effective Date and shall be unlimited in duration. In the event of a Plan termination, the Plan shall remain in effect as long as any Awards under it are outstanding; provided; however, that, to the extent required by the Code, no Incentive Stock Option may be granted under the Plan on a date that is more than ten years from the date the Plan is adopted.





Thursday, April 24, 201423, 2015

8:30 a.m. Central Time


190 Carondelet Plaza

Ninth Floor, Room 9-H

Clayton, MO 63105

You can view the Annual Report on Form 10-K for 20132014 and 20142015 Proxy Statement on the Internet at:


If you plan to attend the Annual Meeting, please mark the box on the proxy and bring this card,

which will serve as your Admission Card, to the meeting.



Olin Corporation

190 Carondelet Plaza, Suite 1530

Clayton, Missouri 63105



This proxy is solicited by the Board of Directors for use at the Annual Meeting on April 24, 2014.23, 2015.

The shares of Olin Common Stock you hold in your account or in a dividend reinvestment account will be voted as you specify on the reverse side. This card also provides confidential voting instructions for shares held in the Olin Corporation Contributing Employee Ownership Plan (CEOP). If you are a participant and have shares of Olin Common Stock allocated to your CEOP account, please read the Trustee’s Authorization below regarding voting of those shares.

If no choice is specified, the proxy will be voted “FOR” each of the listed nominees and “FOR” Items 2, 3 and 4 and “AGAINST” Item 5.4.

By signing the proxy, you revoke all prior proxies and appoint RANDALL W. LARRIMORERICHARD M. ROMPALA and PHILIP J. SCHULZ,JOSEPH D. RUPP, and each of them with full power of substitution, to vote your shares on the matters shown on the reverse side and any other matters which may come before the Annual Meeting to be held on April 24, 201423, 2015 at 8:30 a.m. Central Time and all adjournments or postponements thereof.

Trustee’s Authorization: As a named fiduciary, you may direct INGVoya National Trust, as Trustee of the CEOP, how to vote the shares of Olin Common Stock allocated to your CEOP account on the fivethree matters listed on the reverse side by completing and mailing this Proxy/Voting Instruction Form or providingsending your voting instructions via telephone or Internet. The TrusteesTrustee will vote the shares represented by this Proxy/Voting Instruction Form as instructed if proper instructions are received before 11:59 p.m. Central Time on April 22, 2014.20, 2015. The TrusteesTrustee will vote all shares for which no instructions are received in the same proportion as shares for which they receiveit receives instructions.

See reverse for voting instructions.



Shareowner Services

c/o Wells Fargo

P.O. Box 64945

St. Paul, MN 55164-0945




Vote by Internet, Telephone or Mail

24 Hours a Day, 7 Days a Week

Your telephone or Internet vote authorizes the named proxies to vote your shares in the same manner as if you marked, signed and returned your proxy card.




INTERNET– www.proxypush.com/oln

Use the Internet to vote your proxy until 11:59 p.m. (CT) on April 23, 2014.22, 2015. CEOP participants may vote until 11:59 p.m. (CT) on April 22, 2014.20, 2015.





Use a touch-tone telephone to vote your proxy until 11:59 p.m. (CT) on April 23, 2014.22, 2015. CEOP participants may vote until 11:59 p.m. (CT) on April 22, 2014.20, 2015.




MAIL– Mark, sign and date your proxy card and return it in the postage-paid envelope provided.

  If you vote your proxy by Internet or by telephone, you do NOT need to mail back your Proxy Card.



LOGOLOGO     Please detach here    LOGOLOGO




The Board of Directors Recommends a Vote FOR each of the listed nominees and FOR Items 2, 3 and 4 and AGAINST Item 5.4.

 1.  Election of directors:  FOR  AGAINST  ABSTAIN    FOR  AGAINST ABSTAIN   
  01 Gray G. BenoistDonald W. Bogus  ¨  ¨  ¨  

03 Joseph D. RuppVincent J. Smith


  ¨  ¨ ¨   
  02 Richard M. RompalaPhilip J. Schulz  ¨  ¨  ¨          
2.  Approval of the 2014 Long TermAmended and Restated Olin Senior Management Incentive Compensation Plan and performance measures pursuant to Section 162(m) of the Internal Revenue Code. ¨  For ¨  Against ¨  Abstain  
3.  Advisory vote to approve named executive officer compensation. ¨  For ¨  Against ¨  Abstain  
4.  Ratification of appointment of independent registered public accounting firm. ¨  For ¨  Against ¨  Abstain  
5.Shareholder proposal regarding disclosure of lobbying and political spending.¨For¨Against¨Abstain




 ¨     Please mark this box if you plan to attend the meeting.            
        Address Change? Mark box, sign, and indicate changes below:    ¨   Date 




    Signature(s) in Box          

Please sign exactly as your name(s) appears on Proxy. If held in joint tenancy, all persons should sign. Trustees, administrators, etc., should include title and authority. Corporations should provide full name of corporation and title of authorized officer signing the Proxy.